Friday, December 21, 2012

The end of the community you wanted to be...

I'm thinking of the dynamic called community.
Not just the type you pick and choose.
But the kind of dynamic that has become so easy to use and abuse enough to rethink how we ALL respect the instinct called Community.
Like how right now Washington DC is talking about how we need Community support in our educational system more.
Like never before...
But what do you really know about being a community where you are right now more than you have been?
And why is what I'm talking about more of a personal problem for everyone including every one of you reading this.
Because I miss the dynamic I remember seeing called a community. 
And if this is the end of a era?
Let it be the end of each one of us trying to fool ourselves and everyone around us as to how we see our communities globally and not just locally.
Because these crack babies aint no different than these somebody's child.
And they all are gonna go wild if we let them.
But first...
We all have to be better communities.
And NOT locally.


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