Thursday, July 3, 2008

Respecting being human first? (+/-)

Respecting being human first?  (+/-) magnify

I read alot about submissives and what they think
And frankly
I find it kinda funny how many of them really think
Dominants are some comic book hero or Harlequin romance figure

You hear them and see them dreaming of some image
That is fit for their liking
Including whatever they want them to be like
And be treated like

And they do all this building of these images
That sound nothing like what they need
More than what they want

And what's the good in that?

If you are so perfect as you are alone?
Then why would anyone want someone who thinks
They don't have to work
They don't have to serve
They don't have to submit
They don't have to respect them
If they don't feel it's what they want to do


And I'm not talking about being Domineering
I mean
After you make a mutual connection
And you form a understanding that you have enough in common to try to live together in some form of a relationship

What about the everyday issues you have to deal with?

What about the rest of your everyday life?

Are they a part of that too?

Or are they just contractors
Hired to be there when you need it
And then it's off, back to their corner
Until you need some attention

*wicked grin*

Kinda like a teddy bear that you can toss on your bed when you are in need of some form of attention and inclusion to someone

A trophy

And no matter what you think

A Dominant is human too
And in many cases more human than you feel you are without them

And I don't mean every Dominant
Because there is NO one person who is alike

Yet you read these quotes and theories of how they should be
For a submissive
From a submissive

And the real fact is
A Dominant does not NEED a submissive
As much as they need someone who needs them
Respects them
Trust them
And has a desire to become a productive piece of their lives
As a submissive
To them

And willing to prove it
All for the price of being a part of that Dominants life

"Without return"
Because any real Dominant would respect any real submissives submission to them


I did say any real Dominant
Because just because you say you are something
And you feel it
You claim it
You name it

Don't mean that you are made for whoever wants to be a submissive
Even if it is to you

This is still the real world and this is still reality
And life aint easy for one person try'n to be progressive
Try'n to be positive
Try'n to be productive

Try'n not to be a waste of human flesh

And life is hard enough alone
But maybe if you were to find a partner
Someone who is down for your cause
Because your paths not only cross
But they support each other
As you would wish a partner would be
For life
And not until the cum dries

But that sounds deeper than just a vanilla relationship
Because it is


You don't have to have a great plan
As long as you plan on having a plan
And sticking to it

And this lifestyle stuff only adds style to your life

And not just something to do when your feeling kinky

Or it's just as well you do bad by yourself

And that goes for your life in general

And maybe that is why so many people don't like their lives as they are right now

They can't get it together by themselves
Without any help

What's the use of asking or even seeking help from others?
Only to feel the need to define and control your own life
No matter who else is in your life to some degree
You still feel the need to feel you are in charge of your own destiny

And that is not what this lifestyle is about
At least

This lifestyle is for people who are so busy being busy
Working on being productive
That this lifestyle offers a constructive foundation
To the part of your lives you spend together
When your not in the real world
Making moves
And paying bills
And making something more out of the blessings you have been given

And all of that does not sound like what you see people talking about they want from this lifestyle
And others who are in it or of it

If sex and playing like you are some royalty
Is all you see this lifestyle to be
Then you are the weakest link
Of this lifestyle

And this is not a selfish sport

If you claim to be submissive?

Or you desire to be that way to someone?

Then you have to consider the reality of your submission

You are at your best when you are of service to whom you serve
And not because they want you to serve them
But because you value their need to have a better partner
Who is a part of the big picture

Life with your Dominant
As you assist
As you support
As you live their life
And enjoying them enjoying your submission to them

Making them the happiest Dominant
And a stronger force in life
With you

And not just dragging a sleeping body of make believe submission
Bitching about what they want


Because you not only compliment them and their lives
You are a part of their lives
A investor
And you believe in them to be worth more with you
Than you without them
And they without you
Unless you have nothing to offer

The joy of giving someone everything they need to excel
And being a part of your gift to them

Your sub mission

Your submission to them is a weapon to all others who cross their path
Your submission to them is a trophy of their worth to you

Not your submission being perfect

But their Dominance can perfect your submission


As a team
And their is no "I" in team
Maybe a "i" am the team
And you are a part of a plan

Like the good tires are to a expensive car

Not worth the body but they support the overall performance

And from what I have seen from many others?

They seem to think that they can get away with being
Cheap tires
Worn and only concerned about being used
And not concerned about their effect on that cars ability to win the race
They seem to feel that being a part of a loosing team
Is better than not being in the race at all

And the bottom line to life is?

Like in the expensive cars reality

If the car wins the race?
Even the tires become the winning sponsor

But we are not talking about tires or cars

We are talking about this lifestyle
And the relationships formed by it
And the value of your Dominance and sub mission to each others lives

And how to offer a better service to each other
As you live togeher
To some degree

And everyday is a new learning process
And everyone has to improve
To better suit each other
And the common goal of winning the race of life
The best you can

Each one supports the other

But only one is the top of the food chain
They know what is needed
And you can only offer assistance
But they have the final say
And you respect that say and them

But if you do not feel that they are qualified to be that powerful?
Then why think about offering your power to them?
It's not called Kinda Power Exchange

Is your life and theirs worth so little to waste
Trying to be something to each other that you are not

This is not a game

As a Dominant

If you are not willing to live for more than just yourself?

Then maybe your just Dominant-ish

If you do not value positive results through your training?
Then why try to act like you have time to waste on others who do not want to change or improve?

You should not have to make someone want to become more to you and themselves

Because they are a part of your life
If you so claim to desire owning them and protecting them
Then you should not have to beat them into submission
They should desire your direction

Or you are fooling each other
And they do not respect your Dominance
And that will never change
If it does not change

And you will let them hurt you and your image
As you take the blame
For letting them
Act like they are doing something
They are not

Being a supportive submissive
To a respected Dominant

Because for me
I have a natural desire to provide for others who support me

I value sharing improvements together
When others are being supportive through their own evolution
Into a better team
With me

Because I hear many women say they can do bad by themselves
But I seldom see them say they can do better with me
Or someone they are ready to respect
More than they have to date
(or fuck)

*blank stare*

But some people do not want as much out of life as others do
And we should not settle for not being lonely

We should have as much as we can get
And if we can do it together?
Then we can share the fruits of our labor together

And I think too many people risk too much of their time
Just fucking around
(or fucking)

And not pulling resources and building a better partnership

And the kinky stuff is more fun when you enjoy learning more about each other

But most of all
When you let a Dominant mold you into what he can not live without?
You will not live without them

But it's work
And everyone has a job to do
And nobody is worth a day off over the other

Because life is not easy

But Sir Ez's life is better with this lifestyle
Than without it

But only when it works for me
And mines

And you will never be a submissive until you submit to someone you respect
And stay that way
And they respect you for being you

By someone you respect

Forsaking all others

Us against the world

And we are winning

Or your just dreaming of being something your not ready to wake up and learn how to become

And time waits for no one

nd I wonder why so many people waste so much time
Acting like so many others have time to waste
On them

If you were worth what you feel you are as you are?
More people would want you more

But don't take it personal

This is just a lifestyle

Some of you first have to find a life
And then find out how much style you have to offer

And then you have to live

Or not

Dominant or sub missive

We all are just imperfect humans on this earth

Looking for a better way of living a better way

And for me?

This lifestyle is worth more than sex
And more fun than just sex

But you have to first Master being able to respect sex
Because you can fuck yourself

But where is the fun in that?
When you can be kinky

If you respect yourself first
And respect the need to respect others
Who respect you

And know the difference

Anyone can call themselves a Dominant or a sub missive

But what else do you have to work with?


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