Friday, July 19, 2013

Bravo President Obama. Today You became a Black Man in America.

I'm still abuzz over President Obama's speech today.

First because he admitted what so many Black Men know too well and often complain to deaf ears of others...
There is a stigma of FEAR and Distrust of Black Dominant Men in the eyes of others who have their own personal impression of them in general.
THAT in it's self was the most HONEST and Truthful statement I have heard ANY politician ever admit!
And He admitted that the Legal system is unfairly tilted towards THAT stigma of Black Dominant Men and it NEEDS to be reformed.

But what gets Me most of all is the APATHY from so many other non Black Men who want to debate the personal impression FROM a Black Male Perspective.

Maybe because just like American slavery, white people HATE to feel they too are to blame for something they inherited. Just like how some want to claim that race is not a issue and they WISH people would stop playing the race card.

But here was the President of this country admitting that he has been treated like Trayvon was treated in stores and on the streets of this country.

And THAT was monumental!

Because APATHY means...Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference. 2. Lack of emotion or feeling; impassiveness.

And THAT is bigorty and not just racism.

And this issue NEEDS to be honestly embraced by everyone.

Because it's not a black thing.
It's a Black Dominant Male thing.

And the most powerful black man in this country admitted it!

Now we can deal with it.
And not act like it is not a issue that effects all of us.
Especially being that this country was built on the backs of black male labor too.
The first Man to due for this country's freedom was a black man.
And Carter G Wilson was right!

We NEED a whole month to remember that Black Men and women are worth the same respect given to so many others so many other Americans claim made this country what it is to them.

Apathy is not a a act of pride.
Empathy is...

But THAT complicates everything now.
When the President of this country admits that BECAUSE of his color, he has been treated differently than others of other races.

And because so many Americans do not have to have empathy for minorities without questioning their own actions?

This has become a issue we all have to take too deep of a personal reflection of our own mentality.

Like Paula Dean...
She is not a racist.
She's a bigot with racist tendencies.
And she is not alone.

We as Americans have some soul searching to do.

And hearing President Obama admit that 35 years ago or so he was Trayvon Martin was a start...
