Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why are we NOT asking better questions about what is going on with our young adults?

I'm sure many of you have noticed that there has been a great deal of popularity in videotaping fights by young people and posting them for everyone to see as of late.

Some of that I'm sure we can chalk up to technology and the internet.
But with that curent trend there is no end to the amounts of videos of young women of color fighting other women and even men.

Now most see these videos and just blame the parents or the person who videotaped the clip. But I wonder why so few people not only notice, but begin to question what is really wrong with so many young women of color?

It's not hard to find some good examples...

[Like This One]


[Or This One]

And many more on this site and Youtube and facebook.

All trying to make you take a look.
And we do look.
And some comment.

[Like this One that makes everyone wish they could beat the parents and the people who filmed this clip]

But these massive amounts of shocking images of young POCs are only causing people to disown them more than cause a massive need to really notice that there is something very wrong with so many of our young adults to be. Especially young female POCs.

I didn't write this post just so we can shake our heads and more images of our shameful realities. More than start a dialog on what is really going on and is anyone claiming these red flags as a better need to pay attention to what is going on with out people.

This is much deeper than simple ignorance.

This is something else.

And these children don't care who's watching.
They just don't know how to deal with it civilly.

And we owe Many of them more than shame....

So the real question is...

Do you notice?
Wanna talk about it?


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