Friday, September 10, 2010

A public message to Laurence Fishburne. From 1 father to another

Dear Laurence Fishburne...

As a Father and a fan I would like to ask you to do something that may at first seem unquestionable personally but I believe in theory may shine I different light on the whole public issue between your daughter and her antics and career and Your emotional disgust at the manner that it has been handled so far.


Where ever You are now? SEND FOR YOUR CHILD. Just her, and if the young man she is seeing has the guts to show up with her, send for him with her. 
And the FISRT thing I think will be helpful is the first thing you do is give her a public hug and make sure the media knows you are not publicly disowning your child.

Try and invite her to a formal sit down and family chat. And in that chat understand that she is now a adult and all the things that have happened can not be changed. And admit that she has single handedly put her name and her image in a very large portion of the media's focus in a very short amount of time. And THEN I want you to offer her some help and assistance in being able to better control her image and her career PERSONALLY and Professionally. Even if that means going back to school and learning her craft or skill or whatever she see's fit.

Don't let anyone think that You are trying to BUY back her favor with You.
But consider this act of fatherly assistance a way of fixing the family image that is not really soiled that much if you look at it from a Grown Man's perspective. So make the haters your motivators as well as hers. And show her the ropes of the industry.

And most of all...

Please remember that right now Your little girl is fighting for some kind of identity. No matter how you may think it looks now. She has more people wishing she does better than people waiting for her to end up in the gutter somewhere because nobody would offer her assistance and advice and not take offense at what she feels "OK" with being seen as right now. She is still your little gurl stuck in this big world with a lot of KRUDDY friends that have no home training. And while it may be too late to teach morality you can mentor her street skills and accept her as a strong woman that may need better resources.

She must love you a whole lot to make this big of a scene to get your attention.

And I think we in the black community really want to see You and her turn this whole media circus around and shine like You have been shining and hustling your craft from a child to a proud father.

Remember all the women we have met that were just like her only they had less resources than she could have if she had a better Friend than a father right now...

But please...

Go get your child from the media hounds!
She needs some public relations help.
Right now.

And that could make up for all the things that made her feel she was in this word on her own...

And we need to see at least ONE MORE image of a strong Black Father who is not afraid of defending his child. No matter what she is trying to do...

What would Jesus do?
Luke 7:36-50

Hey Fish...
We go back to School Daze in ATL.

Wake up!


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