Thursday, July 3, 2008

Respecting whatever a Alpha is or not...

Respecting whatever a Alpha is or not... magnify

From the first second I created this profile name and page
Never did I have to question
What it would be

I keeps it a bit too real
Even for my damn self

*sadistic sicker*

But if you look around
You seldom will find someone who claims to be
a Alpha Dominant

Let alone the rest of it

But I thought I would leave this info for the people in the cheap seats

Any one can say there and Alpha Male but a true Alpha is known when he comes into the room with out saying a word"

Well lets see what they say about that

The Male Psyche and the Female Variable

By wassup471, published Nov 06, 2007
Published Content: 53 Total Views: 6,616 Favorited By: 5 CPs

It's a well-known and obvious fact that there are many differences between a man and woman in both mind and body. These gaps throw a psychological kink into the biological template for both sexes, setting up roadblocks in the emotional battleground overrun by hormones that each person must overcome. The fight is fierce and seemingly never ending, which can lead to some odd solutions brought about by desperation or too much of a defensive mindset, as shown in Susan Faludi's "The Naked Citadel." However, as Lila Abu-Lughod shows in "Honor and Shame" and as portrayed in Osama, sometimes a person's situation is dictated by the surrounding environment, and breaking out of a centuries-old mold is at all easy.

High school is the first step to manhood; a male develops his relationship skills and receives a crash course in the world of women. But it can be filled with heartbreak and disappointment as well. Being a guy who knew what he was looking for in a girl, I was discretionary and caught a lot of flak from guy friends for never going out with anyone. My situation was tilted against me; I didn't know interested females that fulfilled what I was looking for, but my friends were forcing me to adopt a defensive mindset in relation to my social life. Just because I didn't have a "target" or someone to "chase after" like a dog, I was often the butt of jokes and teased. Even though I knew it was light-hearted and (usually) in good taste, it still stung having my lack of "accomplishment" thrown back in my face. This kind of mentality makes it so much harder to view women in the same way as men-they become de-humanized and made into a prize through such impersonal words, simply because the male culture has made them out as such.

Susan Faludi's experiences while touring The Citadel show how this can be taken to the extreme. She writes about the fourth-class system at the all-male college in which new recruits are made into one entity with little thought towards personal identity; through "male bonding experiences" such as community showers and hazing, everybody must rely on their fellow males for support and even survival. This womanization of freshman by the upperclassmen shows the underlying theme of some males: they consider being a woman second-class. It's a fact supported by Osama, where women cannot have jobs, show their faces in public, and are ordered around as servants by men. At one point, a female doctor is addressed by a male who's father is a patient to "Hurry up" and "Attend my father"; these are spoken as commands, not requests. In "Honor and Shame," girls in the Bedouin culture have their lives dictated by males many times, as Kamla writes to her sister when she decides to attend college against her uncles' wishes.

This making of women into a lower class is very much influenced by the surrounding environment of a given person. At The Citadel, the environment focuses on the aspects in life where men are better suited and thus more dominant: physical discipline. The military is also still geared much more toward males than females; only guys have to register for the draft, and they are the only ones who are sent on the front lines of battle. These reasons implant a seed into a recruit's mind that the male is the workhorse, and thus is one looked up to. In a militaristic society such as the one evident at the Citadel, this view is taken to the extreme; the male is made out to be dominant in all things. For some recruits, this goes against everything they learned in high school, where women are usually treated equal to men and the male sometimes has to beg for a date. I know if in that situation, given my experiences, I would be an outcast, hazed until I changed my ways or gave up. I have never viewed women as trophies or somebody that makes a good story, but that is the mentality that Susan Faludi quickly was told about, almost as if the men were proud of the collective monster they have become.

When Shannon Faulkner, a female, applied and was accepted (by way of leaving her gender blank), an uproar so great was caused that death threats surrounded the Faulkner residence for quite some time. What causes such a gap in reaction, a transition from an offensive to defensive position against women? The answer is not so simple- when asked why a woman should not be brought onto campus, no man could muster a convincing answer. (Faludi 134) Perhaps it is the reworked thought processes of the recruits; after all, "According to the Citadel creed...women are objects...they're things that you can do whatever you want with it." In an all-male society, there are no boundaries; no need to impress a woman, or act like a gentlemen for the ladies- it's all about becoming the alpha male, and in the class system, the class becomes the alpha instead of one male. Putting cadets through "...almost a POW camp..." (Faludi 135) experience twists the mind so they believe they enjoy it, because if they don't then their life isn't what the recruit wants it to be- who wants to think that about themselves? Nobody wants to look at their life and hate it; instead, it's as if these recruits are taking the template for social equality and instead using the pieces to build a wall to keep their lives the way the want it by keeping women out. To them, the only wrench in their plans could be a woman intervening, which as written earlier has led to countless atrocities. I cannot begin to comprehend the experiences going on with these men; though I'm very much a male, I have never found the need to be absolutely dominant in every facet of my life, and women are equals and in many cases superior to myself. I choose to accept women as people; thus, they are not hostile to my intent (which is getting an education) and I do not feel the need to lash out against them. Considering many graduates of The Citadel are married, I figure even with my lack of success so far, I should do well eventually, right?

When it all boils down to it, the Citadel thrives on remaking males into one mold, possibly the ideal soldier who can be cold-hearted when needed and business-like, or perhaps it is simply men being foolish and ignorant of the world around them, instead choosing to reside in a closed society where testosterone dictates the next course of action and thus the next thought process. Either way, all that seems to be bred in this hostile context is pain and suffering, no matter how it is disguised.

In "Honor and Shame" and Osama, the male notion of dominance is brought about through religion and tradition. The Islamic faith requires women to hide their faces and cover their feet at all times in public, and forbids them from working. The culture in the Middle East revolves around the women serving the men, and it has been that way for hundreds of years. Such a past history is hard to break; it took colonies over two hundred years to gain independence from Britain's world empire, and women did not gain the right to vote in the western world until the early 1900s. Osama brings the inability to work as woman close to home when Osama receives a haircut and gets a job pretending to be a boy. The struggles associated with such a transition, such as daily prayers and going to a Taliban training camp, show just how wide the gap is between the lives of men and women in the culture. The template in this situation has been set and lived by for centuries: the women serve the men and the male's will. Osama is the rebellion; she goes against what has been established as law and life by crossing the line between male and female. In other words, if she can do it, what will prevent others from doing the same? Such an event would disrupt the whole basis of the Middle Eastern culture and put men on the defensive; seeing the effects this caused in other male-dominated environments such as the Citadel, the results would probably turn violent.
"Honor and Shame" portrays the Bedouin culture and how it both runs on women and displaces them; the men cannot go on with life unless the women are their keeping everything running smoothly, a fact pointed out by Kamla when she states
"Bedouins think that as long as they have a house and can eat, drink, and be clothed, that's enough...they marry and have kids and marry again. But a man should live...a more relaxed life. Should a man come home at the end of his day tired from working and find it filthy and the kids and the women fighting? He comes wanting to relax..." (Abu-Lughod 50).

However, as Sehmina Chopra writes in her article "Liberation by the Veil", many traditions are kept not to persecute women, but to uphold the basic tenants of the Islamic faith. She writes the "covering [of the face] brings an aura of respect" and that it is "a liberation from the shackles of male scrutiny and the standards of attractiveness" (Chopra). As the men choose their wives, this can have an effect that backfires; if a man is looking at two potential mates, and they give similar responses to his questions, he will most likely choose based on their family and the amount of wealth available to gain. Even if the women are extremely close in most things, it will be the other characteristics that define them.

One phrase that stands out to me is "single mom" in relation to the topic of the sexes. What words spring into your mind when those words hit your ears? I sense helplessness, determination, sorrow, and a bit of grittiness. This begs the question: Why do we always hear about the single mom trying to support her family, but not the single dad? Is it because as a female, we view the mother as less capable of raising her children than the father? Or that the male can withstand the pressure to provide, and keep fighting, while the female will just give up and cry? I believe it may be a combination of those factors-stereotypes too often influence our thought processes in reference to others. Women have historically been a behind-the-scenes contributor to families and many times in the workforce (how many times do you concentrate on the secretary when you go to the doctor? But who does all that paperwork?); it is so easy to overlook their achievements. Instead, we rationalize the woman being helpless and afraid, like an 1960s damsel-in-distress. People never give enough credit, and that is why we fail to immediately see a single mother being victorious in her life, blazing a new career path that provides enough for her children to stay of the streets and receive an education, so they may support themselves and their mother later in life. Or why when they see the father, they instantly assume he has a decent-paying job with benefits, allowing his dependents to get on with life. Instant bias comes into play- the woman, viewed psychologically as the needier of the two sexes, is made out to be the one is a more desperate situation.

No matter what the situation happens to be, a woman in many circumstances will be viewed as inferior in some way, shape, or form. It's the inbred psychological effect; ever since the time of the caveman, the men have been the dominant gender, and the same basic idea applies today. Take a look at the workplace; the men are most often a family's main provider and the person in power of a company is more than likely male. Though we all have "equal rights," the balance of power is still shifted towards the male gender. Though not as difficult to change as the one in Osama, the environment that is established as normal becomes a massive roadblock in the careers of many women, giving them an uphill battle for what they deserve. Though the psychology (for the male, anyway) in this type of circumstance points towards the male gaining the upper hand so as to remain superior and the provider, the female is forced on the defensive because of the hostile nature of their surroundings.

As this is the established trait, anything that causes a disturbance in our male-dominated society can be viewed as a massive threat, as the student body saw Shannon Faulkner at The Citadel or the women protesters were categorized in Osama. The battle between female and male has been waged for centuries, but it is because little has changed that the war continues onward. Recruits will still be brainwashed at The Citadel, at least in the apparent future, and there is nothing to suggest an official religion change anywhere in the Middle East. Can females break the "tradition" of male supremacy? Yes, especially with the courage showed by people such as Shannon Faulkner and Osama. But the masses will have to stick together and stand firm, in peace or in battle; even then, though, change may not take place without something near divine intervention. However, to quote an old cliché, it only takes a pebble to start an avalanche. But if nobody is listening, then did the avalanche ever occur?

Works Cited

Abu-Lughod, Lila. "Honor and Shame." The New Humanities Reader. Ed. Richard E. Miller and Kurt Spellmeyer. 2nd Ed. Boston: Houghlin. 26-52.

Chopra, Sehmina. "Liberation by the Veil." Islam101. 22 Sept. 2007.

Faludi, Susan. "The Naked Citadel." The New Humanities Reader. Ed. Richard E. Miller and Kurt Spellmeyer. 2nd Ed. Boston: Houghlin. 131-164.

Osama. Dir. Siddiq Barmak. Perf. Marina Golbahari, Arif, Herati, Zubaida Sahar. 2003. DVD. MGM Home Entertainment, 2004.

Why Alpha Females Should Choose Alpha Males

By Cynthia Smith, published May 21, 2007
Published Content: 7 Total Views: 3,330 Favorited By: 0 CPs

Becoming the ultimate Alpha male is one of the hottest topics there is. Countless e-books exist which purport to teach a submissive Beta male how to develop Alpha traits. However, there aren't enough books that teach an Alpha female how to work with her Alpha male? How do you mesh the personalities of two people who are both dominant and bossy and who like to get their way?

Why would an Alpha male want an Alpha female when he wants to be in charge? Why would an Alpha female want an Alpha male when she needs to be in control?

In order to understand why this apparent oxymoron exists, one has to understand biology; in fact, one needs to understand wolf biology because the whole tagging of people as Alphas and Betas is based on observance of wolf pack behavior.

In the jungle, wolves live in packs. The pack is usually led by a dominant male, which animal sociologists call the Alpha male. The Alpha male mates with one female. She is the dominant female of the pack and she is called the Alpha female. She is dominant over the rest of the pack, males and females alike. She is submissive to only one wolf and that is the Alpha wolf. The male values her because she has the strength and intelligence to produce strong offspring

I'm discussing wolf behavior simply to point out an obvious fact. The Alpha female is dominant over all except her Alpha male. Alpha women do not need to feel ashamed that we want men to lead after all. We are still leaders on our jobs and in our places of worship.

No matter how much we, as women evolve, there are still parts of our female psyches that seek the protector. We still seek that man who can enter a room, assess the situation and take charge. When we meet men who don't have those strong leadership skills, we become frustrated and dominate them. If they are not worthy of leading us, then they should cower at our feet. No?

Why should I, as an Alpha female, choose a male that can dominate me? The Alpha in me responds to the Alpha in him. When I see him, I melt. When he speaks to me in his commanding voice, all my usual arrogance goes out the window. He understands who I am. I understand who he is. He understands my strength, but subtly lets me know that he is in charge now and that I no longer need to be in charge.

We are not wolves. Yet no matter how much we shave our hairy bodies, deodorize our odors, build tall buildings that speak of our prowess and drive around in fancy speed devils, we are still humans. We are still part of the animal kingdom. No matter how deep we bury our instincts, they are still there.

I am an Alpha female and I desire an Alpha male.

Definitions of Alpha Male

posted Saturday, 8 October 2005

Definitions of Alpha Male on the Web:

a term used to describe a macho male character within a romance.
An alpha male or alpha female is the individual in the community to whom the others follow and defer. Humans and their nearest species-relatives, the chimpanzees, show deference to the alpha of the community by ritualized gestures such as bowing, allowing the alpha to walk first in a procession, or standing aside when the alpha challenges. Canines also show deference to the alpha male in their pack, by allowing him to be the first to eat and the first to mate. ...

Human alpha, beta, and omega males: the reality

posted Saturday, 15 October 2005

The subject of social dynamics, male/female relations, and the alpha/beta/omega dynamic is something I have been studying actively for months, both in reading and in life experience. I decided to take this study up after having had many girlfriends but having recently noticed that I was being broken up with first quite a lot. I suppose I had lost my magic after having graduated college and gotten focused on my career. My interest in this subject has nothing to do with me wanting to hurt or manipulate women.

I can surely attest that there are in fact alpha and beta males in the human portion of kingdom animalia. I would say that any woman who denies this probably denies a good portion of her own emotions and sensuality as well.

The alpha male...The funny, often charming guy who can be at a party and hardly say a word, but his body language says everything. The guy who could most likely have sex with a good portion of the women, single or hitched, in attendance that very night (and of course no one would be the wiser).

On the other side, the beta male. He very well might be good looking, funny, etc., but after ten minutes or so in the presence of the alpha male he will try to break the alpha male's frame of mind. He does this by subtle jokes that seem innocent but are intended to degrade the alpha male's status in the eyes of others. If he is successful in making the alpha male lose his cool and take the ‘low road’, he himself might very well be take the alpha position, for the night at least. I have seen it and been on both sides of it too many times to deny its reality. After all, it is the alpha male's world and most of the people there are just players within it.

The beta male might also readily submit to the alpha male in a genuine fashion, however. The beta male will also willingly argue with other beta males in an attempt to make others think he is the alpha male. Little does he know that the alpha male is just grinning to himself on the inside at the whole spectacle much of the time, and the women the beta male wants are more embarrassed than impressed by the beta male's behavior. Beta males often also act nice in order to curry favor with women and the alpha males.

Then there are the omega males – generally the true nice guys... but also what we call ‘losers’ Generally avoided, and the next day hardly anyone remembers they were even there. The guy who is almost guaranteed not to have sex that night, even if a women by luck takes a fancy to him, because his model of the world isn't such that he can take a girl home and just have sex with her if he so chooses.

This model I have just outlined is rigid and many of you will no doubt disagree with it. But there is a pecking order in life. The good news, at least, is that it isn't set in stone at birth: someone who is an alpha quarterback in high school can become a beta construction worker; and a beta or omega nerd in high school can become an alpha CEO later in his life.

And in the context of Taken In Hand – some natural alpha males who have hitherto let society fool them into thinking that Hollywood romantic beta behavior was what the world wanted of him, finally come around, as we have seen on this thread. There are many other permutations.

How has this insight changed things for me? Frankly, I no longer put women on a pedestal. I am still a gentleman. I open doors for women – hell, I open doors for men too, so it isn't a trick to curry favor. I now understand that women get attracted and have desire just as strong as that of a man.

My view is more realistic now... No scorn, no anger that my dream as a child of having a Hollywood romance may not happen – just realism. I am not the type of guy who wants to have sexual relations with every woman, but I have done experiments in pushing the envelope over the past 6 or 7 months. It has opened my eyes to the fact that the majority of women will do anything for what they perceive as the dominant male.

I have also started to understand social dynamics a bit better: I can see when people are trying to force me into a beta position. In the past I might not have caught it. I am cool and laidback and I wasn't really quick on the uptake, so to speak.

And this has been my realization: Men these days really aren't totally pussies at heart like they seem. They have merely been brainwashed into thinking this is the way to be.

What are Alpha, Beta, Gammas and Omega males?

posted Saturday, 15 October 2005

Originally, the terms Alpha, Beta, and even Gammas and Omega male applied to animals who live in packs, such as wolves and apes.

The Alpha is the dominant one...The strongest, meanest and the one who gets to have sex with all the females...

The Betas are also strong, and occasionally get to sneak some sex, but if caught by the Alpha, may face serious reprocussions.

The Gammas and Omegas are the lowest of the low...The weak males..perhaps deformed, old, or horribly injured in a fight...The ones who have zero chance of getting any sex, and sadly won't be able to pass on their genes.

This structure doesn't apply to humans strictly, but it most DEFINITELY does apply. When you start to watch people, at bars, parties, any gathering of people, there will generally be one guy who, either from the start, or over time brings everyone else into HIS reality. Everyone laughs at his jokes, the women giggle and claw for his attention.

The Beta Human Male is the guy who is jealous, but still kisses the Alphas ass, and often will have silly arguments with other Betas all the while being ignored by the women..The whole time the alpha grins to himself on the inside at the whole specatle, knowing full well he can take at least a few of these women into the bathroom and have sex right then and there.

The Gamma and Omega Male Humans are the "losers"...They try to start a conversations and the whole time the other person is trying their best to excuse themselves, etc...They are not even remembered for being at the gathering in the first place.

"Some 80 percent of the women strive for just 5 percent of the men."

"from the Steel door site"

The only way to be a 'real' submissive is to be real. This means be who you are. Be truthful, especially to yourself. If you are in a position where you do not desire a singular commitment to one Dominant at this time then be truthful about this as well. Subterfuge, deceit and manipulation are actions of a desire to control or fear of loss. Honesty is a harsh path but it is the only path where happiness and joy bear fruit. To deliver the fullness of yourself you have to find out who you are, and you have to find out that honesty and you are enough, just exactly as you are.

My Daddy told me
"If you have to prove yourself to anyone, then you don't need them..."

And I respect him

I have been around in several different forms, images, and profiles online
I blog
I write
I inform
I entertain

I keeps it real

And I am not here to compete with anyone

But I do post info to many who wish to lurk
So that maybe they may leave with a bit more than they snuck up on my page with
*blank stare*

But some of yall need to learn how to learn how to learn

Because whatever you call yourself
And in your own mind

Don't mean that you know jack about if you are
Unless you are what you are

Now I don't care if you get up in your feelings about my words

I'm not your role model

And you aint important to my cause

So try to learn more than you know

Like something new

Or someone new

Because I have nothing to prove

Do you?


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