Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Total Power to exchange. The Dominant POC style of the lifestyle

Many of us play with these lifestyles in our everyday lives
But life is not always something to play with
When you play with others

And the ONLY way you can play in this lifestyle is with others

Or not!

And the most important act shared in these lifestyles is

An early use of the term "total power exchange" occurred in the newsgroup on February 3rd, 1995 by Jon Jacobs.[1], who wrote of his "...contention that total power exchange is possible and, apparently, that the play-party paradigm is not real power exchange."

A TPE (Total Power Exchange) relationship, sometimes described as an absolute lifestyle d&s relationship ... is a relationship in which no impediment to the exercise of the owner's power is accepted ... Such things as safewords, contracts, negotiated limits, and anything else which recognizes / acknowledges / formalizes limits on the owner's power are inimical to TPE.
Jacobs preferred to use the phrase absolute power exchange (APE), but both terms continued to be problematic for some people, including many who pursue these types of relationship, since the relationship is subject to the physical and the emotional limitations of the participants and therefore cannot genuinely be total or absolute. Partly as a result of these objections, the term internal enslavement (IE) was first used 2000 to better describe the state of mind of these kinds of "consensual slaves"

Maybe this is TOO simple a definition?

Especially for People Of Color
In a American upbringing

I'm speaking of a mass amount of people in this country
Who are able to explore sexual freedoms
For the first time in this countries history

So POCs first need to define their own
Power Of Control
And how to respect it's freedoms
In todays New World
In order for the ages to better respect the need for SSC

And that should apply to Every type of sexual freedom

But I digress


People of color know a great deal about the way the words makes them feel
But they have seldom felt real power

In BDSM, the term power exchange refers to a relationship or activity in which the submissive partner exchanges his or her authority to make decisions for the dominant partner's agreement to take responsibility for the submissive's happiness and health. This can occur for any duration, according to the agreement of the participants, ranging from a single scene, to a proscribed period of hours, days or weeks, to a 24 hour a day agreement with no termination date.

On a psychological level, much BDSM "play" involves power and dominance, in particular power exchange, with one person willingly handing over personal autonomy. This can range from addressing another person as "master" or "mistress" for a ten-minute scene, to a witnessed, formal collaring with a lifelong agreement which micro-manages the submissive's life.

(personal sidebar)

"In 1963 on the March On Washington
My Mother pushed Me through the crowd to hear MLK speek
And he spoke

"1963 is not a end, but a beginning..."

And for the FIRST time in the history of People Of Color
We had hope that freedom was just over that mountain top
And it was
It was 2008

And so many things are so different
We are still in shock
Culture Shock
Not personally but generally


Even Moses people are more free today than ever in history
We got BET and MTV

But sexually?

We have not been free long enough to be this free with everybody

And that is what it means to be free

And there is a lot of
Sex in the City
But in the country and the community
We still don't know how to be free civilly

All of this new open sexuality
Is new for a few of you and Me

Is a mystery

As a POC
Looking for respect as they try to protect their own sexuality
In a community in it's infancy

But what about us?

All of us

Not just the kinky and the think they kinky
But the lurkers of the community
The ones who want to be
As a

And they are not you and me
A bit more open for them to see
How kinky we want to be
And free
To make more than a community
But even you and me

Don't have to prove who we be
When they aint got a clue who knew me

Not everybody
But everybody else
Who is less in the know
And first need to grow
Before they can show

How to learn what power you have know

But what about the "D" word?
*wicked grin*

The principles are that BDSM activities should be:

  • safe: attempts should be made to identify and prevent risks to health
  • sane: activities should be undertaken in a sane and sensible cast of mind
  • consensual: all activities should involve the full consent of all parties involved, but note that legal consent may not create a defence to criminal liability for any injuries caused and that, for these purposes, non-physical injuries are included in the definition of grievous bodily harm in English law.

Other people in the BDSM community do not consider SSC to be an accurate term for these relationships/activities. The term Risk Aware Consensual Kink (RACK) is sometimes used as a substitute description.

For those who dissent, issues generally arise from the subjective nature of each term in SSC when using the term as a yardstick to evaluate activities. It can be argued that the terms in RACK are equally subjective. "How safe is safe enough" is a legitimate question, and "how aware is aware enough" is an equally legitimate question.

Most attribute the term to David Stein who coined it in 1984 for GMSMA. More information can be found in the essay titled Safe Sane Consensual: The Evolution of a Shibboleth, in which he states that the term was developed "to distinguish the kind of S/M I wanted to do from the criminally abusive or neurotically self-destructive behavior popularly associated with the term 'sadomasochism'."

The "D" word

Is dick Dominance?

Everybody uses one some time or another
And it's not important if it's yours or another's
Or does it?

"It's not about the dick Sir..."
"Yes, Ma'am I love Your dick Ma'am..."
"Take this dick!..."
"Ahhhhh... give me that dick!..."

Is dick the D we confuse?
Are too many people confused ?

Why is Dominance harder for People of Color
To control and command
In their personal community
Because of the dick?

Or because Dominance of said dick is dangerous
Real or fake
You can not wake someone
Or shake someone out or off of some good dick


But the images of the memories of how we have come to be
Who we are going to be in a new history
Is not clear enough to fear for us to find harmony
And I'll be darn if we aint in the promise land
Now how do you do the countryland
Stand by your man...
(dick optional)

But Dominance?

People of color are the last ones to admit some real shit
If we wanted freedom
Well this is it
Not all of it
But if you are not a part of it
Then why start some shit
And forget

Here's some important information about what I mean
When I mention People Of Color

I have a certain respect for Hispanic and Arabic cultures
Nothing personal
But as many times I spoke about something that made some of YOU feel I was blaming you for real
And the real deal is a bit deeper than dick

I am and will always be Me

And there are more like Me that can not speak
There are more like Me that can not write
There are more like Me that can not be understood

When many of you people of color have NEVER been this free

Maybe it's not the Obama in me
"...what you say about my Mama?"

Yes we can change!

But it's going to feel a bit strange
You will not be comfortable
You will not have any control
But you can not have half and not be whole

Because FAITH is the POWER

In Total Power Exchange

And as a culture who is NOW living with another culture
NOW living with other cultures NOW

In America
I think we need to first thirst for
The American Me
Yeah, like the movie

How do a NOW mixed community of cultures of adults
Vanilla and kinky alike
And not fight for the right
To wake up
Get up
Stand up
And find more faith to guide your TPE

Too Powerful Energy
To exchange for no other reason
Or lifestime
This lifestyle is deeper than a booty call
This is for all the marbles every time we fall
For being more free

Not as some community
I mean everybody

But understand
That in this land of the NOW free

We have not come this far
To leave thee


But 1963 was not a end
But we have passed the time to say

What do you mean?

If MLK was a Poly Dominant with a white sub/slut/slave
He would not be remembered the same way His is today

But today
We all have more freedom to role play
All day

But first we have to admit
That respect for open sexuality
For all the masses
Got they asses playing with some bullshit
All up in it
And it aint been invented

What we do have not been invented yet

Not invented yet

Where we are today has not been lived yet!

And tomorrow is a mystery

But today
These lifestyles are more a part of me
Than I can start to be
Some community

So excuse me please

I Am
Alpha Master Pimp
Sir Ez
The Lord GOD Loki

Po Pimpondatass


Dj Hafez

Mr Motherfucker

And your not

In this lifestyle
Is all we got
Maybe not

But that is the POWER in that ENERGY

We learn to live from what is given
We give to give back
And lack

We learn to let go what is taken
We give to give back
And live

Power is energy
Energy is light
Light is voltage

But it's that Amps that can kill you

If you do not have respect

But we all were made by Amps
Concieved in lust
From a new found freedom

We as a people of color
Have come a long way

But today
Is such a new day
That the only way
For us to learn how live more free together

You can not wish for something you never had
Until you want it that bad
To pray that some day
You could do life the right way

Well today is your lucky day

Tomorrow has not been invented yet
Wanna bet you can get some kinky shit?

Scared money don't make money

Scared faith don't make no change

Fear don't make no respect

What does all of this mean to these lifestyles
And people of color in kink or not?


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