Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Respect goes both ways to be respect for both sides

Respect goes both ways to be respect for both sides

There was a quote that I remember that best explains my attitude and da-meaner...lol


If I have something to say or if I have a oppinion about something that effects me and others in my realm?

I'm NOT gonna hold back and listen to people jump around the truth for the need ot credibility

When I have had enough of back bite'n and bullshit rumors and people talking behind my back and being politicly correct in the public eye, when in private they got some foul shit to say about you?


I will respect you enough to bring it to your face. The same face that I too use on this Yahell 360

I will NOT act like gentleman about it. Because no gentleman would respect another for being sneaky in a inviorment that is too close and connected for shit not to come back to haunt you.

Now, I know that everybody aint like me.

Most would stoop to the sneaky tactics of smile'n in ones face while stabbing them every chance they get. And then act like they have had no sin?

Nope, I aint feelin it.

If my FATHER did or said some shit that was not cool about me?

I would be in his face too.

Because this is real life and a lifestyle

And I am not here to be your role model

And you dont have to like me

But when you dis-respect me too?
And act like aint been shit said and done in the recent past that was not respectable?

And then try to act like your shit don't stank just like the rest of us?

Sometimes my fingers move faster than my disgression

But sometimes you have to put it in the open, even if they don't want to do the same.

I will apologize to a point

But the point here is...

Yes, I have the word PIMP in my name

Yes, there was some bullshit that came with folks yellin at me on the phone like I was their bitch and challenging me to a duel in Mexico. All because they had no clear information of what was the issue. And the issue was NOT just my PIMP name. It was my swagger, my vibe, and my arival on their scen to hear some tell it.

And when I have to try to lower their volume in their presentation to me, out of dis-respect?

Yes... That shit sticks with me for a while. Because I treat everybody with a certain amount of respect. And sometimes I don't. But I don't stoop low enough to do offline character assination and then ACT like that shit didn't go too far all because of their integrity to the lifestyle or the respect of each party equally.

And yes...

I have heard my name in the mouths and advice in a not very resectfull way

Expecially when they don't know JACK SHIT about me enough to tell friends of mine some shit that they felt un-Ez about being in the middle of JUST BECAUSE THEY TOO wanted someone that was not considering anyone at all in the first place.

I can look over shit I hear when it comes from one person. But when you start to see others act as if I am a terrorist over someones parranoia?

I will bring it to them in the same venue they choose to put me into in a non attreactive way.

A woman will be a woman

And a man will be a man

And aint nobody gonna front about the thirsty manner many of these so called respectable folks act to others they don't know, just to get to know them better than others.

This aint no contest.

This is a adult lifestyle

With people of different cultures and mannerisms

And when someone does not agree with the image they portray ONLINE?

They act like their image is a real person

And that is some shallow shit

Even for a gentleman or a lady

Like I have always said



And when shit gets to a point that people act like I am a back stabber? I will show you the difference between your understandings of me and the real me.

I respect you enough to come to you directly and speak my mind.

And if you dont like it?

My apologies.

But we aint cartoon characters on some make believe internet site

We all are real people

And if you can't respect when other come to you and state how they have been treated by you and your folks?

You don;t have to like it

But if YOU ARE that talented in conflict resolution?

You can see where they are comming from too.

Even if it's personal

Because it is just as personal to them.

I have never got another's page deleted

And to think that someone thinks that I am of that caliber too?

Kinda shows what they are working with.

This is real

This is real life

And we all are real people

And we all deserve the same amount of respect

And as of late?

The online BDSM, kink, and freaks of the D/s lifestyle have been off the chain with catty rumors and alot of character assasinations and a freash gallon of HATERAID.

You aint got to like me

BUT You will respect me as you wish me to do you

(even if you don't feel your acts to be in question personally)

But I;m a grown ass man

I have subs in training that have to watch and hear this drama that too many of you so called sub-missives and Thirsty ass Doms who sneak behind your backs and try to corrupt your inviorment with their personaly morality and mental dysfunctions

And if I am the ONLY one who has to go off about all this bullshit?


( not bad for a so called wanna bee )

But where is this so called integity to own up to your own dirt too?

Don't let a PIMP remind you of the first blog you made after meeting that said PIMP


Can we all get along?

Fuck no!

I am not your kid

I am not your brother

I am not your bitch

I am a grown ass man in this lifestle respectfully

And I deserve more respect than I have got from many of you and your so called buddies

And I offered nothing but respect

And I got some bullshit for trusting someone to be as trustworthy as they advertise

But we all are human

We all are different


But to hear many of you old school lifestylers say it?

We should all act like yall?

I think not...

None of yall are saints

At least I can say I am a chest stabber and a Pimpish Nigga that will not tolerate anyone ( Dom or sub ) putting my name in their mouth and dont know shit about me.

To anyone

And if that is integrity?

Then SOMEBODY needs to teach what that word really means

Because the shit started is out here.

And the lifestyle in general suffers

All because of a PIMP named Sir Ez?


One thing I have learned on these streets..

If a person is fucked up in the head? They will do sneaky fucked up shit behind your back. And they will use every excuse other than the truth.

They have done some fucked up shit because they are a bit sub human than they want to believe.

And no matter how much money and power you claim to have will keep you from being a fucked up person.

And I don't have to proove shit to none of yall dysfunctional people

But the old folks used to say...

"If you aint got nothing good to say about somebody? Don't say shit!"

And some of you OLDER/younger people need to remember that the next time you gossip and spread rumors and bullshit about others you don't know.

Because you just don't represent your loins...you repersent the lifestyle in general as far as POC are concerned

And I can see why many People of less color don't think that many people in this lifestyle that are POC are real about the lifestyle in general.

So is this a black thang?


American Blacks and POC are some of the most shallow freaks on this earth

And they think that they shit don't stank

And always gossiping and spreading rumors and grouping up into smaller groups of dysfunctional people who tend to make the lifestyle for POC look kinda fucked up to others who watch this online drama spread from page to page.

And even if I look up to someone in this lifestyle for many other reasons

I will not let them effect my personal being and the lifestyle that I live by too.

So if you want to call me the boogie man Jr?

So what

You want to hate on my use of the word Pimp in my name?

THAT is your own personal issue

Because alot of these hoes, sluts, bitches, and sub-missives deserve more people that can get as dirty as they do...when they aint play'n D/s with a few thirsty negro's

I'm not here to impress anyone

I don;t need to proove anything to anyone

I am down for the people who are down with me

And all the rest are un important to me

Untill they cross the line again and act like they shit don't stank

There are too many people trusting too many people to always be respectable and respect is not in the creed of the D/s and BDSM lifestyle.

Just safe, sane, and consentual

And the way many of these freaks have been acting up online is shamefull

Yeah...these so called sub gangs and little kink cults are not teaching the masses

They are just picking who they want to fuck with and try'n to fuck over the others just because they don't know anything else better to do than to think that they can.

So just in case some of you people in question get a chance to read this long blog...(again)

Ask yourself

If your kids were watching all this onlin drama?

Who would they root for?

The back stabbin, fake respectable folks?

Or a chest stabbing PIMP who aint try'n to compete with none of yall

This lifestyle aint about being public

It's about being respectfull

And you can't ask for a respect you seldom give in return

And your groupies will get your ass in some drama

Won't they?

*wicked grin*


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