Friday, May 27, 2011

The Black church and culture MADE Eddie Long how his is right now.

He is the PRODUCT of the black ministry!

And yet Eddie Long stated that:
"the Bible mentions three sexual sins—fornication, adultery and homosexuality"

Stop Playing!

"Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel."
1 Corinthians 9:14

We ALL KNOW that the ministry teaches homophobia while many in the faith are conditioned to hide the truth.

And yet in this day and age we STILL allow the Christian structure to manipulate out morality.

And the Church would not let Eddie Long explain why and how they have allowed him to get away with the same thing he preached against.

"Do you not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar?"
1 Corinthians 9:13

And I'm NOT calling Eddie Long a fake teacher.

I'm calling him a PUNK for not breaking the cycle of ignorance in our community by being truthful.

"When this sex scandal broke last year members said they didn’t want to push the Bishop out until they knew all the details. Well now that he’s settled the case with the four victims, a growing group of church members say he needs to leave! A person close to the group says they believe his settlement means he’s guilty of sexually abusing the young men. They’re also claiming he settled to avoid talking about all the scandalous details in the case.
Meanwhile, Barbara Marschalk, who represents New Birth Missionary Baptist Church and LongFellows Youth Academy, tells the that she anticipates “the lawsuits will be dismissed, with prejudice, by close of business today.”

B.J. Bernstein, who reps the 4 men who sued the pastor says neither side would talk about the settlement terms but BMS is on the case!

Settlement talks weren’t going so well for Atlanta mega church leader until the $$ got better. BMS told ya weeks ago church members close to the Bishop Eddie Long sexual misconduct case say the young men were offered $4 million dollars to settle the sexual lawsuit. But as we told you they were holding out for a public apology until more money hit the table.

Long and his lawyers upped the offer WITH an apology behind closed doors only. The apology had been the sticking point in the past. Some of them wanted a public apology.

The young men had been demanding $20 million dollars from Long & the church. BMS has been told the guys settled for $15 million…that’s $3.6 million each. Depending on the fee arrangements with the lawyers – the boys lawyers could get up to 50% of the settlement. The young men will likely take home $1.3 million dollars each. BMS has also been told the insurance company likely paid up to $13 million dollars. So the church is likely out of $2 million dollars.

As you may recall, 4 young men sued Long, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church and the LongFellows Youth Academy alleging Long coerced them into having sexual relations. Long has admitted to hugging and giving the boys money, but he claims he did not rape them. Last year all parties agreed to mediation. An agreement keeps a lot of the dirt from being played out in court and a costly trial.

The one major obstacle had been some “type” of apology to the young men in public. Long we are told was furious and panicked at the possibility of apologizing to the young men in public. Two of the young men were holding out strongly for a public apology. Long’s people in the end won by getting them to accept a private apology behind closed doors and more money.

Should Bishop Eddie Long Resign? Should the congregation ask for his resignation? Should we try to heal and leave things as they are now?"

I can forgive someone who admits the truth.

But I can't stand anyone who will stand in your face and pass judgement on others to hide their own dysfunctions.

Thou shalt not lie...

But the real issue is WHY!

Why can no one in the Christian faith find any scripture in their faith that can explain why so many of them have homosexual tendencies and yet they ca find no excuse why they can stand before their flock and manipulate a truth that they live by in their own walk as a Christian?

Why can they not find any excuse for polyamory or communal living that allows more than a monogamous and heterosexual mindset in their faith as it is written and understood?

This is where I am at right now...

I believe that GOD made everyone.
GOD knows why.
And for that reason, anyone who is born with ANY sexual polarity is ONLY required to obey GODs wishes.
Respect GOD
Respect yourself
Respect others who respect you.

I believe that the union between people who are committed to each other is blessed by GOD.

No matter what your sexual polarity is or your moral beliefs are.
As long as you are respectful within your dynamic to each and everyone included in your committed relationship.

There is no sin.

Only GOD is the judge.

What people do in the privacy of their own homes is between them and GOD.

If your gonna be who you are?

Be proud in your faith.

You can not hide from GOD.
So what do so many of these people try to hide their true nature from others who may feel the same and not know how to deal with it?

But most importantly,

Don't be a Hypocrite!

hyp·o·crite/ˈhɪpəˌkrɪt/ noun
plural hyp·o·crites
[count] disapproving : a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs.


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