Thursday, October 25, 2012

The New Jack backlash in parenting and BDSM?

Crack really fucked up family values.

It divided generations with disrespect.

It caused adults to suffer the denial that it even existed.

While todays youth loose respect for the older generation because their actions in the eyes of the youth have made them the weakest link.
Many of them are secret crack babies and children of alcoholics that now have evolving DNA that prevents them from finding answers at the source first.
Because the worst thing a parent can do is lie to a child about what is going on with them, when they don't know how much damage they created in them when they made them.

This is not just about single parenting.
It's about what caused so many adults to FAIL at being better parents to their children and better friends to their mates.
Some will fair better than others by luck or default. 

### *Pimpish Stare*

No offense to anyone, butt...

Todays adults...
Many of them.
Are not just hypocrites.
They are pussies.

And these kids are really angry and confused because they see, feel and know that todays society is evolving into infinite possibilities but these adults are not, have not, and in many cases will not evolve far enough to be honest and truthful with them past their own dysfunctional upbringings of past generations that fucked their heads up with their failure to practice what they preached.

And now we got these newer generations that have less obstacles socially and sexually, but are too young to know why their parents are having such a hard time evolving now.

And then there is BDSM.

wicked grin

In a day and age where historic numbers of less committed adults try to explain to themselves why they have so many issues that prevent them from forming more stable relationships while raising their children in single or fractured values of selfish desires and secret lust that they fear their children will inherit.

But, as I wonder how so many people omitted the title's clue to sobriety?
I find another opportunity to include mental dysfunctions as yet another silent killer of honest family values and constructive parenting.

evil grin

Let the parents with less sin cast the first stone at the glass house of present day evolution.

Children learn from what they see that is hidden from them more than what is attempted to be played in front fo them.

Like mom and dad's denial of their own deficiencies while omitting the honesty they crave.

And how in the fuck they think they can teach them how to beter utilize these BDSM tricks of the trade when they too have kinky lust forming with no format of SSC, or RACK or whatever.

So let's be honest.

Sex is a act that creates an effect in the human brain that compares to drugs like crack and heroin and even alcohol is not enough to blame for their parents sexual deficiencies.

And yet, here we are trying to make sense of the OP?

While the effects of the Earth's shifting into a new age is too deep for parents to notice in 2012.
And maybe THAT is what Nostradamus was scared shitless about too?

I don't know about many of you personally.

But I do know that many of you have kids or know others with kids who are struggling with trying to find a better image of what they wish they could teach their kids to look for in a mate.
But they hate the fate they may have passed on to the next generation just in the past 30 years of their memory of how their parents survived the 80s, 90s and the past 12 years of this new century.

And I will admit.
That I am more worried about todays adults than I am about todays children.

Because it's not about how well you think you have not fucked up their image of adulthood.
It's how in the hell do you think your gonna fix it while trying to find some form of stability in the BDSM community?




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