Monday, October 1, 2012

When the student becomes the teacher...

The Art of politics.
A young Master learns from a True Master of the Art of War
The passing of the torch
*evil grin*

I haven't had much reason to blog for quite a while.
Maybe because I found it easier to just spew short post on other social sites that made Me lazy.
Until I found Myself shortening My post at times that what I felt like saying was just not complete in 200 words or less..

But as I watched the character of this country flip through so many flavors of love and hate as of late?
I could not wait for the right words to formulate in My mind enough to fold it's self into a challenge.
How do I express the mess we have gotten ourselves into?
As a Nation of people
And never been defeated.

But it's no secret that mass amounts of American people have been picking sides and drawing lines in the burning sands of progress and depression.
While guessing
Who is messing
With our lives
And livelyhoods.
And the goods are less than the bads.
And the sadness and frustrations have forced forecast of fear of failure.
If someone does not 
some image of hope that we lack the knack to attack
Because the facts have become fiction
Depending on what side you see from.

But I digress...
Because I would guess that just as the predictions professed.
We are faced with a mess
Of problems and no formula to solve them.
That anyone can agree upon.

And gone are the simple days
When one vote was all it took
Buy hook or crook
To change the ways
For better days

And speaking of dazes?
These are our our last days
Our last ways
To praise
What used to be.


Is not a end
It's a new beginning
But nobody is winning

Because all bet are off
Because we are now on the boarder
Of a new world order

And let's not pretend that it was expected that the world would end
That depends on who you ask
The task of a fix fast
Has past
And at last

We are free
To be a whole new we
The people
Will never be defeated
And repeat it
Until we see it

*evil stare*

But the world is shifting faster than any location or nation can guess the rotation of power.
This very hour
Has put a sour note
In the very Constitution they wrote
And hope
Is the new dope
On a bigger scope
The slope is unpredictable

There is no form to this new formula.
The formality is you and Me
And Unity is a fantasy
And we have too much future to repeat our history
Not from memory

And that brings Me back to the student
The Master
And the Teacher

When the lessons to be learned have not been invented as of yet?
You can bet
That the best teacher
Is the creature who has not become a Master yet
But has honored the challenge of becoming a Master student
Of a New Order of a World
That has not changed as of yet.

But it's 2012
The end is near

And aint no future in our front'in


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