Monday, October 1, 2012

2012... it's still not over yet.

This is a interesting time of year spiritually.

*wicked grin*

As metaphysical animals, we humans all go through natural instincts subconsciously as seasons change and the earth shifts and goes through it's phases with the other planets.

And seldom do we stop for a moment and really focus on our vibrations and the vibrations of others and how this year, this moment, this season has been the MOST t
alked about event in the history of mankind as we know it.
These moments this second, this day, this season has been prophesied by scholars and mystics for more centuries in our history than many of us have studied.

And yet, there is so much to distract us from a moment of reflection and maybe even to better focus on the possibilities this Earths shift can effect our realities.

No need for alarm or insecurity.
But this is the year 2012.
And we have less time until the deadline mentioned as the end of a era than we have shopping days till

And the planet and the stars around it is doing some unique things right now. And I don't know how, but as simple humans I know that lately our minds and our world around us has been changing more than normal.

So I guess what I'm saying is how do you feel?


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