Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Yahoo 360's TOS policy for terrorist

This is how I came to be who I am right now...

I started my blog with the picture up above and the subject started with how we all need a break from our kids and them from so many parents today.

And how we all need to get away and take a break to let your hair down and release.

And I stated that while everyone does not live for the weekend?

I was gonna use my time this weekend to research the planets and their changes that have been effecting all of us.

But expecially many of us on 360 who have been going through alot of "spooky kinda" changes that have been cause;n many of us to "evolve" kinda like the TV show "Hero's"

And how I felt that many of us on 360 seemed to be almost held capture in this enviorment

And how many of us have been effected by each other, the planetary changes due to the Myan Calandar comming to a end, and the possible manipulation by the powers that be in and over this Beta Project on Yahoo.

And how I knew that many of us were feeling as if they knew of some helpfull hints that may assist many of us this weekend. And if by chance that we had a chance to read some helpfull hints of warning and caution today... We may be able to prevent so many others who will end up by Monday or Tuesday posting some drama they wished they would not have gone through this weekend.

And I asked that if anyone was feeling me? Leave some comments that may be in their heads that may be a message to someone else. ( Kinda like the dude who get's messages from the Big Giant Head on 3rd Rock from the Sun show on TV)


I had another post I made on Humpday that was a bit out there. But nothing worth being deleted.

Per say.

And I stated that I would bet anyone that by monday alot of people will be posting some crazy drama they had this weekend and how they wished they knew not to do them if they had a hint that it was gonna be that much drama in their lives.

Well it's now Friday night and Saturday Moanin...

But my page was GONE by early afternoon friday. Almost a hour or two after I posted the blog.

And at first I thought that it was somebody hate'n and had reported me. I even considered someone so possible that I posted her URL as a possible terrorist.


She stated that she didn't.

But she did leave some negative energy on my page on the previous blog on humpday. And it was NOT a joke or a short post. As a matter of fact it was two comment post long full. And she spoke about sex without love and shit...


My shit got deleted

Over 300 post gone

Groups gone

Friends and contacts gone

And after speaking to my pops I realalized that there are more than just haters with profiles online. But also people who work to keep the masses ignorant and protect the mental stability of the new order.

Ok so what!

But to have my shit deleted just because they feared more people may awaken and realalise that we may be a bit more special than we want to be.

Well FUCK YOU assholes who are paid from our tax dallors to fuck with people.

And for the most part?

They all have the same bullshit stuck to their morality...

A disrespect for a Dominant Black Man who is a bit more gifted than they wish anyone to be at this point in the world order.


Fick you all

Because no matter what you do now?

Just because YOU made a bad choice as to who and how to fuck with us?

You may have sealed your fate comming soon

But this weekend is NOT a ordinary weekend either

Because NOBODY is even concerned at the fact that we have had 2 full moons this week and it has not been 7 days yet!

So now I have to start over to risk even this being deleted again by whoever out there who thinks they know what to fuck with just because they have a set of protocals that are not very clear.

And they are NOT equipted to understand who or what

So basicly

I have been considered disposable to some

And for that?

So may they be very soon in this new order and structure of what will be a new age for all of us.

And don't get me wrong!

I love my country

But I aint feeling their employees right now

And I wonder if anyone knows the possibilities of their actions?


And it's all their fault

And they will pay for my stress and loss of not just one page?

But a few more than I feel is fair to me.

And all the efforts I have made to try to inform and entertain

But everybody aint feeling wake'n up from this bullshit


But there is a big problem with the image and the respect given to Black men in general

And I will not tolerate anyone treating me as if I am expendable

Even if I die...I will make sure I use all I posses to fuck them back for sucking with me.

So now you know

I am now Mr Ez

But you can call me by my first name


And my last name


Because I will not tolerate anything less that respect

And I'm pissed!

Feel me?
Tags: angry

1 comment:

Alpha Master Pimp said...

That is why I now blog here too

But I have lost over 1000 published post on and around yahoo

And they are still use'n my blogs on the search engines...

But no content?

This is terrorism

And free internet is not free on yahoo

And Yahoo is racist...most of these people who have lost their accounts are black!

Do the research!