Friday, June 22, 2007

Respect the Dark Side Twilight Zone

Respect the Dark Side Twilight Zone...

"Picture if you will..."

"In a cloud of realy choice haze and smoke of celebration he spoke..."

"In a voice of 0's and 1's and a invisable energy..."

"He spoke to me..."


They say that yesterday some time ago

The records show

This hoe


How the fuck he feel

is real

The time they kill

To be on the bill

And post up and chill

And not know the deal

That people with bad habits can't help you

If you feel their bad habit remind you

Of something new to you

True to you

Because for some reason

It aint treason

Because they have a season that taste just like the one you kinda got two

And like minds can only confuse you

Not because they got to you

But because they are NOT for you

And you forgot why you

Was try'n to be more than two for you

But even two and more or just a free pass for you

Got your ass into that shit that you

Think that only you

KNow what is best for you to do by you

And even if they try to show you

You never grow into the hoe you

KNow is some part of you inside you

But whatever it is you have to hide you

Hope that "Sir" will slide you

Some skin

Even though he don't know all the shit that is another part of you

The darker you

The almost smarter you

But I am not you

And you forgot that two

...and protocal number two

And you are not ever gonna be my "boo" to you

And it's true to you

Because I never needed a "boo" in you

And dominace aint screw'n both of you

In between the other shit in your other life that is the other you

And I am not gonna mother you

But you mother fuckin know what you

Do when what ever you do is a mother to you

And you can go and do you

And know you go and show the other you

When you want to do what you need for you

And then come back with less of your mind

Every time

And then try to play Scrabble with mines too

Just because you think if you don't mind

I won't mind too

And this shit aint even about you

I didn't send out to scout you


And somehow you think I was on your time

And your time is tooo slow for me

And even if you go and show me

All your hidden talents to me

I don't have a need to stay in consideration

And I'm not in need to be impressed

But I deserve more than your best

Because even when you fuck up the test

If you do your better best

Not for yourself

But because your still behind

And if it takes you this long

You still waiste your time

Because I don't have to proove if I can stick with you all the time

But YOU DO have to be more worth a waiste of my time

Not because I think your fine

Got a tight behind

Or want to be mine

In time

Due time

Well I'm telling you

Your time is due

So what are you going to do

Because I can't consider your time is the right time to consider you

And I remember the night that you took my time to remind me you need more of my time to show me in due time that some time you need your time to do you so you can do me better

So why do you sweat her?

I don't have my name on your ass so I own nobody

And I am never alone so I don't chase the ass because the ass has forgot me

Not that it's about dick or fuckin

But I can't keep on truckin

Without duckin some needy shit

And I'm not a greedy shit

But that seedy shit


And weak people fall for weak game

And the only game I have that is weak is the game I'm not play'n

And you both have alot of work to do if you want a consideration

Because I'm not a celebration

I'm a dedication

To get nothing less than the respect you give to the capitol of this nation

And this game than I live is not for the weak

And you need to respect the one that you seek

But first you have to respect that speck of you

That I tend to waiste much of my time to check in you

And not see a speck of the true you

That makes me want to consider any of any of you

Because it is not about you

And I don't have to stop you

I forgot that you

Was so much more that you store inside of you

And all the dark shit you hide from the wide eyed you

You try'd to say that you

Wanted to get into

Because you want me to want you

But why

"Catch Up lil Tomato"

Because I am not you

And you ask me to conside you

To be worth the man you want to learn to submit to

But I can't slow down to reach back and get you

If you don't want to do anything more than waiste my time too

And I'm not feeling the OLD you

But I don't have time to introduce you

To the new you

Because you can't find the time to remind me what I want and need from you

Because I don't have the greed that you

Want me too

And I don't even know all of you

And I don't want to make it small for you two

Because I can only teach thoughs who want me to find what they want from me too and what you want from me too with you

Because you don't have to be missed

And not dissmised

To be kissed

But excuse me miss

But I'm late for a date in the Twilight Zone

And if you don't play well with others

I dont mind take'n my time to get mines alone

Cause Pussy Is Like Mean on a bone

But this lifestyle is safe sane consentual and grown

And I have no need to be formally owned

Because I have a special diet

try it?

And I am not here to proove to you who I am to be where I am

YOU are here to proove you can submit to who I really am

And I don't give a damn

I am not a amature

I'm a hoe

And you aint never been in this Twilight Zone befoe

And you aint ready to go as far as this rabbit hole goes

But I will consider assessing your condition

To see who is almost ready for the next mission

But I aint take'n nobody no damn where in both of your current condition

Not that you can't find some fun and shit to get into

But I aint got that kind of time to be just fucking with you

And the Zone of my own aint about you

Because I was a damn good freak before you

And I don't need to be any less of a freak that I have to be CONSIDERED have'n to sneak without you two

Because my lifestyle that you ask me to take consideration that I can call a crew

Needs to be anything that aint nothing that is nothing about you

And it's not my job to make you make me take you

And you aint even all of you

But more of the fake you

That you make you

Make me

Not be who you want to try to be with me

And you don't even know me

So show me what you got

And stick to what you try to do

Or don't make me say goodbye to you

Just because you cry too

And cry and don't know why you cry not because you do what you do but because you try'd to be true to me and not you

And forgot you are not you to me

You are just WANNA BEE

Down with me

But not have to respect me

Not like the way that I be

But the way that makes me

KNow a better respect

That I don't have to post a long as blog to say you don't know that way that you have showed me

Aint got no respect for me

Not the way I consider my respect to be

4 me

And it's all about respect

And it is all about me

And the only one who know more about me

Is me

And how ever I choose to win or loose a part of me

Is my consideration

And I don't need your frustration

Because if I can't feel that dedication

I will not tolerate the excuse of a abuse of medication because this imposible mission

Is no excuse for part time submission

And what your miss'n

Is the motavation

To make me a believer in why you deserve consideration

Into the Dak Side of the Twilight Zone

Because I am very comfortable in the Dark alone

And I live on the darker side of grey

And I have no time to have a bad day

Because everyday is a good day

And today is a good day to pay for your stay

In a Pimpstyle Submissive kinda way

I do


And that is why it is this way again today

Because it aint about you

And I am gonna make it do...

What it do

Not for me

Or for you

But for the lifestyle you want me to show you what I am into

With or without you

And I doubt you know how much I'm not you

And you are not supposed to be like me

I'm not like you

But I would like to know what about you

That I can work with you

And not for you

When you want me too

It's not about you

It's about...


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