Monday, September 29, 2008

Help I'm stuck and I don't wanna



This lifestyle got me stuck between a rock and a hard dick


because I am sick of the normal bullshit

Of cat and mouse

I got a house

More like a condo


A room

With 9 walls

I call the Pimp Palace

A training post where I do the most

And host the brave and bewildered

Confused and horny

Never a day bore me

Because this lifestyle is a part of me

The heart of me

Finding new ways to define this world of mine

Learning how to respect the time

With no rhythm to the rhyme

I gets mine

And do just fine

But I'm stuck

Like Chuck on the back of a kinky truck


stuck play_w2("S0822000") (stk)
Past tense and past participle of stick.


the past of stick2
1. Informal baffled by a problem or unable to find an answer to a question
2. be stuck on Slang to feel a strong attraction to; be infatuated with
3. get stuck in Informal to perform a task with determination


Adj. 1. stuck - caught or fixed; "stuck in the mud"
unstuck - free; "a man with a mule got my car unstuck"; "the gears locked in second and would not come unstuck"

2. stuck - baffled; "this problem has me completely stuck"
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
perplexed - full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment; "perplexed language"; "perplexed state of the world"


adjective 1. fastened, fast, fixed, joined, glued, cemented
adjective 2. trapped, caught, ensnared
adjective 3. burdened, saddled, lumbered, landed, loaded, encumbered
adjective 4. (Informal) baffled, stumped, at a loss, beaten, nonplussed, at a standstill, bereft of ideas, up against a brick wall (informal) at your wits' end be stuck on something or someone (Slang) infatuated with, obsessed with, keen on, enthusiastic about, mad about, wild about (informal) hung up on (slang) crazy about, for, or over (informal) get stuck into something (Informal) set about, tackle, get down to, make a start on, take the bit between your teeth

There is power in words

Power is the use of words

Power in the definition of words

And I respect that

That's why I say I'm stuck

Like I can't get out of these ways

I can't ignore these days

Because these ways pays

In more ways

It stays

True to what you do

If you respect what you do

And stay true

To being stuck

In too deep

To creep back to the vanilla

I wish I will a way the way these ways pays


If you honor what you are and what you are not

Even if you forgot

Some of the rules to live by

I can't see why

These lifestyles can't improve more than just your sex life

But you have to have your head on right

Not just for a night

But tight

And ready to fight

For a better outcome

Even if you are not the one

You can be THAT ONE

And have some fun

Even when the fun is done

At least you had some

But to be stuck

Is the best poor excuse for giving a fuck

About doing more than fucking

This is adult parenthood

It can do any relationship some good

Not just the kinky brother and sisterhood

But even the people who should

Know how to grow

But alittle slow in the how department

Any part meant something more to masses

Who want to stay normal asses

But want to grasp this thing we get into a bit deeper

These lessons can help you keep her

Or keep him longer with honor

And not see a weak connection as a goner

So I'm stuck in one direction

I seek more protection

More construction

And less destruction

From idle misdirected seduction

Because I'm stuck wanting to do this a better way

Than any old way

I want to say

I am SSC everyday

In every way

All day

Even when I know it's hard to stay


For learning how to get these lifestyles right

For getting my game tight

For getting through the bad nights

For surviving the bad fights

And enjoying more time to play

In a SSC way

I stuck

Trying to keep it real

But you know the deal

Some people would beg, borrow, and steal

Than be real

About the way we feel

About being stuck

Giving a fuck

About these sexual lifestyles

And how they these sexual lifestyles can add conformity

And respect for some normalcy

In my reality

In what ever style I wanna be


Just being me


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