Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Ghetto is my Dungeon, I shall not want!

The Ghetto is my Dungeon, I shall not want! magnify

It was a dark funky night in the corners of Hell

Some call it the inner city ghetto
Land of Thugs, Pimps, pushers and crackhead alcoholics providing the sounds of poverty, pain and pleasure to the beat of sirens blowing to the next emergency.

She was not your regular hoodrat!
She was a classy Nigga.
A bad bitch in a boardroom suit that paid her own way into the condo that reeked gentrification as it towered over the street trash below.
She was not insecure in her gangsta. She was just alone in it.
Hiding a little dark image of something she thirst for even more than front row tickets to sold out rap show.

She had almost everything she ever wanted. Now that she had got everything she needed to stand on her own two high heeled designer clad feet.
The image of the inner city strong black educated young woman from Generation X.
And the X didn't stand for Malcolm, it stood for all the "ex's" she survived in her past.
The scars of the wars fought in her personal growth on the hard streets of the same urban ghettos that so many other ran from during her birth.

Now she bask in the words of ignorance as a creed of her Hip Hop culture and her drum filled beats of her blackness.
She was a down for whatever type broad who was down for her niggas. And the word NIGGA was her membership card to a darker culture that she dressed so eloquently in the busy streets of the corprate world. As she drove to work listening to hard core lyrics with a deeper respect for the understandings of the insults that rode over some freash beats. Hiding behind the lenses of real designer shades she had swagger in her saddness.

Saddness I said.
Because she had a hardcore hunger for the need to submit her lust to a image of her own respect. A image so dark to others that it could grace a Hip Hop Grunge Album cover and sell twice as much just because of the art work.
A Alpha Master Pimpstyle Sadist with OG in front of the pride for is Niggas.
No ordinary mixture of darkness would do.
No broke dreamed thug with a fear of living in the outer world.
No abusive alcoholic gentelman who could afford her pleasures.
No cyber geek with a yearning for dominance on the streets and in the sheets.
This image was so rare that she suffered trying to paste His image on mid night booty calls and frustrating moments of masterbation.

She knew what she was yearning for could not be found as easy as it could be fooled into making wrong choices too soon, too fast to get out of.
And she knew that if she ever found Him, there would be no turning back.
She was stuck. Silently searching for months in every possible direction of like minds and bullshit. Knowing that finding one as such in public was just as difficult.
She read hundreds of words from thousands of post. Enjoyed being entertained by fellow surfers and freaks who just want to have fun. She met a few. Nothing expected, nothing gained. And then one become more interesting. And as she studied closer she noticed that He was even closer of a choice of just meeting someone who may know where she may start her journey in finding something she was still not sure exist.

She was still a newly single woman living alone. So safty was also a issue. Who could she ask? What should she say? Why should she think about reaching out to a stranger like this? The questions never let her rest. And she knew she was a runner. She was chicken shit at heart. And this could be the start of a very scary movie she may not be able to run from. That alone continued to plague her as she pondered her next move.
As she studied his profile she noticed things that were not comfortable for her. Like He was a swinger, at least that is what it read in His information. And He was also Poly and owned other women, sexually. And she knew that ws a "No no" because she don't trust no bitches when it comes to dick! And bitches keep up too much trouble. And aint no grown man gonna have that kinda control that they gonna let her in. Shit, how many bitches can a nigga fuck anyway? Naw, that shit was gonna be a damn speed bump that will turn into a road black for her. She knew herself.
But something made her send Him a message first. And then a few more. Each time it seemed that she had so much to say or so much she wanted to write, but her fingers and her mind was stuck! And it got worse as she got the nerve to call him. And she almost broke down after talking with him for putting herself in that kind of danger for not blocking her number. And she waited to see if he would call her back. And He didn't. So she got the energy up to send him another message. Asking why He had not called. And He replied, "you did not ask me to save your number, call me again..." And she did.

And that is how it started.
She didn't want to think too much about it. But somehow felt herself thinking more about all the things that could go wrong with what she had done. And yet, she became adjusted to his voice. She struggled not to call to listen to Him. She could hear in His voice that He had a attraction to her. He was more of her type than most of the safer people in her life so far. But all of this was still growing in her head and between her legs. Yes, she began to remember some of the images of the dark lust she longed for. She wanted to be taken, chocked, ravaged, and trained to be owned. And even though she knew that takes a lifetime, she had already spent a lifestime in her past life. This was not something to play with to her. And just thinking how fast things had started to make her feel made her fearful enough to run even if her feet would not move. She so wanted to run! She wanted to run away! She wanted to run hard and fast. She wanted to run into the last arms she would even need. And that was scary enough to run. Even for a tough bitch like herself.

As time grew they met and talked for a short while and before things got heated one evening she ran again. And this time she tried to take control of the feelings that seemed to make her want to through caution to the wind. But the more constructive things in her life like her job and her family and friends helped her hide from loosing control if she saw Him just one more time. She hated how she started to feel everytime she had a image of Him in her head, or when she would hear his voice or read his words. As long as she stayed away from Him and safely behind the profiles and the security of not being seen? She felt it possible to somehow try to shake these feelings she was starting to loose control over. At one point she desicided to tell Him to let her step back and try to forget hw far they had gone already in her mind. And he stated "as you wish". And with seing that reply she felt something she was not expecting. She started missing him. And so she replied back to one of his messages after a few days had gone by. She even felt a bit ashamed to write that she had become to miss Him. Even though she had only met Him a few times, and had only remembered his voice that now became distinct, and she had missed his smell that seemed to lay faint on her memory and her lust.

"I will never call you unless I find it important to go through the trouble of calling.
What I will do is allow you to call me when you feel you are ready. And if one day we do become more connected you will learn how to listen for Me when I call you with my mind, and you will learn how to reply or not. "
She agreed not understanding what He meant about not calling and at least smilled knowing that she had not lost him.
But she also know she was stuck! Stuck between change and chance. Stuck between old friends or new dudes. Stuck between her fears and His will. And she knew that whatever she was going to do? She had to trust again. And THAT was a big challange!

She found the guts enough to just reach out one night. Just for a casual call to hear His voice and hope that things were still "aight" between them.
He answered "are you ready?" And she froze in thought of what He was asking. She answered "you know me..." And he laughed. and then he stated "what are you doing tonight?" and she answered " nothing really Sir, I am alone now and laying in your favorite place." she replied "yes Sir, i am, and wearing Your favorite outfit too..." with a sly grin. He said "I have a idea. Meet me in the playground about a quarter to 12..." She asked where. He said "look out your window" and she did. As she looked out to the playgrounds and ball fields that covered a city block view of her back window. She replied, "You mean the one right out there? In a few hours Sir?" and He replied "yes, and this is what I want you to wear. Wear your good high heel boots and old long T shirt and a thong over a trench coat. Do you understand?" she said "yes Sir, where should I meet you out there around 12 Sir?" and He replied,"meet me in the middle of the field at quarter of 12 sharp. If you are late, you will be punished. Do you understand?" she said"yes Sir, I will be there on time Sir, but how will I know how to find you Sir?" and He replied, "bitch, I'm black, it's gonna be the black of night, and My ass will be wearing all black. Just be there." and hangs up the phone.

She does as asked and get's up and dressed as he ask. Thinking of everyway to try to get out of whatever she was about to get into. As she looked at the clock she noticed that it was only 8:30 and it had not got real dark yet. And wondering what was she getting herself into. Everything in her head kept screaming don't go! But something in her knew she was past the point of going back. And so she waited. She though about calling Him back and telling him to not come all the way up to her hood, not because she worried for His safety but because she worried about her own. And time almost stood still as she waited for Him to call her knowing that He would not call her unless he called on a pay phone.

As she looked at the clock that seemed to drag the time away. It soon became 11 o'clock. And she pulled out her trench coat while all the while looking out her window for any kind of figure that may look like him or anyone else. She was going to be going outside to meet this almost stranger in the middle of the night, in the middle of a School Field that covered a whole block around. There were no light on and you could still hear the sounds of the city in all of it's darkness of the ghetto streets.

She was not afraid of going out dressed as she was, but she was afraid of being out in the middle of that field unprotected so she took some protection with her in her pocket of her coat as she walked out of her building and out into the openness of this vast play field to the location she thought he sooke of in his instructions.

She could not see anyone around, but it was dark. Not dark enough to see anything because there were houses and schools that surounded the fields. But dark enough to almost not be seen. And she looked back at her window of her condo accross the field, still with the window open to the view of her standing where she last viewed out of.

It was exactly 11:45 and she looked at every image around in her view. She was turning around trying to catch a glimps of Him when and if He was out there. She wanted to scream out His name just so she would know he was there at any image that seemed to pass in that direction but she feared it not being Him so she stood silently spinning around looking for Him. She stood there for what now seemed like a hour. And at one point she was about to leave when her cell phone rang. and she stumbled to reach for it before it stopped out of her coat pocket and answered it, "Hello? Sir? is that you?" And the voice on the other end sounded like him but He spoke real low. He said, " don't turn around. Just listen." And she stood there in the middle of the field with the phone pressed to her ear, "Yes Sir..." She said quietly. And he replied. "open your coat slowly and turn around slowly." And she did as He asked. It was difficult doing with the phone in her ear but the coolness of the night air made her get goose bumbs as she exposed her scantly dressed body to the darkness in the middle of the field. And then He said" very good, now turn to your right until I tell you to stop." and she did until he said "ok, stop, now walk towards the jungle gym by the bushes and place your hands on the bars on the right side of the jungle gym." and she walked over to a darker side of the field still looking for Him but only seeing a small towel on the right side of the jungle gym in the dark. It was hard walking in heels on dirt and there was a small puddle in her way that she almost fell into as she was walking towards the jungle gym. He replied as she almost fell "ummm, that aint Lake Minny Ta Ha" and she laughed at the joke as you could hear the sound of her voice almst echo in the stale ghetto air. She asked "where are you Sir?" and He replied," I'm in your head bitch, now put your hands on the towel and reach up to the first bar above you and hold onto it. The towel will take the cill off the bar below. And don't move after you put down the phone and take possition."

She did as asked and leaned against the cold jungle gym and reached for the first bar at the top and held on. He coat was open and the cold air seem to whip around her as she held onto the bar waiting and listening for the sound of Him. It was almost quiet around here other than the other night people walking around doing some ghetto shit. A few dogs barking and someone on their back pourch smoking a cig in the far way distance of the other side of the big field. But quiet enough to notice anyone close. But dark enough that she could not see.
After a while her hands got cold from trying to hold the tall bar abover her as she stood on the bottom bar to reach the top on on the inside of the jungle gym. And as she was about to take her hands down she heard a whisper."don't take your hands down from there..." She was kinda shocked hearing him and she was about to speak when he said,"shut up bitch, you try'n to get a Nigga locked up doing some kinky shit..." And she giggled under her breath that now she could almost see hot air coming out of her mouth in the cool stale ghetto mist.
She could smell some stanky ass smoke burning and thought to herself, that smells like some good shit! but she didn't make a sound. She could almost see a figure covered in black, but she could see the smoke from His cig or joint, she wasn't sure. But she knew it was Him. He walked behind her and put a blind fold on her and then she felt him tie a cloth belt around her wrist that was holding the top bar. He had climed up from the back so she could almost feel his body lean over her to tie her wrist more sturdy to the bar she was holding. But now she really couldn't see. But she knew it was Him. And she knew that she would never be able to go back after this...

He secured her hands to the top bar. She could feel them holding her to that bar even if she let go, but noticed that if she did she would be hanging by her wrist. So she held onto the cold bar as He the spread her legs and secured them to the sides of the jungle gym. the heels of her boots now secured her from swinging away and she could lean back just enough to feel the towel on the bar behind her ass. He pulled her coat behind her exposing her ass peeking out the bottom of her T shirt she wore. He tied the coat in a pony tail and tossed it above her landing on her hands on the top bar. She could feel the cold air and His warm breath over her back as he grabbed a handfull of each cheak of her ass. And she moaned silently. And He released his grip, and walked to the front of her now hanging from the inside of this jungle gym, blindfolded and tied to a cold jungle gym in the middle of a open field in the ghetto.

She feels His hands carresss her entire body. His hands are warm. She smells that good smoke in the air and he blows her some and she tries to enhale it. Taking it to the head. Ahhhhhh.... After a few puffs she feels the effect. Listening to the sounds of the ghetto at midnight passing by as she is being inspected by Him. she can feel him reach up to feel her breast and He notices she is wearing a bra. he says, "what's this? Did I say wear a bra?" She replys back shyly, "Sir you know how I feel about my breast?" And then she feels a sharp object between her skin of her chest and the bra. Tugging at it as if to cut it. She speaks, "Sir you don't have to cut it, it comes off in the front..." Just then he does cut it but she can still feel the cold steel of the knife on her breast as he speaks, "Ummm look here shawtay, when I say wear just this? That all. And these are not your breast anymore. they are mine. You say it!" and she replies "These breast are youres Sir.." He replys "good, and your gonna buy a new one for loosing this one to me for being stupid. And you know my ass is just crazy enough to ask for what I want and nothing more without permission. Shit, your bad. So... Do want another pull of this good shit?, she replies "yes Sir" sheeplishly. And she waits for him to blow the smoke. But does not smell it or him. So she speaks, "Sir are you there?" And all she hears is silence. She can't take the blind fold off and she can't untie herself. But she feels that He has left her there. And she starts to "bug out a bit". Being alone out in the middle of a fied all exposed to anyone in the ghetto is not a good feeling to have she thinks. Still she tries to listen to see if she can notice if he is still closse. She can't smell him and she can't hear him. All she can hear is the street noise in the middle of the night, and feel the cold wind aganst her slightly exposed fleash.

Suddenly she hears gun shots and people screaming near by, and she jumps from the shock and then struggles with her ties and her boots have her stick and she can't lift her legs to free them without trying to distroy a damn good pair of boots, but something is going on. At this point she tries to whisper, "Sir... Sir..hello..." She wants to scream his name hoping nothing happened to Him in that shootout too. And wondering who is watching as she is tied helplessly in this feild. So in fear she listens.

She hears someone close but fears screaming and them finding her and not letting her loose and "lawd knows what else"... So she waits and wonders. And then all seems to grow quiet. And the silence becomes more fearful than being able to hear the normal street sounds. She hears the police ride by but she is too far to scream.

So she is stuck.
As she can feel her hands going numb from holding that cold bar and feeling her feet starting to buckle from standing on that bottom bar. And she begins to shiver a bit.
And then she smells that scent. His scent. And that good weed smell is with him. And she feels him touching her and then hugging her. And in a way she feels glad that He is ok and asks,"what was going on Sir, can you please take me down from here? Are you ok?" and he replies, "no, I'm not done yet.." And he takes off her blindfold and looks her in the eyes. She is glad to be able to see and the first thing she see's is him. And then she notices that He's sweaty like He had been running. And He said "kiss Me" and she did. As he untied her from the jungle gym. she embraced him for support as He untied her coat from behind her back and huged her as she was lowered down from the cold jungle gym. As she got back on her feet she almost fell from the numb feeling in her hands and her feet. And she embraces him and notices that He looks shook up a bit. And for someone like Him that is scary to he so she asked, "what happened, are You aright Daddy?" and He smiled and said, "That is the FIRST time you have ever called me Daddy!" and she smiled and said, "You are my Daddy now... I got you Daddy." and He said ," I got you too bitch, like I said I got you..." grinning. And as they were getting there selves together they huged and He asked..." So you do know that I am not done with you yet..." As He reached between her legs and found her dripping wet. She huged him closer and whispered in His ear, "This pussy has been wet for you from the first moment I heard your voice" And with that said she dropped to her knees in the middle of the field and sucked Him dry.

As she stood slightly muddy in the middle of the ghetto field with her new Daddy, they hugged and kissed. And ran back to the condo and got into some freaky ass ghetto shit, together for the first time.

To be continued...


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