Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Depth of Bi Polarism and Sexuality, PART !

The Depth of Bi Polarism and Sexuality, PART ! magnify

I never write what you see to impress anyone

I use this forum as a scratch pad
Of different outlooks
That many loose sight of this forum being just a mere journal
In fiction

But for me
Life is stranger than fiction

And I am a Sadist
And a poet

So aint no tellin

So don't consider anything you read here to be personal
Or even up for debate
Because this is not about you
*wicked grin*
It is

There is a Persian saying, 'Until belief has changed to disbelief,
and, again, the disbelief into a belief, a man does not become a real

But when disbelief becomes a wall and stands against the
further penetration of mind into life, then it darkens the soul, for
there is no chance of further progress, and man's pride and
satisfaction in what he knows limit the scope of his vision.

"I am not here to become a role model to anyone here"

I just offer others a view of my public mindset
Free of charge

And some have paid the price
*sadistic grin*

For a simple diversion of their own pages of life
To visit this one

But if you dare stay?

Open your mind to the possibilities
Of life being stranger than fiction
And maybe a different way of seeing
May offer some comfort
In your own paths of life

I digress

I thought of where I should start this thread
And first I want to honor one of my subbies post
Of a subject we in my house are allowed to study deeper

Thanx Mlfd

Respecting Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

… with dysfunction

Song or vid Sex by Jamie Foxx

Any vice to excess is a bad thing

What are Y.your vices?



Prescription Drugs?

Non Prescription Drugs?








Are you an addict?

Has the need to find pleasure stimulants overshadowed living a LIFE?

What’s important to

Before E.everyone get mad at me.

The key word is “in excess”

What is addiction?



the condition of being addicted (to a habit) or of being an addict; specif. but not limited to the habitual use of narcotic drugs



Syn. dependence, habit, fixation, craving, compulsion, habituation, inclination, bent, enslavement, substance abuse, alcoholism, monkey on one's back*, jones*; see also habit 1, obsession.

Overcoming Addiction is especially difficult but trying to overcome addiction in addition to treating any other underlying disorder is extremely difficult without help. If there is an underlying disorder that goes untreated there is a great risk of a relapse.

And knowing is half the battle.

Doing something about your addictions and/or disorders is the other half of the battle.

This is War!

This is a Challenge!

How do meet your challenges?

Head On?

Or cower under a rock waiting for the White Knight or Dark Knight to save you. Or Dark Queen for those submissive males out there.

This is not the storybook i read at night.

There is no happy ending without HARD WORK!

And F.friends and cannot save

You gotta save yourself. You gotta acknowledge that there is a problem. No denial here.

W.we are all grown azz adults in these sexual styles of LIFE. And being an adult mean that you have to come to the realization of Y.your reality. Understand it. Accept it. Change it if cannot deal with it.

What do you wanna do with Your LIFE?

What do need to sustain You?

In moderation….. in moderation.

The past is the past. It will not change..

Past sorrows

Past regrets

Past addictions

Is just that.. The past.

W.we are in the here and now.

W.we are being productive for the future?

How are supporting?


No matter what?

How strong are

What do you stand for?

Or will fall for anything.

Addiction is a disease just like any underlying disorder and need to be treated seriously with a health professionals, family and friends support. But ultimately need to have the will to get up and walk on your own.

One myth about additions.

“You have to hit rock bottom to get help”

FALSE don’t have to lose Y.your job, family, friends, home to seek help. You just need to DO. Not only hope, wish, pray. Or worse wait for someone to help You.

Now I’m not preaching . I’m real. I’ve made mistakes.

But I tell you what. I learn from my mistakes. Even with this heard head.

An in the past two years I’ve learned that Your only savior is God and the self-willingness to DO. Better.

So I can say I have some experience in dealing with underlying disorders in addition to addiction.

Some underlying disorders that can cause to addiction relapse are …



Fear of LIFE changes

Fear of being lonely


And many more…..

And and F.friends should not feel helpless to help. But should not ENABLE as well. In many cases an addict must confront the origination or causes, of the underlying disorder not to fall into relapse.

Addictions are in part caused by some childhood drama trauma not dealth with. Addictions are also in part caused by the brain need to counter balance the low levels of dopamine brought on by many different stressors in the LIFE as an adult.



5d(ihydr)o(xy)p(henyl) + AMINE6 an amine, C8H11NO2, that is an intermediate biochemical product in the synthesis of norepinephrine, epinephrine, and melanin, and is a neurotransmitter

Addiction is the most PREVENTABLE cause of premature death in the US.

Alcohol is the most documented form of addiction but the theory with any vice (drug or stimulant) is the same.

The initial primary goal of an addict is to escape stressors in Y.your LIFE.

But how does an addict become addicted?

Seeking pleasure stimulants in excess.

brain wave

1 any of a series of rhythmic electric impulses given off by nerve centers in the brain: they produce oscillations on an electroencephalogram and are usually measured during rest

Types of Addict brain waves

Alpha brain wave activity – The feeling of being relaxed or High

Beta brain wave activity – feelings of being alert and stimulated

Theta brain waive activity – feeling of being sleepy

Alpha and Beta brain waves are dominated or amplified. This is the first step of addiction. The need for ZERO (0) anxiety. The pleasure seeking need in excess.

Now every Addict is different because tolerance levels are different from person to person. But it starts with the first drink or the first bottle at one sitting. The feeling of pleasure comes from the body balancing and exceeding the naturally produced dopamine levels in the body. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter.



a biochemical substance, as acetylcholine or norepinephrine, that transmits or inhibits nerve impulses at a synapse.



5ModL synapsis: see fol.6 the minute space between a nerve cell and another nerve cell, a muscle cell, etc., through which nerve impulses are transmitted from one to the other

Transmit or INHIBIT nerve impulses at a synapse. Or in other words feeling relaxed, high, sleepy, alert and or stimulated. But ultimately feeling something other than hurt, pain, fear, etc.

If you were to continue drinking on a regular basis, your brain would adapt to this alcohol (vice or stimulant) ladened environment and cut and cut back on the brains natural production and come to depend on the alcohol (vice or stimulant) on a daily supply basis.

Alcohol (vice or stimulant in excess) is toxic and dangerous to the body. In the case of alcohol it could lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

cir rho sis


pl. -[ses# 7-scz#8 5ModL < style="">kirrhos, tawny + -OSIS: so named by R. T. H. La<nnec (1781-1826), Fr physician, because of the orange-yellow appearance of the diseased liver6 a degenerative disease in an organ of the body, esp. the liver, marked by excess formation of connective tissue and, usually, subsequent painful swelling

Alcohol addiction is the best example of pleasure dependency or artificial production of dopamine. But keep in mind there are many other stimulants that can cause the same pleasure dependency.

The key is knowing your body. Knowing your limits. Knowing the reasons for the naturally low production levels of dopamine or any other neuro transmitter.

Another pleasure seeking stimulant is prescription drugs WITHOUT professional therapy of organized support system.

As stressors continue, the brain will have a constant increasing need to balance or tip over the dopamine levels produced.


A disastrous combination

And these coveted sexual styles of LIFE is smothered with…



Or erotic experiences

Both are vices and stimulants but in excess can be lead to addiction as well.

Before clicking away …. Hear my point.

Sex and Drugs are like

“Taking a loan out from the MAFIA.”


Short term benefits but in the long run pay a high price with a high interest rate.

And I’m po

Drugs stimulate the sexual drive center. Drugs produce an enhanced effect initially but over time you get the decreased opposite effect.

Alcohol increases the depressive effect. Drugs and alcohol can lead to performance problems. Decreased sex drive. The decreased ability to reach and maintain an erection. It may also lead to neuropathy.

neu ro pathy


5NEURO- + -PATHY6 any disease of the nervous system

Both Females and Males can be effectly sexually by drugs.

Alcohol (Drugs, vices, stimulants) works against sexual function. Even though initially alcohol (drugs, vices, stimulants) makes you feel less stressed, relieve anxiety, feel more at ease, in the long run alcohol suppresses sexual arousal.

And here’s the scary part.

Drugs attack the central nervous system . The depressant makes it more difficult to orgasm. Over long periods of time, the attack on the central nervous system … which leads to an attack on the genital area. Stimulants can cause sexual problems in the long run and may cause permanent damage.

Drugs like Anti-depressants without therapy or structured support system can lead to a decrease in arousal, libido, and orgasmic function.

Weed also decreases sexual drive and sperm count. It lowers the testosterone levels.

Opiates and painkillers REPLACE sexual behavior

Drugs become your sexlife instead of enhancing it.

Other stimulants to look out for are caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines, and nicotine. Repeating again TO EXCESS.

Addiction to ROCK and ROLL

Or in other words these Sexual Styles of LIFE that we are into.

This can be BDSM, swinging, or anything else that you are into that take away from your LIFE instead of enhancing it.

Last time saying. Anything in excess is a bad thing.

If my mother didn’t teach me nothing else.

No vice is worth having if the cost is too great.

At the time she was talking about drinking and smoking cigarettes. I was young and didn’t see the long term effects of a po azz woman with a monkey on her back. If I didn’t have the $4.00 in my pocket to pay for the cigs then why make it a strong destructive force in your LIFE. Same with drinking. If you couldn’t afford to keep up with your style of LIFE then don’t start.

Lesson sort of learned early but then again I was hardheaded. Had to learn for my self.

And BDSM is drug just like alcohol, drugs, and sex. If done correctly, BDSM creates the same pleasure seeking dopamine levels and gives a bad crash afterwards.

OK now last time saying.

Anything in excess is a bad thing.

Are being




And knowing is half the battle.

Doing is the other half.

What you gonna DO?

What do you stand for?

What will you fall for?

Are you up for the challenge?

I am

I hope this information is helpful for A.anyone feeling where I am coming from.

If you want to find more information, please check out Addictions: The series at (also on cable)and (Discovery Channel). Gotta luv OnDemand.

Humbly submitted with devotion,


… … respect

In my "house"
I demand a darker and deeper understanding
Of your knowledge of self

And all of my subbies suffer from some form of mental and social dysfunction that does not make them weaker

But it does make it more important for me to know
That they need to respect all of their demons
And not only face them
But understand how they are created
And then they can dive deeper
Into their fears
And not only face them
But control their fear of them
And learn how to better control their own sanity

Without the assistance of addiction and denial

And how they are connected to mental and sexual stability

And if they choose to join me

Then maybe in time something may rub off on them
While I live my life in search a deeper and stronger elevation
With the universe
Spiritually and mentally

And I am not perfect
As a matter of fact
I too am dysfunctional
I too have many of the same struggles
In some manner
But my training is more advanced
And I have more of a lust to strive deeper
Than a fear of not being able to handle the darkness
And consider a instinct of re-evaluation of the truth
To at least try harder
To become better
Than whom I am now
As I am

And my journey is not easy
It is not fun
It is rewarding
As I walk by a deeper faith
And not by a weaker sight
As to my importance
And purpose

As a blessed human being

And the world that I dwell in
Is not fit for normal consumption
Or understanding
Let alone respect

But is is real
Maybe too real

But I will not settle for anyone who can settle for being good enough
As you have become so far

In my life

I know that there is a bigger plan for myself
Than who I am

And my purpose is driven by a deeper and different direction

What ever it is
Is bigger than all of us

And maybe made for later generations
Than for the people who now seek
Something more than what they know
Or have in their lives

And for that
I value depth
And demand growth
And respect the ability to learn how to respect becoming more open
About the importance of our evolution

And not just entertaining sanity

Because you are only worth as much as you strive for
And some adults just want to be content

And that is why
They seek more than they find
And seldom find more peace
In being more blessed
Than they want to become

And that is why I try not to hate
Because they know not
And I am trying to consider the possibilities

And build a better faith
That I am on this earth

For something greater than my own personal needs

Without self-knowledge, we cannot go beyond the mind.
—J. Krishnamurti

I like my friends like good tissue. Soft to the touch, but strong enough to deal with some real crap


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