Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Buiding a supportive partnership is work too

Buiding a supportive partnership is work too magnify
The D/s lifestyle is more than just kinky acts
For some people

And even in your vanilla lives
The more productive you are as a partnership in a relationship
The more productive you all can be as a partnership

"A couple who make moves together as a force, can only reap the results of their actions together "

(assist, your sis, to a "T", and watch it be, more than you wist to see)

An assistant is a person or electronic tool who or that assists another person accomplish his or her goals. Some assistants are strictly based at one's place of employment, while others assist with personal, sometimes home-related tasks. In cases where the assistant is heavily relied upon, the assistant may be known as a right-hand man or yes-man.

(Yes Sir or Ma'am, Master or Mistress)

The term yes man is typically used for an employee who agrees with every statement of his or her employer. Some synonyms of yes man are flunky, stooge, butt-boy, suck-up, kiss-ass, and sycophant; all of which have pejorative connotations.

Such a person may also be referred to as a lapdog.
(lap dog, ie: a pet)

Unlike yes man, the term right hand man has positive connotations. Some[who?] assert that the term is based on the fact that most people are right-handed. Understood this way, the term refers to one who has the responsibility, knowledge and understanding, authority and ability to implement a plan articulated by one in a position of authority.

The term right hand man may also be based on the idea of a king having his adviser sit at his right side. Understood this way, the term refers to one who informs and advises a person in a position of authority, instead of one who implements the plans of authority.

In Ancient Greece, soldiers typically fought in a formation called a phalanx, where co-operation between soldiers was vital. Each soldier carried his shield on his left side, while his right side was protected by the man standing to his right. Understood this way, the term refers to one who is indisposable; a protector.

A biblical explanation also exists; in the King James Version of the Bible, Jesus is said to be "at the right hand of the Father(God). see Mark 16:19. Luke 22:69. Acts 2:33. Acts 5:31. Acts 7:55. Acts 7:56. This reference, in light of the whole of the biblical narrative, casts Jesus as either or both an implementor of a plan and/or one who is indisposable.
(and some of you already know about the biblical "help-mate")

People with the Helper personality, at their best, are compassionate, attentive, generous and caring but they can also be particularly prone to clinginess, neediness and manipulation. Helpers want, above all, to be loved and needed and fear being unworthy of love.

*blank sadistic stare*

As a sub missive or just someone who wants to learn how to be more supportive to their mate and family

It's helpful for you to also learn many of the techniques of a supportive assistant in more than the bedroom

y/you are the the back bone of a D/s relationship
And that compounds it's strength when you add others as a house or partnership

And one book I feel can also be helpful to any supportive submissive is a Administrative Assistant's and Secretary's Handbook

Here is a overview of one of them kinds of books

The most thorough career guide for administrative professionals addresses the latest issues in a new third edition.

Between coordinating meetings, making travel arrangements, and running the phone lines, being a professional administrative assistant requires an astonishing and varied range of skills involving interpersonal communication, written presentations, and organizational ability.

Written in a down-to-earth style, Administrative Assistant's and Secretary's Handbook provides readers with information on subjects including record keeping, telephone usage, office machines, mail, business letters, and computer software skills. Now in its third edition, the book has been completely revised with expanded coverage of topics including electronic records management, interpersonal and communication skills, troubleshooting computer problems, time and stress management, customer service, event planning, web conferencing, math for office professionals, office management and supervision, transcription, and much more.

Comprehensive and completely up-to-date, this is the book every administrative professional should own.
About the Authors

James Stroman (Dallas, TX) has worked as an executive assistant to an army general, a governor, and the owner of an NFL football team.

Kevin Wilson (Acworth, GA) is Vice President of Videologies, Inc., a company that specializes in training administrative professionals in Fortune 500 companies.

Jennifer Wauson (Atlanta, GA) is President of Videologies, Inc.

Most of the books like this should look like this:

A dictionary

A factual handbook of helpful hints out of the bedroom

This is the reason why I advise some who wish to build a better support base in your partnerships

Here's some of the qualifications:

* This occupation is expected to be among those with the largest number of new jobs.
* Opportunities should be best for applicants with extensive knowledge of software applications.
* Secretaries and administrative assistants today perform fewer clerical tasks and are increasingly taking on the roles of information and communication managers.

Nature of the Work

As the reliance on technology continues to expand in offices, the role of the office professional has greatly evolved. Office automation and organizational restructuring have led secretaries and administrative assistants to assume responsibilities once reserved for managerial and professional staff. In spite of these changes, however, the core responsibilities for secretaries and administrative assistants have remained much the same: Performing and coordinating an office's administrative activities and storing, retrieving, and integrating information for dissemination to staff and clients.

Secretaries and administrative assistants perform a variety of administrative and clerical duties necessary to run an organization efficiently. They serve as information and communication managers for an office; plan and schedule meetings and appointments; organize and maintain paper and electronic files; manage projects; conduct research; and disseminate information by using the telephone, mail services, Web sites, and e-mail. They also may handle travel and guest arrangements.

Secretaries and administrative assistants use a variety of office equipment, such as fax machines, photocopiers, scanners, and videoconferencing and telephone systems. In addition, secretaries and administrative assistants often use computers to do tasks previously handled by managers and professionals, such as: create spreadsheets; compose correspondence; manage databases; and create presentations, reports, and documents using desktop publishing software and digital graphics. They also may negotiate with vendors, maintain and examine leased equipment, purchase supplies, manage areas such as stockrooms or corporate libraries, and retrieve data from various sources. At the same time, managers and professionals have assumed many tasks traditionally assigned to secretaries and administrative assistants, such as keyboarding and answering the telephone. Because secretaries and administrative assistants do less dictation and word processing, they now have time to support more members of the executive staff. In a number of organizations, secretaries and administrative assistants work in teams to work flexibly and share their expertise.

Many secretaries and administrative assistants now provide training and orientation for new staff, conduct research on the Internet, and operate and troubleshoot new office technologies.

Specific job duties vary with experience and titles. Executive secretaries and administrative assistants provide high-level administrative support for an office and for top executives of an organization. Generally, they perform fewer clerical tasks than do secretaries and more information management. In addition to arranging conference calls and supervising other clerical staff, they may handle more complex responsibilities such as reviewing incoming memos, submissions, and reports in order to determine their significance and to plan for their distribution. They also prepare agendas and make arrangements for meetings of committees and executive boards. They also may conduct research and prepare statistical reports.

Some secretaries and administrative assistants, such as legal and medical secretaries, perform highly specialized work requiring knowledge of technical terminology and procedures. For instance, legal secretaries prepare correspondence and legal papers such as summonses, complaints, motions, responses, and subpoenas under the supervision of an attorney or a paralegal. They also may review legal journals and assist with legal research—for example, by verifying quotes and citations in legal briefs. Additionally, legal secretaries often teach newly minted lawyers how to prepare documents for submission to the courts. Medical secretaries transcribe dictation, prepare correspondence, and assist physicians or medical scientists with reports, speeches, articles, and conference proceedings. They also record simple medical histories, arrange for patients to be hospitalized, and order supplies. Most medical secretaries need to be familiar with insurance rules, billing practices, and hospital or laboratory procedures. Other technical secretaries who assist engineers or scientists may prepare correspondence, maintain their organization's technical library, and gather and edit materials for scientific papers.

Secretaries employed in elementary schools and high schools perform important administrative functions for the school. They are responsible for handling most of the communications between parents, the community, and teachers and administrators who work at the school. As such, they are required to know details about registering students, immunizations, and bus schedules, for example. They schedule appointments, keep track of students' academic records, and make room assignments for classes. Those who work directly for principals screen inquiries from parents and handle those matters not needing a principal's attention. They also may set a principal's calendar to help set her or his priorities for the day.

Work environment. Secretaries and administrative assistants usually work in schools, hospitals, corporate settings, government agencies, or legal and medical offices. Their jobs often involve sitting for long periods. If they spend a lot of time keyboarding, particularly at a computer monitor, they may encounter problems of eyestrain, stress, and repetitive motion ailments such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Almost one-fifth of secretaries work part time and many others work in temporary positions. A few participate in job-sharing arrangements, in which two people divide responsibility for a single job. The majority of secretaries and administrative assistants, however, are full-time employees who work a standard 40-hour week.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

Word processing, writing, and communication skills are essential for all secretaries and administrative assistants. However, employers increasingly require extensive knowledge of software applications, such as desktop publishing, project management, spreadsheets, and database management.

Education and training. High school graduates who have basic office skills may qualify for entry-level secretarial positions. They can acquire these skills in various ways. Training ranges from high school vocational education programs that teach office skills and typing to 1- and 2-year programs in office administration offered by business and vocational-technical schools, and community colleges. Many temporary placement agencies also provide formal training in computer and office skills. Most medical and legal secretaries must go through specialized training programs that teach them the language of the industry.

Employers of executive secretaries increasingly are seeking candidates with a college degree, as these secretaries work closely with top executives. A degree related to the business or industry in which a person is seeking employment may provide the job seeker with an advantage in the application process.

Most secretaries and administrative assistants, once hired, tend to acquire more advanced skills through on-the-job instruction by other employees or by equipment and software vendors. Others may attend classes or participate in online education to learn how to operate new office technologies, such as information storage systems, scanners, or new updated software packages. As office automation continues to evolve, retraining and continuing education will remain integral parts of secretarial jobs.

Other qualifications. Secretaries and administrative assistants should be proficient in typing and good at spelling, punctuation, grammar, and oral communication. Employers also look for good customer service and interpersonal skills because secretaries and administrative assistants must be tactful in their dealings with people. Discretion, good judgment, organizational or management ability, initiative, and the ability to work independently are especially important for higher-level administrative positions. Changes in the office environment have increased the demand for secretaries and administrative assistants who are adaptable and versatile.

Certification and advancement. Testing and certification for proficiency in office skills are available through organizations such as the International Association of Administrative Professionals; National Association of Legal Secretaries (NALS), Inc.; and Legal Secretaries International, Inc. As secretaries and administrative assistants gain experience, they can earn several different designations. Prominent designations include the Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) and the Certified Administrative Professional (CAP), which can be earned by meeting certain experience or educational requirements and passing an examination. Similarly, those with 1 year of experience in the legal field, or who have concluded an approved training course and who want to be certified as a legal support professional, can acquire the Accredited Legal Secretary (ALS) designation through a testing process administered by NALS.

NALS offers two additional designations: Professional Legal Secretary (PLS), considered an advanced certification for legal support professionals, and a designation for proficiency as a paralegal. Legal Secretaries International confers the Certified Legal Secretary Specialist (CLSS) designation in areas such as intellectual property, criminal law, civil litigation, probate, and business law to those who have 5 years of legal experience and pass an examination. In some instances, certain requirements may be waived.

Secretaries and administrative assistants generally advance by being promoted to other administrative positions with more responsibilities. Qualified administrative assistants who broaden their knowledge of a company's operations and enhance their skills may be promoted to senior or executive secretary or administrative assistant, clerical supervisor, or office manager. Secretaries with word processing or data entry experience can advance to jobs as word processing or data entry trainers, supervisors, or managers within their own firms or in a secretarial, word processing, or data entry service bureau. Secretarial and administrative support experience also can lead to jobs such as instructor or sales representative with manufacturers of software or computer equipment. With additional training, many legal secretaries become paralegals.
Job prospects. In addition to jobs created from growth, numerous job opportunities will arise from the need to replace secretaries and administrative assistants who transfer to other occupations, especially exceptionally skilled executive secretaries and administrative assistants who often move into professional occupations. Job opportunities should be best for applicants with extensive knowledge of software applications and for experienced secretaries and administrative assistants. Opportunities also should be very good for those with advanced communication and computer skills. Applicants with a bachelor's degree will be in great demand to act more as managerial assistants and to perform more complex tasks.

Now how this knowledge connects to this lifestyle is in many ways

In human sexuality, Service-oriented is a term used in the BDSM community to refer relationship dynamic.

In a service-oriented relationship, the focus is on how the submissive can contribute resources to the dominant partner, provide for some of their needs or advance their goals. These relationships may or may not also include romantic feelings.

A common example of such a relationship would be one in which the submissive and dominant were romantically attracted and the submissive is collared to the dominant, indicating that they are "in service" to that dominant. The collar may well be predicated on certain performance levels or the usefulness of that submissive in specific areas. If those things were to change or dissipate the couple may remain romantically linked but often the collar will be removed.

For the submissive in such a relationship, the collar is seen as a status symbol signifying the approval and acknowledgement of a person they wish to serve. They often take great pleasure and pride in their status and relationship.

For the dominant, the benefits are practical as well as emotional. Many take great pleasure in being 'served' in this manner, and of course having the additional resources available is of immense utility.
When you decide to live in a real time D/s,SM, BDSM, or just plain old vanilla relationship

It is up to each person to not only enhance each other's lives
But it is helpful to also be supportive in the direction of each other's life's journey

And just like at work
When you make the Boss look good and become a productive force in a company, group, family or partnership?

And there is no bigger pride in a employee
Than the respect from your Boss for a job well done

And when we are dealing with our everyday lives
Between the kinky moments
A few more well done jobs can free up more kinky time
With your favorite toys

*wicked grin*

Like making Daddy the proudest Daddy in the whole wide world
Just because
Daddy knows you will be at his feet
No matter how big or small they are
There is always room for the person who knows they have made them shoes more comfortable for Daddy to wear

Kinda like bragging about the little things your kids do
That brings out the pride and the joy of being you too
Because they are not just a part of you
They are your life's work
In progress

*an actual emotional grin*

Even Dominants fear tears of joy

The most powerful gift a submissive can ever give
The freedom to be more free to be more free together

And you don't have to role play the part of
The Secretary

But when you really look deeper into the mindsets of a well made kinky connection

Fewer words need to be spoken

For the reward of more respect

I'm not sure what you are in these lifestyles for

But when done with style
A better style
A inventive style
A passionate style
A lifestyle

Can be more than your wildest dreams

And you really love your job
And your Boss

And even all of the employees that support each other


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