Friday, October 12, 2012

"Send My fee to paypal and when it clears I will give you an appointment for my time."

I just noticed that I been quite online today....

*wicked grin*

And I been preoccupied for most of the day with a few people who all have found the need to demand a certain amount of My time for no benefit of My own after each experience.
And I know it.
I own it.

I allowed My day to be kinda highjacked by a few people I invested My time in allowing them to take for no greater improvement on our re

lationship or My current existence.


I really need to stop being so available to so many people who just want to waste some time being entertained for a few minutes in their day. While I spend another slow unproductive day being drained of the little energy I have on any given day.

And I don't want anyone to get up in their feelings about what I'm saying.

But I'm being honest.

When call you to express their issues without asking you about your own?
Who's fault is it to notice the lack of value in that exchange?

When you try to communicate your actual intent, instinct or emotion to others who have assumed that you may feel otherwise?
Who's fault is it to allow them to agree to disagree when they lack the ability to understand your point of view?
When you wake up in the morning and plan on being productive and then by the time more than half of the day is over and you find that most of it has been spent on people that have no importance in your day to day life?
Who should consider the reasons why they allowed that to happen again in their own lives?

And what is the honest thing to do more often than allow yourself to be kidnapped by others seeking your attention for no real intent other than finding a ear to suck energy and time from?

*evil grin*


Protect your own neck...
Cut them off or just limit their access to you.
And do you...
Even if doing you is nothing more simple as chilling in peace and enjoying the serenity around you.

And if it offends them?

Think of how they felt about wasting your extra time.
That should be enough to defend your own humanity.

Why allow others to gain too much access to you for no nutritious value to your own being from them?
When in honesty they don't even consider your being even a option of concern.

Kinda like walking past someone and they say to you "how are you doing?" but keep on walking without even concern for a reply.
And if you do reply with "how is yours doing?" and they stop and talk a hole in your head as if you asked to be a misery dump because you asked.


I really need to learn how to better defend My own identity.

TMI is the main cause of agreeing to disagree.

This is almost as deep as don't ask, don't tell.

Not that it should matter.
But that it's not My business.

And now I'm looking at the clock noticing where all of My time so far has gone.

And I'm good with that, this time.
But I'm gonna have to do better.

No harm
No foul.


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