Sunday, June 29, 2008

Your not like others?

Maybe your not deep enough to be this blessed?
Maybe your not deep enough to be this blessed? magnify

As I sit in the kafe on my Burfday
I reflect on

All this time
People been buggin
And all the time

They just been a bit shallow
No offense

But yall just aint deep enough

The fire of devotion purifies the heart of the devotee and leads to
spiritual freedom.

Bowl of Saki,
by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

Overlooking the faults of others with politeness, tolerance,
forgiveness, and resignation is regarded as a moral virtue in the
East. Man's heart is visualized as the shrine of God, and even a
small injury in thought, word, and deed against it is considered as a
great sin against God, the Indwelling One. Gratitude is shown by the
loyalty of the Orient and by being true to the salt; the hospitality
of a day is remembered throughout all the years of life, while the
benefactor never forgets humility even in the midst of his good
deeds. There is an Eastern saying, 'Forget thy virtues and remember
thy sins.'

'Chained with gold chains about the feet of God.' - Tennyson

Thus the heart, developed by religion and morality, becomes first
capable of choosing and then of retaining the object of devotion
without wavering for a moment. Yet in the absence of these qualities
it remains incapable of either choice or retention.

There have been innumerable devotees in the East, Bhakta or Ashiq,
whose devotional powers are absolutely indescribable and ineffable.
To the ignorant the story of their lives may appear exaggerated, but
the joy of self-negation is greater than that of either spiritual or
material joy.

Devotion sweetens the personality, and is the light on the path of
the disciple. Those who study mysticism and philosophy while omitting
self-sacrifice and resignation grow egoistic and self-centered. Such
persons are apt to call themselves either God or a part of God, and
thus make an excuse for committing any sins they like. Regardless of
sin or virtue they misuse and malign others, being utterly fearless
of the hereafter. Yet they forget that 'strait is the gate, and
narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life', as the Bible says.

The fire of devotion purifies the heart of the devotee and leads to
spiritual freedom. Mysticism without devotion is like uncooked food
and can never be assimilated. 'I am the heart of my devotees,' says
Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita. And Hafiz says, 'O joyous day when I
depart from this abode of desolation, seeking the repose of my soul
and setting out in search of my Beloved.'

As I sit in the Kafe while the rain falls softly
I enjoy my coffee
And I reflect

About the reality of respect

And I respect reality over truth
Any day
As I watch so many of you try to find a better way
As many of you pass my way
As some try to say

How dare I speak often of that word
I have heard the whispers of ignorance
From some who had a chance
To advance
In my reality

But they still don't know me
No more than they owe me

And I do not fault thee
But you just aint deep enough to be around me
Not in the city we call Hell
And many of you know it as DC

You aint me

And I have to respect the simpleness you see
Because my life is a fantasy
To the others who try to be a part of me
And all the while they claim that my style
Is too wild for that child

I agree

They aint ready to stay steady on the course
Of respecting a spiritual force
With no remorse

Because there is nothing wrong with none of you
Your just not as deep as you seek too
To deep to be true

Because you at best
Will be like the rest
Of the mess that revolves around you

And the few who say they know me
Still do not know how deep my name is in reality

As the Universe smiles on me

And all that flows
And grows

Every day

The Pimpstyle way

And what I have learned to respect today
On my Earthday
Is how to say

I guess I have not been stressed
For being more blessed
To not lead my life with the weak
Because I do not seek
Because my life is too damn deep

There is no game for you to peep

I don't have to creep

Because I can't sneak up on shit that is too deep

But people do

So I just want to thank GOD that I am too deep
For you

I am Loki

*wicked grin*

Without self-knowledge, we cannot go beyond the mind.
—J. Krishnamurti

I like my friends like good tissue. Soft to the touch, but strong enough to deal with some real shit


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