Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Obamaism in kink? (what you say about my Mama?)

Obamaism in kink? (what you say about my Mama?) magnify
We all have been blessed to be living in a new day in this world
A new reality
A new lifestyle
A new freedom
A new openness of our sexualities
A new ability to reach further than ever before globally
As a vast amount of people of the world
And communicate and relate to others

And as a American
In this country
OUR People of ALL races and Creeds of the world
Have melted into new and very different genetic mutations
Of human beings of other races of people
From every other location of this earth

From the many we have become one

And it shows!

Obamaism I call it
*wicked grin*

The reality of the impossible

We are different than every other race of people
Who right now
Are living somewhere else
In another place in this world
And they wish they could be where we are
But everyday we prove the impossible
We live together
As one united country
In theory

But just as the world is going though culture shock
We too are suffering from culture shock
But our suffering comes from times spent on this dirt
What we have grown out of having to be a part of due to the culture and race we are a part of in this land

Through the freedom of the WWW and mobile communication
We have freedoms that open up a new world to each of us
From the freedom of our own homes
As Americans

That in it's self is more than a small thing
That's culture shock!

Nothing like today has ever been this free for so many to indulge in freely by a mass amount of people in one country
We are very unique people as individuals of this country
No matter what race, creed, color, or kink we claim to be
We really are more free than we respect the responsibility
As a mass of users of these new sources of enlightenment

And I don't think we consider how deeply that can effect each others personal realities
And we should step back every now and then and reflect

Just how have these new changes in the history of our past?
Changed our realities of our own selves?
And why should we keep that in mind when we turn on these sources?

Maybe because if we take a moment to step back and prepare your mind for the responsibility of being a part of the World Wide Web with every key stroke we make.

And that is more important of a responsibility than just being bored and looking for trouble and entertainment.

*blank stare*

Obamaism in kink?

For the first time in the realities of OTHER people in kink
Of the world
POCs have become new members of many of these word wide sexual lifestyles in mass numbers
In some cases they have become bombarded with a rash of new POCs joining many sites and communities that normally was considered private to a few others of kink in the world.
Anyone can make a profile and join these groups of secretly kinky people who are used to seeing others who look like themselves

Many of them too suffer from culture shock

Just for signing on line and noticing a overwhelming amount of POCs who have not just joined their site
But have connected to a vast amount of other who they consider friends in kink

That is a deep understanding of what we all are dealing with right now

Just like wondering how Obama showed up in our reality
And changed the possibilities of the image of our country as a whole

We are living a new day right now

But many of us are suffering from culture shock.
Finding it hard to adjust to the sudden changes.
Not being comfortable with not being in control over their own image of what these lifestyles are about personally.
Watching these lifestyles grow.
And wishing they could control the direction of it's growth.

Culture shock!

  • The "Honeymoon Phase" - During this period the differences between the old and new culture are seen in a romantic light, wonderful and new. For example, in moving to a new country, an individual might love the new foods, the pace of the life, the people's habits, the buildings and so on.
  • The "Negotiation Phase" - After a few days, weeks, or months, minor differences between the old and new culture are resolved. One may long for food the way it is prepared in one's native country, may find the pace of life too fast or slow, may find the people's habits annoying, etc.
  • The "Everything is OK" phase - Again, after a few days, weeks, or months, one grows accustomed to the new culture's differences and develops routines. By this point, one no longer reacts to the new culture positively or negatively, because it no longer feels like a new culture. One becomes concerned with basic living again, as one was in their original culture.
  • Reverse Culture Shock - Returning to one's home culture after growing accustomed to a new one can produce the same effects as described above.

In some cases, it may be impossible to deal with culture shock. Some people will give up on assimilating into the newer culture and return to their own culture, and some become so magnetized to the foreign culture that feel they must permanently move there to relieve the stress.

We are living a new reality
It belongs to too many others you are not aware of.

That is scary!

Having no power to control how you define what you do.

Deep huh?

And we are suffering from subtle differences unknown by others who look and act just like us.
But they are so different that we bump head more than normal.

Culture shock.

How do we cope with so much change?
We don't in theory.
But they say:

Experienced travelers tend to cope much better with the difficulties of travel. Some common strategies used to make the transition easier are:[2]:

  • Reading about the country and its culture before departing. This way, the country and its people are more familiar upon arrival. They then become aware of differences in the new country and are thus better prepared to deal with them when possible (e.g., differences in hygiene, culture, the water).
  • Avoiding being offended, offending locals, or being engaged in any more general cultural misunderstanding; they familiarize themselves with local customs and language.
  • Being open-minded about the culture they visit.
  • Taking a 'time out' or rest apart from cultural exchange in order to reduce the 'shock' of adjustment.

Religions play an important part in this case. The culture shock feeling, in many circumstances, grows because of the different religions.

Some intercultural communication researchers claim that culture shock has many positive effects on intercultural sojourners, like increasing self-efficacy[3] and helping improve self-motivation.

Culture shock refers to the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, disorientation, uncertainty, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within an entirely different cultural or social environment, such as a foreign country. It grows out of the difficulties in assimilating the new culture, causing difficulty in knowing what is appropriate and what is not. This is often combined a dislike for or even disgust (moral or aesthetical) with certain aspects of the new or different culture. The term was introduced for the first time in 1954 by Kalervo Oberg

But I don't buy that.
That's too simple.

We are talking about a privately sexual lifestyle.
Publicly displayed.
Respected by others of like minds as to how they respect the whole realm of the BDSM lifestyle to some degree.

But we are talking about simple humans, right?

We all are just regular people with kinky desires, right?

So what's the problem?


Should a community have just one culture?

So why should we have one way that we see these lifestyles should be or not be?

Are we really down for real change?

What if that change is not what you expect?

How much do you really respect as being a part of something you really respect?

Culture shock!


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