Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Breaking the rules of the game to play fairly?

I been doing a lot of thinking about what I have learned about these sexual lifestyles and the different titles and types of sexual natures known as what you are as you do what it is you do.


What we __DO__ know is that everything within the realm of BDSM as we know it, seems to be not only helpful but respectful for consenting adults to adapt within their relationship dynamics no matter what spiritual faith base or cultural balance you support.

So what I have figured out so far is that by the time we become sexual adult minded people, we are capable of finding and keeping fruitful and productive relationships and honor others as well.

But THAT has been a very new awakening in just the past 15 or 20 years or so. And many of us today have lost the FULL memory of how it really used to be. I mean before we were old enough to remember before computers or cell phones or Tv and radio. And I'm hoping that I am reaching a few of you who may still have been too young to really remember when the REASON why parents made us go play outside is because there was VERY LITTLE to do other than chores in the daytime of our past youth. And the truth about growth of our nation and reality as what we see from Sea to Shining Sea...lol

There are JUST AS MANY young new and not so new adults in these lifestyle communities as their are elder types who have worked very hard to carry on the memory of the way things really used to be in our history. Because there is a legacy of protocols and rituals that several cultures also have within their own genetic mysteries. From Leather and Old Guard to Blue Blooded slavery and servitude to shameful memories of genocide and supremacy.

We all can see a reflection of something that we all can desire to live and admire within our desired relationship dynamics, in theory.

But there is a constant scream of "but there is nobody who I can relate that lives in the same state as me...lol"

And that is a ONLINE reality.

So it's a wild kind of vision to envision the sight of everything that is right with the next generations of new adults as they try to mold THEIR evolution more than many of us that have a lifetime history of how these lifestyles used to be, only now this is more of their reality and we are just holding up the walls or trying not to have no space to play well with others who see you as their fathers and mothers, only kinda naked...lol

###*evil grin*

And there is no longer a reason to try to explain why there should be one true way because that is where you are today when others in other places never have to see the faces of your demons that keep you from being where they are in their heads more than in their words.

And WORDS have had more power back in time than it was expected to be law in the Cyber world. And there becomes yet another issue. Because now there are more politics groups and protocol groups on these social sites that are active than there are self help groups for young adults with no older adults in membership.

So life online is becoming hard to find subjects that people with relate too. Without shock value or drama and gossip that others can watch too. And always a need to read each others words as a debate and not a lack of the ability to relate to the OP.

And much of what we suffer from is generational gaps than culture shock from subtle words and strange attentions from people too far away from you to file a complaint...lol

This aint your grandmother and grandfather's vision of freedom of sexual expression in the public realm when the World Wide Web we weave if as dark and as dirty as we tip toe between TOS's and cultural blacklisting just for missing the meaning of a humorous statement at the wrong time. And not enough time to rewind and correct a outside observation and reply in their HO (humble/honest opinion)...

And our children are quickly aging just enough to want to know how to better do this kinky stuff us older folks seem to know a bit more of. And it's hard enough posting your real age. But when your real age becomes the fun age to put on a young persons page like 25, 35, 40ish or 88, it seems that by the time you find out how young these other profile people are and where they have run away from? It's hard to agree on good scene music when they have more songs on their iPod than you can remember good albums you used to listen too that sounds just like that...lol

And as I walk through a land that is more fantasy than reality per capita that the odds of being in a actual mixed crowd can be younger in age than in the ability to know how much more they could be doing if we were not cool enough to let them keep doing what they are doing and not trying to stop them from doing it wrong.

There is no right way.

But there has to be a better way for all of us to do these BDSM lifestyles WDWIITWD....

But this Metro shit is really hard to take when there are more Dominant masochist and submissive Sadist than their are people they like enough to get and idea of what they can deal with and deal with how it is in their street and in their style of life while others have no idea how valuable each person is to their social dynamic more than they are able to learn the one you live without having to write cliff notes for them to read as you flow together or not.

But what is really HAWT, is that somehow I can see a small place in black history for you and Me in the POC BDSM community.

And there is more than Me in this community that can be more expressive if it wasn't for our ability to communicate more civilly.

And I don't think none of yall are deep enough to really be feeling Me.

*pimpish grin*

And sometimes I sit back and think about the First Lady and The President in the White House getting kinky as they want to be.

And I want to be THAT kinky and still just who I be.

A POC in the BDSM lifestyle Community.

Without self-knowledge, we cannot go beyond the mind.

~J. Krishnamurti~


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