Monday, October 1, 2012

I still remember...911

I will admit that after 11 years I'm still kinda salty about the whole 911 issue.

It was not just the loss of so much of My possessions that bother Me still, but more about the memory of the attitudes of so many people I knew and worked with and how I was treated right afterwards.

And maybe that is another reason why I don't go home as much as I used to too?

Because what I remembered the most about the whole 911 event was the attitude of everyone. (family included)
And how Americans turned on Americans like Myself.

So every time I see bigotry and racism I think of how Americans acted right afterwards towards each other. 
I think about how it felt to be homeless and being told there is nothing home for you to come back too.
I think about being one of the few people trusted enough to set up the set for the Presidents first speech in Atlanta and how the other Union guys acted while we was working that event. 
I think about how angry Americans was.
I think about how READY FOR WAR everyone was.
And I think about the countless amounts of people who died because American was so anxious for a war that so many later blamed so many others OTHER than themselves.

And as I now sit in at least a stable recovery that has taken almost 11 years to get to thus far...

I'm still ashamed of the Americans I remember back during and after 911.  And how they treated each other including Myself.

And I'm most silent in thought still on this day.
Because I remember.


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