Friday, December 30, 2011

The conflict of advanced adult sexual nature in the new world order of the ages.

The question was asked as to why POCs are so homophobic and even fearful of sexual polarities in general other than the basic homosexual polarities.
So while some were talking (in a swingers group) about male anal stimulation and the suspect nature of a man being on a DL if they fetishize about that act. I had to express a deeper explanation of sexual polarities in general and the general nature of common people in todays new world exposure...

Actually the issue here is education more than suspect nature.

In our culture as People of Color, we tend to be very miseducated in advanced sexual nature. So for many all they know is hetro or homo. And nothing in between or any exceptions. Part of that problem is because of the structure of organized religion culturally. Take Eddie Long for instance. While he KNOWS what he is doing to some degree, he also KNOWS that the structure that he is conditioned from demands that what he KNOWS and FEELS is NEVER to be exposed to COMMON MAN. Because up until this century, advanced sexual education was ONLY exposed to mystics and monarks of society. So all of these sexual lifestyles were secrets that were held as indulgences ONLY for the high and mighty. And that means everything above heterosexual missionary sexual contact. So everything including swinging to BDSM to descriptions of sexual polarities were all taboo to common man. THAT is the deep part of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Because the BIGGEST sin was sexual deviance and over exposure of ignorance as to the spiritual powers and responsibilities connected to the act of sex it's self and GODs desire to be included i ever act in a positive nature. So homosexuality was not as much of a sin unless the parties involved disrespected the basic laws of human nature. And ALL of that was too deep for common man to have THAT much air and opportunity to spitefully and selfishly indulge in sexual deviance without remorse. Kinda like the way we are NOW starting to indulge in sexual deviance today due to exposure of the internet but fail to respect the basic conditions as to why each act has a purpose ad conditions as to why they exist. So commoners are now jumping into these advanced sexual lifestyles with no respect or concern for anyone but their own desire to selfishly explore a act that it too spiritually powerful for them to handle and they are preying on others more than having any concern for the possibility that they may harm others in their quest for entertaining mindless deviancy.

So in short...

NO ACT between man and woman (loving partners) in a loving relationship is a sin in theory.


Sex is a powerful act that creates the SAME effect as DRUGS in the mind and even in souls of human beings rather they have become upper metaphysically educated as to dangers and responsibilities involved with these evolutionary acts or not! And in the case of "prostrate milking" and male anal exposure? Up until as of late, THAT ACT was ONLY reserved for trained Doctors for medicinal purposes! And for the few advanced practitioners who can safely explore that act for entertainment purposes.

And it gets deeper!

Because even the POPE stated in his Christmas address last year that "back in his day sexual deviance including pedophilia was NO BIG DEAL".... And many found great offense in his statement without consideration of WHERE his views of recollection stemmed from. Mostly due to the basic moral conditioning that the common religious populace has been educated under.

Mind you, the history of the Egyptians, Romans and the Greeks to state a few, have ALL noted the ART of Erotic indulgence by Royals, Mystics, Nobels, Craftsmen and Socialites in the community. Even the gladiators and the military were recorded and even somehow excused for their homosexual conduct with each other WITHOUT judgement of being lessor of a MAN or Woman/lady respectfully.

While the ONLY recording in our history of the common people being exposed and engulfed in deviant sexual nature was in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. And in THAT example the moral of THAT story was how the masses of lower classes abused THAT freedom that was expected to include greater responsibility as well as Spiritual REASONING behind each and every indulgence and sexual act personally. And what resulted was a loss of social concern for anyone and a selfish corrupt nature by common man that resulted in the need for the whole populace to be destroyed due to the severity of blasphemy by the common people as a whole.

Not because of the expression of homosexual nature. But because of the lack of education and purpose of basic sexuality and the spiritual concern for positive relations between respectful partners as to cautious conduct with such a powerful act of sexual experimentation.

So in theory, the act of mindless predatory terrorism and premeditated sexual assault by the masses became the HOLY OFFENSE when the common people of Sodom and Gomorrah desired and even demanded the intent to RAPE the two angels that were sent to Sodom and Gomorrah to protect Abraham's nephew, Lot.

#### "The biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah is recorded in Genesis chapters 18-19. Genesis chapter 18 records the Lord and two angels coming to speak with Abraham. The Lord informed Abraham that "the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous." Verses 22-33 record Abraham pleading with the Lord to have mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah because Abraham's nephew, Lot, and his family lived in Sodom."

#### "Genesis chapter 19 records the two angels, disguised as human men, visiting Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot met the angels in the city square and urged them to stay at his house. The angels agreed. The Bible then informs us, "Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom — both young and old — surrounded the house. They called to Lot, 'Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.'" The angels then proceed to blind all the men of Sodom and Gomorrah and urge Lot and his family to flee from the cities to escape the wrath that God was about to deliver. Lot and his family flee the city, and then "the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah — from the LORD out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, including all those living in the cities..."

#### "In light of the passage, the most common response to the question "What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?" is that it was homosexuality. That is how the term "sodomy" came to be used to refer to anal sex between two men, whether consensual or forced. Clearly, homosexuality was part of why God destroyed the two cities. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to perform homosexual gang rape on the two angels (who were disguised as men). At the same time, it is not biblical to say that homosexuality was the exclusive reason why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were definitely not exclusive in terms of the sins in which they indulged."

#### "Ezekiel 16:49-50 declares, "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me..." The Hebrew word translated "detestable" refers to something that is morally disgusting and is the exact same word used in Leviticus 18:22 that refers to homosexuality as an "abomination." Similarly, Jude 7 declares, "...Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion." So, again, while homosexuality was not the only sin in which the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah indulged, it does appear to be the primary reason for the destruction of the cities."

I digress...

The REASON for My biblical inclusion of these quotes are to better express the actual instinct of the common people of Sodom and Gomorrah and why they were destroyed more than how many follow the cliff notes of the folklore they have been religiously conditioned to believe today...

Now why is THIS so important?

It's more important TODAY more than ever because THIS lesson has been FORBIDDEN to be explained to the commoners of society that BECAUSE of Sodom and Gomorrah it has been feared that IF religious practitioners were to attempt to explain this reality to the common populace? Solely because of their intelligence as a whole and their possibility to neglect such a freedom to explore these advanced sexual acts will cause the same massive corruption that occurred during Sodom and Gomorrah.

And up until this century and the invention of the World Wide Web?

This theory was demanded to be taboo to common man for their own good!

But NOW we are facing a new problem in our societies again.

NOW organized religion is not faced with a greater conflict.
The ability to enlighten ALL of the masses after suppressing so many advanced freedoms that have been ONLY reserved for upper metaphysically educated responsible may cause the total collapse of organized religion as a whole out of spite!

Thus the issue that people like Eddie Long, and The Pope, and so many others who have seemed to have felt excused in their conduct that they have preached to be sinful to the masses and yet been found out to have been following a conflictive inexcusable lifestyle that they are permitted to explain after exposed because THAT would mean that THEY would have to explain the deeper definitions of every sexual polarity and how and WHERE it is expressed and the conditions of ALL of it, to everyone. No matter if they want to believe it or not!

And THAT is not going to happen because that would mean that EVERY secret that many darker orders have hidden from the common man will also HAVE to be exposed as well.

And the common man in todays society can NOT handle THAT much enlightenment at this point in their impression of humanity as a whole. From what they have been manipulated to believe for their own safety in theory. But what many will consider a total insult to their intelligence.

Because SEX is the MOST powerful and unexplained act in humanity next to pain and death.

The upper metaphysical nature of such mystical power and responsibility as well as control and enlightenment would require everyone to be educated in the arts of Karma Sutra, Tantra, Chakras, and meditative yoga as well as martial arts as well as psychology and Biology JUST to be qualified to better understand the importance of respecting the act of sex to be NOTHING TO FUCK WITH in general.

And at this point in our awareness in this new world?
The basic conflicts that common man has with trying to understand their own personal sexual polarity and mental stability to be able to indulge in these advanced sexual lifestyles seem too difficult to consider studying FIRST before exploring the temptations of the flesh with a sound mind and a respectable responsibility to include their spiritual powers in a positive manner as to not harm each other or cause a act of extreem sin for abusing such a powerful act for mindless selfish reasons..

And being that todays general populace is NOT able to erase their personal impression of miseducated morality as a whole without the feeling of loosing their whole spirituality and identity?

The ability to inform and educate the masses of people who NOW find themselves drawn to these advanced sexual lifestyles that were once manipulated by their organized belief structure to enforce a MASS IGNORANCE for the common good of society is WAY TOO MUCH to handle without causing them to NOT include their spirituality as the driving force in their sexual desires.

And THAT means without judgement of others as well.

THAT is what BDSM actually is about in theory.
The respect and understanding of sexual polarities and every fetish known to mankind, respectfully.
(including the ones others find offensive and distasteful)

THAT is still too conflictive for the common man in society to excuse and respect towards others who may seem driven towards a darker and scarier personal fetish.

THAT is the difference in what the 1% of power feels empowered to indulge in that the 99% can not stomach to imagine how they can get away with such a privilege without feeling they are sinful to humanity.

And THAT includes polygamy, swinging, pedophilia, homosexuality, beastiality(sp), and every other fetish, sexual polarity and relationship dynamic that demands a different responsibility as to HOW they can afford to indulge into something that common man can not afford respectfully or have to explain to insignificant bystanders and low life's.

This new found investigative freedom of information of the masses of commoners and "normal" simple minded people is causing a great deal of corruptive nature to our basic family values as well as confusion to many common people in society who NOW feel the ability to indulge into sexual acts that were once considered TABOO in nature and even sinful by the standards set by organized religion as a whole.

So it's not as simple as homosexuality, bisexuality or heterosexuality now.
Now we have even deeper sexual polarities like Alpha, beta, and omega types.
We have Tops and Bottoms and fetishist.
We have mental conditions and tramas in our histories that are connected to our philia's and phobias.

All of these deeper identities demand that we KNOW exactly who and how we are and how we are not.

And NONE of these should change our personal image as whom we are.

So a man who loves his ass probed should never be questioned as to his sexuality no more than a man who cross dresses should never be questioned as well.
Nor should a homosexual, transsexual, lesbian or bisexual person ever be questioned as to their humanity or stability to be judged by their character no more than the color or culture.

And these adult sexual lifestyles SHOULD Be safe havens for all that understand and respect adult sexuality and sexual polarities and fetishes as a whole. So that no one has the right to judge another or feel uncomfortable being around others unlike themselves socially.

But this shit is TOO NEW and TOO DEEP for too many common people to understand WHY they have no choice but to keep their personal insecurities to themselves enough to embrace a sense of unity as a lifestyle community at large.

Just the over indulgence and temptation and freedom to explore so many of these sexual indulgences has cause too many simple minded people to abuse the basic concern for others for their own selfish desires and even ignorant selfish addictions and predatory instincts.

And THAT is and has been the Dangerous element of these Adult Sexual lifestyles today!

Because ignorance is TOO EASY to embarace but too uncomfortably shameful to admit when the pride of simple minds find themselves stuck having to face enlightenment and reality that is too strange to respect more than the risk of failure.

It's not JUST human nature.

It's because basic HUMAN NATURE is NOT what we have been conditioned to be allowed to believe as common people in todays society. Because OUR society as it has been STRUCTURED through organized religion that has manipulated the mindset of the masses of populations of civilizations for THEIR OWN PROTECTION respectfully has now become the most difficult conflict with our ability to enlighten ourselves enough to better explore these adult sexual lifestyles without guilt, shame, or fear of sin.

And we can not handle THAT much truth!

Because we can not handle THAT much responsibility to NOT rebel from the only spiritual faith base we have ever known to date.

And already too many people have grown to HATE organized religion for more reasons than they have the ability to excuse them for, now that they have the ability to see why they HAD to protect the masses from becoming another Sodom and Gomorrah!

And now here we stand together as a newly connected WORLD image still suffering manipulated ignorance and racism and folklore that once was for our own good in the smaller hoods we have evolved from today.

And the MOST uncomfortable truth and enlightenment that we all face in this civilized world as it stands today is sex and sexual polarity and how ONLY when we are able to educate ourselves fully into the deeper darker reality that has been hidden from us for thousands of years?

We MAY be able to better understand WHY Jesus Himself refrained from sex for a greater purpose in his teachings of spiritual enlightenment that ended up causing western civilizations to divide into conflicting beliefs in order to keep certain order and civil structure of the masses before we found ourselves where we all are in this New World Order of the Ages...

### "Enlightenment comes at a price. You have to shed your most profound beliefs, give up the props that keep you going each day, and arrive at a place where "you" does not exist. You are no longer playing a role in the theater, and you are no longer even in the theater because the theater too is an illusion. This is not a happy thing, enlightenment."

THAT price!
Is too deep and too dark for the civilized common man/woman to be expected to handle and respect over the reality that will no longer exist as soon as you become enlightened.

Sex is a act that creates a spiritual explosion of energy and light that can be the most powerful energy a human can posses or express once Mastered and understood.

If you can not include the highest form of your spiritual beliefs in your indulgence in the act of sex?

All your doing is fucking for no reason.
And too many of us have been created out of shame and ignorance of mindless sexual indulgence and selfish addiction that the basic product of such a act suffers more until it is able to do better for the next generation of blessings that are ONLY made by having sex!

The intent of the New World Order is to enlighten the masses so that they may peacefully evolve into a more enlightened state of a NEW WORLD REALITY of the masses respectfully.

But we can NOT learn enough from our history to no longer repeat it.
Because we have been too conditioned to defend what history we think has made us who we are today.

And we do not fully KNOW who we are as individuals because our sexual polarity is a part of our ever evolving DNA.

THAT requires a NEW MATH mentality.

What makes us most human is what made us and how we were made.

SEX is the most important part of our humanity.
And still the most uncomfortably taboo topic to handle as adults.

ta·boo   [tuh-boo, ta-] adjective, noun, plural ta·boos, verb, ta·booed, ta·boo·ing.
proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable: Taboo language is usually bleeped on TV. Synonyms: prohibited, banned, forbidden, proscribed. Antonyms: allowed, permitted, permissible; sanctioned.
prohibited or excluded from use or practice: In art school, painting from photographs was taboo.
(among the Polynesians and other peoples of the South Pacific) separated or set apart as sacred; forbidden for general use; placed under a prohibition or ban. Synonyms: sacrosanct, inviolable.
a prohibition or interdiction of anything; exclusion from use or practice. Synonyms: ban, proscription, embargo, interdiction; no-no.
(among the Polynesians and other peoples of the South Pacific)
the system, practice, or act whereby things are set apart as sacred, forbidden for general use, or placed under a prohibition or interdiction.
the condition of being so set apart, forbidden, or interdicted.
exclusion from social relations; ostracism.

verb (used with object)
to put under a taboo; prohibit or forbid. Synonyms: prohibit, ban, forbid, proscribe. Antonyms: allow, permit, sanction.
to ostracize (a person, group, etc.): While he is tabooed, no one may speak to him.
Also, tabu.

### Sex between loving and caring adults should NEVER be taboo.

The story of Adam and eve revolved around the tree of knowledge.

With great knowledge comes great responsibility.

Know thy self.




Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Pimpstyle RANT worth reading during Ramadan.

As a Black non Christian Man, I find the need to sometimes lash out at the ignorance of My own and how I too feel connected by default.

And for that reason I feel the need to leave this rant here and not out there in the world on front street.

Sometimes My people don't think about how their words they leave on public threads are gonna come off to the rest of the viewing world, or even care how or why.

This reverse "Coonery" many seem to be comfortable with expressing as a fine example of our race.

It aint like there are many like us in the world.
We have become the last genetic mutation of many others from our generations that made us just black.

And I don't mean that there is anything wrong with that because I was raised to believe that Black is beautiful.

But these negro's out here can't let go of their own bullshit fast enough to notice that everyone else in the world views all of us AS IS.

And THAT is the part that I hate the most.
And hate is a very powerful word.

And if there is ONE thing that black folks can admit if they are at least worth shit is that we have to admit that all of us as a whole aint ready or even strong enough to see things from a world perspective and not a black American view point.

And every last one of us are very unique mutations of more other races and tribes of humans of the world that we are suffering from un-adapt-ability within this new found general populace of the world. And in this case it becomes even more complex because we are also kinky. (what ever that means)

But I'm not one of yall.

I keep trying to say that.
The ONLY thing most of us share in common is our skin color.

And THAT is how it is everywhere else in the world except in many urban areas and social realms in America.

But it pains Me to watch so many slip faster to exclude others of the same color at the drop of a hat and then bat a eye when they need to speak for their race just because...

If it all came down to a simple task of being forced into a broad category?

And you had to pick being just black or something else but that would mean that you had to stand with them or the black people?

More black folks would bail like they did with Obama's election.

It's a socially cultural issue.

Most black people talk as if they will never be faced with living abroad where their culture conflicts with your own and make that place your home. Let alone, be shown that others find you all more hip-o-critical just because in the BDSM mentality? Your or should I say OUR reality does not apply in a world perspective.

And many are now learning that back folks are so diverse that they will turn on each other faster than they can relate as a whole.

And if a black person admits the ugly truth of their own people in general or even statistically?

Some black person will make it their business to disown one of their own, and none of us are here to hang out with everyone. Most of us will never meet.

But Black people have been making Me sick of their sickness in masses.
Because they black asses aint trying to be a asset to their race.

And speaking of race?

*blank stare*

Who is it to say that black folks know the ONLY way to treat black folks better than they can do to each other honorably?

The ONE thing I will admit...

I may not say something that everyone will get with...
I may in fact say some shit that many will debate out of ignorance.
And there aint that many of us in these lifestyles anyway.

So on any given day I have to deal with some person of color coming out they mouth on some dumb shit like the shit I leave in print is some bullshit.
Just because from where they see it?
Something I say is some bullshit because they can't admit that they are as well read as I am enough to leave respect at the end of

Not that black folks are slow learners...

But Americans as a whole got this shit twisted.

From a world perspective.

Most black American people Have never traveled at least 10 thousand miles in their lifetime. And in most cases it was from one black cultural environment to another to visit family.

And our history is too vast for many of them to agree to compare history and not debate their own from what they have known all of their lives.

And just in case you forgot?

Some of us may be African Americans, but we are not Africans enough to have duel citizenship.

So few black people in this world are upper metaphysical thinkers just as every other race of people of the world.

I wish more people of color were conditioned enough to be able to relate more than debate just because you come from some culture that conflicts with the shit some other black person wrote.

Like this race shit...

Just because you can't get with some shit someone else is into?
Don't mean that you have to show your black asses in masses on some thread that fucked with your black mentality.

And too many black folks take shit others write personally.

And this shit is killing Me to not just have to see another sister or brother leave another example of reverse "Coonery" while they try to be seriously funny.

So in closing?

Making a long rant shorter than you would know...

The ONLY reason why I leave something from My viewpoint is just incase someone can take something that may make them grow.

Even if it makes no sense to someone.
If they are smart?

It should not matter what color you are.

But I am talking about black folks in general.

And POCs...

There is about a handful of any amount of us that can even be counted as the Kinky Americans.

That makes even minorities to small to even make a POC community.
But some of yall POCs be on some other shit.

But don't let THAT be the reason why too many of you are guilty of reverse "Coonery" than Me!

*evil stare*

I was raised Pro Black.
And child of very active parents in the civil rights movement and supporters of the Black Power Movement.

I gives a fuck about Kewl Points.

Not one damn word I typed was a lie.

I know My people better than most of them know themselves.

And I hate to have to admit it to too many of them around these
They aint listening to a damn thing I say.

#### "Niggers and flys, niggers and flies. How I despise niggers and flies. But the more I see niggers the more I like flies..."
The Last Poets?

I love black people.
Black people are Me.
But one thing black people are not ready for...

Black People are not ready for the revolution.


[first interview with Martin Luther King from 1957 part 2](
Watch the damn video.
*Pay attention to the white man on the right/left.*
How right were they when they planned to put all of us as Americans today?

If I have to be stuck in My faith during a time of prayer and fasting?
Because I want too.

I want to pray that there will come a day when more black people and people of color and of different faiths, will see further than their own noses.

And most of all I am gonna also pray that People of color will stop treating each other as if one or the other deserve less than the same respect they try to protect. Because that's all they know as who they are in this country.

Treat each other no less or no better than you would treat someone at face value of another color.

The miseducation of the Negro in America is proof enough that too many of us are not ready to deal with a different type of person of color having the same right to their opinion and the same honor to respect where they come from too. Even if it conflicts with you.

I love black folks too much to be forced to expect better from them.
And they don't understand what I'm talking about.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Fear, disgust and bigotry against Dominant Black Male images.

Case in point...

This article admits that there is a issue with how the air lines treated the Young Black Saggin Football player compared to how they treated the white cross dressing submissive man

At the time, an airline spokesperson said that while the airline “does not have a specific dress code …we do ask that our passengers dress in an appropriate manner to ensure the safety and comfort of all of our passengers.”

Maybe that pilot that got fired for admitting the TYPE of flight attendants they hire was right? And maybe the homosexual and grannies/women he complained about where the type of people who were more comfortable letting a white cross dresser fly while they had a issue with the more Dominant young black football player who was sagging in his pajamas.

In another article where the football player had a chance to tell his side of the story he states...

...But Marman refused to de-plane, and the situation escalated with Marman and the pilot, which resulted in the pilot making a citizen's arrest. Marman said, "I'm just like everybody else on this plane. I'm human, and the pilot said, 'No, you're not. You're not like everybody else.' "

The issue here was in the Pilots statement ** 'No, you're not. You're not like everybody else.' **

And as much as I would like to admit that I am uncomfortable with saggers, I have to admit that I'm not that much more comfortable with a man in full drag in public either.

So the question here is sexual polarity and race!

Who is judging who, and why?

Now this is NOT just about the "sagging" issue more than it's HOW the general public views Black Dominant male images in todays public realm.

There are many other examples of cases where some Dominant black Image has been treated differently than a more submissive or even openly homosexual or submissive male image.

This case will soon address this issue more I'm sure.
And just in case it does not?

I posted it here JUST to see how many of you will treat this subject.

So, what say you?

Do you think the public at larg is more willing to except more submissive homosexual or female images over the image of black Dominant males in general?



Friday, May 27, 2011

The Black church and culture MADE Eddie Long how his is right now.

He is the PRODUCT of the black ministry!

And yet Eddie Long stated that:
"the Bible mentions three sexual sins—fornication, adultery and homosexuality"

Stop Playing!

"Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel."
1 Corinthians 9:14

We ALL KNOW that the ministry teaches homophobia while many in the faith are conditioned to hide the truth.

And yet in this day and age we STILL allow the Christian structure to manipulate out morality.

And the Church would not let Eddie Long explain why and how they have allowed him to get away with the same thing he preached against.

"Do you not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar?"
1 Corinthians 9:13

And I'm NOT calling Eddie Long a fake teacher.

I'm calling him a PUNK for not breaking the cycle of ignorance in our community by being truthful.

"When this sex scandal broke last year members said they didn’t want to push the Bishop out until they knew all the details. Well now that he’s settled the case with the four victims, a growing group of church members say he needs to leave! A person close to the group says they believe his settlement means he’s guilty of sexually abusing the young men. They’re also claiming he settled to avoid talking about all the scandalous details in the case.
Meanwhile, Barbara Marschalk, who represents New Birth Missionary Baptist Church and LongFellows Youth Academy, tells the that she anticipates “the lawsuits will be dismissed, with prejudice, by close of business today.”

B.J. Bernstein, who reps the 4 men who sued the pastor says neither side would talk about the settlement terms but BMS is on the case!

Settlement talks weren’t going so well for Atlanta mega church leader until the $$ got better. BMS told ya weeks ago church members close to the Bishop Eddie Long sexual misconduct case say the young men were offered $4 million dollars to settle the sexual lawsuit. But as we told you they were holding out for a public apology until more money hit the table.

Long and his lawyers upped the offer WITH an apology behind closed doors only. The apology had been the sticking point in the past. Some of them wanted a public apology.

The young men had been demanding $20 million dollars from Long & the church. BMS has been told the guys settled for $15 million…that’s $3.6 million each. Depending on the fee arrangements with the lawyers – the boys lawyers could get up to 50% of the settlement. The young men will likely take home $1.3 million dollars each. BMS has also been told the insurance company likely paid up to $13 million dollars. So the church is likely out of $2 million dollars.

As you may recall, 4 young men sued Long, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church and the LongFellows Youth Academy alleging Long coerced them into having sexual relations. Long has admitted to hugging and giving the boys money, but he claims he did not rape them. Last year all parties agreed to mediation. An agreement keeps a lot of the dirt from being played out in court and a costly trial.

The one major obstacle had been some “type” of apology to the young men in public. Long we are told was furious and panicked at the possibility of apologizing to the young men in public. Two of the young men were holding out strongly for a public apology. Long’s people in the end won by getting them to accept a private apology behind closed doors and more money.

Should Bishop Eddie Long Resign? Should the congregation ask for his resignation? Should we try to heal and leave things as they are now?"

I can forgive someone who admits the truth.

But I can't stand anyone who will stand in your face and pass judgement on others to hide their own dysfunctions.

Thou shalt not lie...

But the real issue is WHY!

Why can no one in the Christian faith find any scripture in their faith that can explain why so many of them have homosexual tendencies and yet they ca find no excuse why they can stand before their flock and manipulate a truth that they live by in their own walk as a Christian?

Why can they not find any excuse for polyamory or communal living that allows more than a monogamous and heterosexual mindset in their faith as it is written and understood?

This is where I am at right now...

I believe that GOD made everyone.
GOD knows why.
And for that reason, anyone who is born with ANY sexual polarity is ONLY required to obey GODs wishes.
Respect GOD
Respect yourself
Respect others who respect you.

I believe that the union between people who are committed to each other is blessed by GOD.

No matter what your sexual polarity is or your moral beliefs are.
As long as you are respectful within your dynamic to each and everyone included in your committed relationship.

There is no sin.

Only GOD is the judge.

What people do in the privacy of their own homes is between them and GOD.

If your gonna be who you are?

Be proud in your faith.

You can not hide from GOD.
So what do so many of these people try to hide their true nature from others who may feel the same and not know how to deal with it?

But most importantly,

Don't be a Hypocrite!

hyp·o·crite/ˈhɪpəˌkrɪt/ noun
plural hyp·o·crites
[count] disapproving : a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why are we NOT asking better questions about what is going on with our young adults?

I'm sure many of you have noticed that there has been a great deal of popularity in videotaping fights by young people and posting them for everyone to see as of late.

Some of that I'm sure we can chalk up to technology and the internet.
But with that curent trend there is no end to the amounts of videos of young women of color fighting other women and even men.

Now most see these videos and just blame the parents or the person who videotaped the clip. But I wonder why so few people not only notice, but begin to question what is really wrong with so many young women of color?

It's not hard to find some good examples...

[Like This One]


[Or This One]

And many more on this site and Youtube and facebook.

All trying to make you take a look.
And we do look.
And some comment.

[Like this One that makes everyone wish they could beat the parents and the people who filmed this clip]

But these massive amounts of shocking images of young POCs are only causing people to disown them more than cause a massive need to really notice that there is something very wrong with so many of our young adults to be. Especially young female POCs.

I didn't write this post just so we can shake our heads and more images of our shameful realities. More than start a dialog on what is really going on and is anyone claiming these red flags as a better need to pay attention to what is going on with out people.

This is much deeper than simple ignorance.

This is something else.

And these children don't care who's watching.
They just don't know how to deal with it civilly.

And we owe Many of them more than shame....

So the real question is...

Do you notice?
Wanna talk about it?


Elderly advice...

When I was a child, I acted like a child and when I became a Adult I tried to be adult about life but NOW that I am becoming an Elder I have to learn how to deal with childish adults.

*evil stare*

It's like watching church members fighting in church.
And none of them can see fault in how they acted and why they was a part of said chaos.

And then have the nerve to try to blame Me for calling it as I see it.

Now as not only an adult but also a elderly candidate in age and experience?
I find Myself coming to grips with the harsh reality.

My mother never raised a fool.
And childish games are often played by adults with childish tendencies.
I'm a great target for others who wish to be challenged by occupation and so they feel the need to include Me in their lust for attention.

As a elder candidate I have nothing to earn but My own comfort.
I owe no one enlightenment.
I am not trying to be a role model to anyone.

I seek to Master My own Mastery.

Smart people do not question the Mastery of the Elderly.

But with the current state of adults children with very little home training, it's become harder to defend your own homes from foolishness.

And now that I am becomes a Elderly Man, I am now noticing the difference easier.

And more comfortable with people hating Me for calling it as I see it when challenged.

And childish adults still have not been holding ther dick as long as I have been holding Mine. And don't let THAT be the reason why I aint gonna let nobody piss on My boots and tell Me they are into watersports.

This is not a game.
For the elderly.

I just aint got My AARP card yet.
But it's in the mail.
