Friday, June 22, 2007

Did M L King see this comming?

Do you think that today's man is getting a unfair image of who he may really be?

I leave this question open for all colors. But more importantly people of color too.

Because we have some deep issues with the quality of mates and the leval of respect that should be given to our men. Expecially men of color.

A long time ago.

A man was respected just because he was of the age of a adult.

A man was respected by his character and not his color at least in his own inviorment.

A real man was understood to be of such until he was judged to be less or more than what is generally given to him as a man.

But times have changed alot

Nobody is given any respect other than what is normal to the general public

But let's keep it real.

Men of color have NOT been given that same respect.

Not at first sight.

Most people do not respect anyone anymore just because they are of a age that in the past would at least rate them the honor of being a adult or even a elder.

But more importantly.

They were given the respect of being a man of a certain respect until they are known for being less or more.


Today we don't consider anyone.

But mostly men and men of color NOT to be given a caliber of respect that may cause many to find that he is not worth as much respect as men of the caliber of respect that the general public is taught to respect them from their terachings and upbringing.


Nobody respects no man just because he has a dick and is a adult now.

But how did this become so general and now the norm?

Do you remember the statement: "Respect your elders?" Or "mind your manners around grown folks?"

What happened to that mindset?

Not every man is a dead beat dad or a abuser or a crook.

But why do we now consider all men or men of color to be considered not worthy of any more respect at first glance than we do to the few we don't trust or respect?

The acts of a few have now been the reason why all men or men of color to be considered not worthy of any respect that is given to some of other colors and cultures

And many people of color DO NOT treat other men of a generally white race with the same consideration that they are of the same disrespect as so many of your own men.

You do not treat your supervisors and bosses who are non black with the same respect as you do other co workers and supervisors who are of color.


What do you fear if you treat them with the same respect that you give in general to other men of color?

So why do you not see how you treat men and men of color differently than you do people who are considered to be white in general?

If a man of color is dressed in street wear?

You see him as a thug or nigger or someone worthy of less respect at first glance than a man of color in a good suit.

If a man of color approches you and he is about to speak? How do you act? What do you consider he is about to do or say to you?

In most cases you don't notice what you do.

But if you are at lunch with your coworkers and most of them are non black and you go out and you see a man of color not dressed in executive attaire or even if he is.

Do you notice how you give a impression of how you consider them to be to you?

Do you act defensive to men of color in general when you are in public?

Without knowing who or what they are.

Do you give others a impression that most men of color are not to be trusted?

Do you notice how you act towards men whom you are not attracted to?

Are you concerned about what images you are giving to others who look to you to see how to tell who is respectable or even trustworthy?

Even if you don't know these men from Adam?

Do you feel that YOU have given the general public negetive images of whom you think is worthy of respect?

Have you unfairly treated some men of color wrong in public and not been concerned as to how that may effect their image to your co workers?

Do you know how to spot a real man of color who is worthy of your respect at first sight?

Do you care?

If a man of color changes his attaire and his attitude and the way he speaks?

Would that change the way you see him and the way you feel him worthy of anymore respect than someone who is in street wear?

Can a man of color change his image and earn more respect just for looking mre respectable?

What is respectable?

Do you feel that the black man and men of color are being dis respected just because of their color?

Why is it difficult for women of color to find respectable men of color to connect with in general?

Is it the image or the mental image that women of color have for their men before they get a chance to meet someone who is worth more than just the treatment that so many of them get from the general public and their women too?

Have you tried to tell others of another culture how to tell the difference between niggers and men of color who deserve more respect in general from everyone?

Do you think you can?

Is the image of the man of color a issue for all people of color today?

Mr Ez

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