Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Pimpstyle RANT worth reading during Ramadan.

As a Black non Christian Man, I find the need to sometimes lash out at the ignorance of My own and how I too feel connected by default.

And for that reason I feel the need to leave this rant here and not out there in the world on front street.

Sometimes My people don't think about how their words they leave on public threads are gonna come off to the rest of the viewing world, or even care how or why.

This reverse "Coonery" many seem to be comfortable with expressing as a fine example of our race.

It aint like there are many like us in the world.
We have become the last genetic mutation of many others from our generations that made us just black.

And I don't mean that there is anything wrong with that because I was raised to believe that Black is beautiful.

But these negro's out here can't let go of their own bullshit fast enough to notice that everyone else in the world views all of us AS IS.

And THAT is the part that I hate the most.
And hate is a very powerful word.

And if there is ONE thing that black folks can admit if they are at least worth shit is that we have to admit that all of us as a whole aint ready or even strong enough to see things from a world perspective and not a black American view point.

And every last one of us are very unique mutations of more other races and tribes of humans of the world that we are suffering from un-adapt-ability within this new found general populace of the world. And in this case it becomes even more complex because we are also kinky. (what ever that means)

But I'm not one of yall.

I keep trying to say that.
The ONLY thing most of us share in common is our skin color.

And THAT is how it is everywhere else in the world except in many urban areas and social realms in America.

But it pains Me to watch so many slip faster to exclude others of the same color at the drop of a hat and then bat a eye when they need to speak for their race just because...

If it all came down to a simple task of being forced into a broad category?

And you had to pick being just black or something else but that would mean that you had to stand with them or the black people?

More black folks would bail like they did with Obama's election.

It's a socially cultural issue.

Most black people talk as if they will never be faced with living abroad where their culture conflicts with your own and make that place your home. Let alone, be shown that others find you all more hip-o-critical just because in the BDSM mentality? Your or should I say OUR reality does not apply in a world perspective.

And many are now learning that back folks are so diverse that they will turn on each other faster than they can relate as a whole.

And if a black person admits the ugly truth of their own people in general or even statistically?

Some black person will make it their business to disown one of their own, and none of us are here to hang out with everyone. Most of us will never meet.

But Black people have been making Me sick of their sickness in masses.
Because they black asses aint trying to be a asset to their race.

And speaking of race?

*blank stare*

Who is it to say that black folks know the ONLY way to treat black folks better than they can do to each other honorably?

The ONE thing I will admit...

I may not say something that everyone will get with...
I may in fact say some shit that many will debate out of ignorance.
And there aint that many of us in these lifestyles anyway.

So on any given day I have to deal with some person of color coming out they mouth on some dumb shit like the shit I leave in print is some bullshit.
Just because from where they see it?
Something I say is some bullshit because they can't admit that they are as well read as I am enough to leave respect at the end of

Not that black folks are slow learners...

But Americans as a whole got this shit twisted.

From a world perspective.

Most black American people Have never traveled at least 10 thousand miles in their lifetime. And in most cases it was from one black cultural environment to another to visit family.

And our history is too vast for many of them to agree to compare history and not debate their own from what they have known all of their lives.

And just in case you forgot?

Some of us may be African Americans, but we are not Africans enough to have duel citizenship.

So few black people in this world are upper metaphysical thinkers just as every other race of people of the world.

I wish more people of color were conditioned enough to be able to relate more than debate just because you come from some culture that conflicts with the shit some other black person wrote.

Like this race shit...

Just because you can't get with some shit someone else is into?
Don't mean that you have to show your black asses in masses on some thread that fucked with your black mentality.

And too many black folks take shit others write personally.

And this shit is killing Me to not just have to see another sister or brother leave another example of reverse "Coonery" while they try to be seriously funny.

So in closing?

Making a long rant shorter than you would know...

The ONLY reason why I leave something from My viewpoint is just incase someone can take something that may make them grow.

Even if it makes no sense to someone.
If they are smart?

It should not matter what color you are.

But I am talking about black folks in general.

And POCs...

There is about a handful of any amount of us that can even be counted as the Kinky Americans.

That makes even minorities to small to even make a POC community.
But some of yall POCs be on some other shit.

But don't let THAT be the reason why too many of you are guilty of reverse "Coonery" than Me!

*evil stare*

I was raised Pro Black.
And child of very active parents in the civil rights movement and supporters of the Black Power Movement.

I gives a fuck about Kewl Points.

Not one damn word I typed was a lie.

I know My people better than most of them know themselves.

And I hate to have to admit it to too many of them around these
They aint listening to a damn thing I say.

#### "Niggers and flys, niggers and flies. How I despise niggers and flies. But the more I see niggers the more I like flies..."
The Last Poets?

I love black people.
Black people are Me.
But one thing black people are not ready for...

Black People are not ready for the revolution.


[first interview with Martin Luther King from 1957 part 2](
Watch the damn video.
*Pay attention to the white man on the right/left.*
How right were they when they planned to put all of us as Americans today?

If I have to be stuck in My faith during a time of prayer and fasting?
Because I want too.

I want to pray that there will come a day when more black people and people of color and of different faiths, will see further than their own noses.

And most of all I am gonna also pray that People of color will stop treating each other as if one or the other deserve less than the same respect they try to protect. Because that's all they know as who they are in this country.

Treat each other no less or no better than you would treat someone at face value of another color.

The miseducation of the Negro in America is proof enough that too many of us are not ready to deal with a different type of person of color having the same right to their opinion and the same honor to respect where they come from too. Even if it conflicts with you.

I love black folks too much to be forced to expect better from them.
And they don't understand what I'm talking about.
