Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Compassion for passion

Compassion for passion magnify
They say most relationships fail for the lack of bringing your "A" game
When you desire passion from others

But that is not a rule
Just a hint


Personal positive powerful
P Funk

Not the group
The life and the light
The base kicking dat ass in the night
Right after you
If your ass is gonna follow me
*sadistic smirk*

My passion?

I'm all over the place right now
Not that you would know
But so is everyone I know too

But I try to keep this shit simple

When aint shit simple to anyone I know
Yet when I say I got you bitch
I aint try'n to marry you
But I will carry you
Free of charge
Custom work is extra
*wicked grin*

Passion (from the Latin patior, meaning to suffer or to endure) is an emotion of feeling very strongly about a person. Passion is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for anything. Passion often applies to lively or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal, cause, or activity or love.

Passion can be expressed as a feeling of unusual excitement, enthusiasm or compelling emotion towards a subject, idea, person, or object.

*blank stare*

I'm down for passion
But people don't know what it takes to have passion

It takes everything you got!

But only if you know how to...

(kinda like shouting for yall Baptice folks)

That passion?

That is by far one of the most frightening journeys a human can go through
And to be SSC is a fuckin plus
But what GOD do you trust?
When one rides the short bus and the other drives a whip

Did I slip and say something that connects to some deeper shit?


But back to passion

I like to fuck with words
I like to find ways of sending light between the words
I like seeing changes
I like hating change
I'm Loki
The GOD of Mischief and some moe shit
Luke Cage Power Man, hero for hire
(pack of Newports, a Pepsi, and some chicke wangs with hot sauce)

My passion?

I love playing music
I been playing on union stages since I was 7 years old
And culturally I have played with a great deal of famous people
For free
Kinda like I have a vow of poverty
Not that I am broke
But I stay woke
*blank stare*

My passion?

I play drums and kinda lead the drum circle event that has been in that park so long ago that I once played here when I was 5 years old with my Dad
And every second of every beat
Has been more than fuckin sweet!
It has been my therapy
And a service to the universe
On a very interesting piece of dirt
With hundreds of drummers and dancers
Rain or shine
For more than 5 years now
I spend more time playing my drums in devotion to positive energy
Than most people spend in church in their lives


I really am into some spooky shit to most people
I am into that dark spiritual shit
I respect where I am at
And whom I sleep with

The Sun, moon and stars guide more than my vision
And all that is not heard or said

I am a Ghetto Sufi Master In Training
In Hell
For advanced citizens of the World

Raised so deep in the civil rights movements of the past
That I remember what most people forgot to write about
And I have references


I'm a DC Nigga
From da south
Born in the land of power and culture
Where the 3 rivers flow
In a era in time when this country was growing
And the change we live with today
Was dreamed about back then by the masses

And this country has been changing for all of our asses
From then till now
As I have watched the word passion change
In the minds and mouths of my elders and friends

My passion have been that I have been awake all of my life
And I have had no choice but to be driven with passion
For what ever reason I have been blessed with to do
Even if that shit aint cool for you

What I eat you do not shit

So how can you know where you fit
In all the shit
I spit

Damn right I'm stuck being who I am
And will be with or without anyone else
My passion to live
To respect the power of the universe
And to find better ways of keeping good friends
With more than benefits
With permission
Through submission
Some have found admission
To a deeper mission

A better style of a better life
Not alone
In your dirt
*wicked grin*


I like pussy
But just like dick
It's attached to someone with a different mindset

And if you want more from them?
You have to put in the work

But just like work
"Everybody don't need this fuckin job!"
So you can only work with what you got
When you got it
Even if you got them
It only works well when they got you too

All the time
And GOD said that!

And speaking of passion

Why is it that the people who want more of it
Fear finding it?


It is my passion to get into the mind of todays mindsets
I don't try to define it
I try to respect why it is what it is
And try to learn how to earn a better respect from it too
As a Grandfather of a very Gangsta Daughter

My passion has been women
From my mother
To every woman worth my passion

Not that I have bad taste
But I am more picky than most think
And I do not think like many others
So even if they value my values
They still have issues with my issues
And I am ok with that
I'm the Bastard Son of the O'Kinks

And that is some new shit
But this is the new world order of the ages
And we are living in it
With the whole world
And yet
Many of us don't even have the passion to treat this freedom
With passion
For being so blessed to become so easy being blessed

("let the church say Amen...")

But we still talking about these sexual lifestyles too
Aint I?

That's my passion too

Maybe I have a passion to try to say some shit that makes sense to many of you
Who do what you do
And stumbled up on my post
And stayed a while

Sharing our passions
Our prayers
Our problems
And our beds

With a desire to learn how to find more passion
In their lives
And lifestyles

And still as I write this
Many others are still suffering from a lack of passion

I only have more than enough room for whom wishes to bless me with their faith in the path we take together being worth the ride
Or not

And I am passionately seeking a few passionate people

But maybe that is the most important word?



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