Friday, June 24, 2011

Fear, disgust and bigotry against Dominant Black Male images.

Case in point...

This article admits that there is a issue with how the air lines treated the Young Black Saggin Football player compared to how they treated the white cross dressing submissive man

At the time, an airline spokesperson said that while the airline “does not have a specific dress code …we do ask that our passengers dress in an appropriate manner to ensure the safety and comfort of all of our passengers.”

Maybe that pilot that got fired for admitting the TYPE of flight attendants they hire was right? And maybe the homosexual and grannies/women he complained about where the type of people who were more comfortable letting a white cross dresser fly while they had a issue with the more Dominant young black football player who was sagging in his pajamas.

In another article where the football player had a chance to tell his side of the story he states...

...But Marman refused to de-plane, and the situation escalated with Marman and the pilot, which resulted in the pilot making a citizen's arrest. Marman said, "I'm just like everybody else on this plane. I'm human, and the pilot said, 'No, you're not. You're not like everybody else.' "

The issue here was in the Pilots statement ** 'No, you're not. You're not like everybody else.' **

And as much as I would like to admit that I am uncomfortable with saggers, I have to admit that I'm not that much more comfortable with a man in full drag in public either.

So the question here is sexual polarity and race!

Who is judging who, and why?

Now this is NOT just about the "sagging" issue more than it's HOW the general public views Black Dominant male images in todays public realm.

There are many other examples of cases where some Dominant black Image has been treated differently than a more submissive or even openly homosexual or submissive male image.

This case will soon address this issue more I'm sure.
And just in case it does not?

I posted it here JUST to see how many of you will treat this subject.

So, what say you?

Do you think the public at larg is more willing to except more submissive homosexual or female images over the image of black Dominant males in general?



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