Monday, September 29, 2008

What you know about being like me?

What you know about being like me? magnify
I build houses from bricks thrown at me
I burn bullshit with brilliance
I bask in the glow of hate
I am not a role model
I am not real to you

I am

You can bet that I am weak
And risk the loss
By gaining something deeper

Me in your ass


It's funny how my life works

Nobody else has a clue
But they get the feeling from my flow
That they don't want to know
And that is fine with me

But we all have to live

But I am not like any of images you can respect

Because I was made to be feared
I was made to be shun
I was made to be dangerous

I am too much for too many

But there are some
Some who think that the universe revolves around their realm
The know of the eye
But they can't really see
Because they are not of the world I seek
Not that they are meek
But when I have to sneak
Just to be called more than a freak
It aint my game that is weak
It's to risk too much to have a peek

Alpha is not my wish
It is my reality
And in my style
I be a Master
I corrupt you faster
With more than just a fuck up, deserter and disaster

From a left handed step son of a bastard

I am a giant named Loki
Maybe that is too deep
But let your ass creep
And find some real shit you did not want to even seek

I am Sir Ez
Kinda Haf-ez
2 letters not the whole word
I am nor easy
No matter how easy it is to test me
You will never be rid of me
Because I be me

I apply a style
That reeks of drama
I man of the world like Obama
The kind of man you were warned about from your Mama

And I am not as unique as I am complete
With room for enhancement
I have spent more time being ready for your bullshit
Than many of you have known a bad habit
Born the year of the rabbit
This is my life and I gots to have it

And most of you have no clue
What the fuck I am into

But one thing is for sure

It's not about you

But similar enough for a few
That maybe we will meet when we do what we do
But that is on you

Weak people fall for weak game

What's your excuse?


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