Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The ups and downs of being Gifted

Do you believe in Extra Sensory Perception?

Do you believe that SOME people have certain mental gifts?

Do you believe that some people may be psychic?

Do you believe that we all may have some form of mental gifts?
Well, maybe not everybody wants to tap into that power?

What about energy?

Do you believe that people make emotional connections that cause them to become more mentally connected?

First lets dig deeper

Psychic Consulting and Healing

A person gifted with psychic powers can explain, understand or feel a force using the ESP which is also called the extra sensory perception or the sixth sense. This power is used to raise the levels of energy to comprehend and interpret things. Every person possesses such powers to a certain extent.

The people are referred to as mediums and psychics. The Psychics use aura reading, channeling, spirit guides, clairvoyance, intuition, numerology and astrology. Others can feel clairaudience which is the ability to hear sounds that cannot be heard normally or clairsentience which is the practice of knowing the future through an extrasensory perception which is something of intuition and not perceived by the common senses.

The psychic acquires a divination in which he develops the power of foretelling, prediction, prophesying with the help of occult arts. Precognition is a practice that helps a psychic to look beyond in the future under the Divine Guidance. Psychometrics is the theory of gathering power from knowledge of someone who is connected with an activity of moving objects with the mind.

There is also another Psychic theory referred to as remote viewing which is the power of describing a person thing or place without being present there. Telepathy is a psychic condition which is a communication between minds. These conditions are also psychic in nature and they go forward to bring about the work of psychic healing which follows many techniques like Pranic healing, Reiki or spiritual healing, intuitive healing, necromancy, mesmerism, distance healing, energy balancing, faith healing and so on. The Pranic Healers channelise their energies from within to reenergize a person with the illness. This can be done by the replacement of energies. The Chakras in the body are realigned with the help of Centering meditation and also by calming the body down and filling it with energy.

Psychic healing may or may not entirely cure a person but it speeds up the process of healing and takes the process through the right path. Psychic healing is based on the fact that anyone is capable of curing himself if he has the desire from within. An internal energy and will power is responsible for that.

Psychic healing process helps in treating phobias, disorders, depression, anxiety, cancer, and other disorders. This sort of healing and consultation can be done even from a distance. Animals can also be healed through the process of psychic healing. The psychic healers are available from consultation on the internet.

Although psychic healing is quite a controversial topic of discussion, it has been into practice since ancient times. The most common forms of psychic healing came through the Shamanistic Healers. These are a specially trained group of people who perform psychic healing though the intervention of spirits. In modern times, this healing theory can be traced back to the days of Antoine Mesmer who propagated the theory of hypnosis.

There have been numerous theories that establish the fact that Psychic healing happens and cures people. It is only the faith and the inherent strength of spirit of the patient as well as the Psychic that is of utmost importance. Psychic help is round the corner. If you have a will to get cured, here is the way.


Do anyone remember a elder in your family that always seemed to read your mind or know when your up to something?
For some parents, especially mothers, the connection to their children and even their mate is very real and even powerful.
Even if they can not explain how or why
They are aware of your mindset and mentality to some degree

Even if they do not want to consider that they feel something in the "force" that is not right

The force has alot of power
And for many
When you except and respect your intuition
The only protection you have over fear is faith

But what if you met someone who told you that they have a gift to connect with someone enough to kinda read their minds?
Or feel their energy?

We all to some degree have the ability to connect mentally with another that you are attracted too

But how long does that take?

How does it occur?
From what I have been learning?
As soon as you make a emotional, physical, spiritual connection

These connections are a simple as being connected to a friend, family, or anyone our directly focus your energies towards

For some of you who are into a more "Universal" spiritual mindset
You first learn to respect the power of the Human Mind
And the spiritual powers of the Earth, Planets, and the beyond

You few know by way of the chakras and even Light/Dark forces
Planetary positions
Some even know that right now in the history of this planet
These moments in these days are powerful and unstable to even the mystics
So anything is more possible than impossible

So lets get to why this is important to Me

I keep telling people what I know

I am gifted
In a spooky enough manner
That my life's journey and struggle
Has been more in devotion of identifying and defining my evolving powers
And at least attempting to respect the fact that I am not normal
And I have references

"When I say I got you bitch, I got you..."

I have no choice when that is respected enough to become my creed

But My biggest dysfunction is the lack of understanding and control of my evolution
And the discomforts of others not being able to respect these gifts I am dealing with
Because I have no choice

Thus the reason why all of these structured techniques are not just interesting to Me
But important to Me
Because respecting a open sexual understanding
And constructing more trust and respect in each other
In hopes that I may find a few who are able to not only witness my talents
But learn as I have to even fear the Universe that I am sponsored by

"yeah, sounds deep right?"

Thus the reason why I am a Ghetto Sufi Master
In advanced training
In Hell
Our Nations Capitol
Dark City

And if Big Brother has a reason why I reside here?
Most of you who read these words are not allowed to even find out why and who
*wicked grin*


What I do know?

I know that if you interact with others
You make certain connections
Sometimes it's just a feeling of chance or luck
Sometimes you feel a deeper connection from the start

But I don't know how to turn it off either
Or how to control

Thus the reason why I seek advanced knowledge
Because what I do know is
I am a bit more advanced
Maybe even special

But when you interact with general minded people?
You have no control over their lack of faith in your image of being more than just another normal person

But what if your best friend told you they were psychic?

What if your Dominant/Domme Mistress/Master was psychic?
What if your slave/submissive was psychic?


What if they were able to see your thoughts?
Your mentality
Your mindset
Your fears
Your dreams

What if you made a connection with someone before you considered them worth becoming more committed to investing in a closer relationship?

What if they became connect to you to such a degree
That they could see and feel your thoughts and emotions
Just by you not knowing that you are sending signals to them
And they not being able to help you know they are feeling you
For some reason

Not actual visions
But more like a instinct that is not needed as of yet
Not actual feelings
But more like a unstable energy pulling Me into your head
And maybe even your bed

*blank stare*

For me
I have to demand a certain openness from others I become connected to
I have to prevent unstable energies from others I am connected to even if I have yet Mastered that ability to define what or who and even why

Because I am gifted
More deeper than I can explain to others I interact with
So I tend to find some discomfort in preventing negative energy
And not being able to prevent others in my realm from unknowingly effecting Me with their energy

And most times the people I meet don't have a clue what energy I speak of and how they can effect Me or anyone else
Just by not knowing what kind of energy they put in the universe

Thus the reason why I have no choice but to seek knowledge
And why I enforce a devotion to assisting me in learning a deeper understanding of a deeper power than just TPE

Because if you have no idea or even respect to the powers of the energies that we as advanced humans ever evolving have yet to learn a deeper respect for the need to control your own energies
Even if you may never be able to define them
You have to respect that there is a greater power we all can posses if we first respect that life is driven by more than chance or luck

But for Me?

I know that I need to learn how to control how I let others effect my energies and how I can better assist others in knowing at least as much as I know, respect and even fear

So what if you knew that you were sending energy unconsciously?
What if you were sending off energy to directions that do not wish to be effected by their intuitions of a unknown force that is coming from a unimportant direction?

What if someone can be called spiritually by your insecurities?
At the wrong time
And you have no control of letting them go
Or preventing them from seeing and feeling your fears or frustrations

What if you were gifted too

And your lack of knowledge of being gifted or even connected to others you don't feel have the ability to be that connected with you like that

But what if maybe some of this can be more true?

What if you have no idea or concern for the possibilities?
What if you feel this subject is not that serious to you?

What if I don't want to be in your head?
What if I had no control over ignoring unstable energies that you are not aware of

What if I told you

"I stood over you in the dark"
In spirit
And watched you
What if I was stuck watching you?
What if you felt me for a moment?
What if I didn't want to be there?
What if I felt used as a reason for not being there?
What if I know your thoughts more than you respect them?
What if I was more gifted than you understand?

What if all I want to do is tell you how gifted I have become to you?

What if I never wanted to care about what you do in your life away from my importance?

What if the images I only saw flashes of are real?
What if I don't want to be connected to anyone that is not able to consider how gifted I really am?

What if I know more about you than you know I can see in your own mind?
What if I wish I could turn a blind eye to whatever I feel coming from your insecurities and actions?

What if just ignoring the possibility that anyone can be that connected to you somehow to be able to connected to a power in your mind that can effect Me by being drawn into your darker realities?

Would you consider my feelings and need to explain something unknown to even Myself
But I know that I am gifted

And once I become connected to people
Even in casual friendships
I become connected to their mind and mentalities
Even their fears

And the ONLY thing I wish I could do?

Is prevent a discomfort between each other
Just because if I am more gifted and connected to someone
And anything in their mindset and mentality causes me to be drawn into their insecurities

The only thing I wish I could do

Is stop you from mentally taking Me with you
Even when you do whatever you want to do
And I am not a part of what you do

And I am not committed to you

But I can be so connected to you
Just as a friend

That even if you tried to pretend that there is nothing that could be coming from you
That even if I was gifted

I would not be getting anything from you
Of a conflictive or masochistic/Sadistic mindset

Because I am not a part of you
And what you are into
In your own head
And life

And My biggest complaint
Is neither one of us all is a saint

But I am gifted

And I wish I could learn how to better protect
How others respect

How my gifts are also my curse
Because to not know why admitting my feelings can make a connection worse

Because I told told you first

I suffer from not being respected
For not being protective
Of my gifts
And how we are connected

Psychic ability is related to intuition and the 6th sense. Since Psychic abilities cannot be proved scientifically for the lack of evidence, it is up to the discretion of the client whether to use psychic readings for controlling crime or not. Prior to this the genuineness of the psychic readings are questioned. Some may say that psychic readings are useful to control crime while some will opine negatively and there are still some who would like to make the best of the situation trying to take the maximum publicity out of it. Believe it or not, majority of the cases fall in this third category. Opinion 1: Psychic readings are useful to control crime. People with this opinion firmly believe that the extraordinary powers possessed by the psychics could be useful to control crime. Some may know a crime to be committed in the future with the help of the tarot cards, astrology, dream, crystal ball or even through the belongings of the culprit. Some of the psychics may reveal the facts about the victim which till then have remained a secret. Some of the psychics are very accurate while some very vague. The psychic readings of Nostradamus are famous not only in France but worldwide. Sometimes psychics help to unravel murder mysteries especially when the criminal is at large or the body of the victim is not available at all. Sometimes they help to find and release a child or a person who has been kidnapped. Opinion 2: Psychic readings are not useful to control crime. Most of the police officers consider the psychics to be imposters trying to gain publicity or make money from the situation. Some people believe that if a crime or any other act is destined to take place it will and no one can stop it because it is in the hand of God. In short they believe that destiny cannot be changed. They consider psychic readings to be just another way of earning money by fooling people with predictions of actions or things that are going to take place in the future or have occurred in the past. Some people say that the psychic readings are just a waste of time, money and energy. Opinion 3: Publicity Factor In most of the cases it is seen that the person with psychic ability puts forth so much information with so much permutations and combinations that one piece of information comes out to be exactly as what is revealed by the criminal investigators. The psychics then claim to be right but at the same time never reveal the other alternatives that they had mentioned. The usage of psychic readings to control crime is solely at the discretion of the police and investigating authorities who have to solve the case and backup their claims with concrete proofs.

The reason why I feel being able to better control how your connections to others and your intuitions of others and the unknown reason why some form of energy has the ability to be killing me

Just because when I am feeling others in a psychic manner

The natural trait of human nature causes others to defend their ability to not be feeling me
Like I try to explain about my pain that causes Me
To wish I can control how to become more free
From the dark shit I get from others who are connected to Me
Or wish they could be
If they could better see
How gifted I am twisted into my reality

Because once you become a part of Me
Even as a friend
I can't pretend
That if you know how into you I am
That you could understand
Why I have to demand
That everyone who seeks to know Me
Needs to show me

Enough concern
To respect my need to learn

How to control how others energy
And how it effects Me
When we connect in some form of unity
As long as it is friendly


And try to have enough empathy
For what their lack of concern for my gifts that are a part of Me
And how my gifts fit in every part of Me
They control he very heart of Me

And I hate when this conflict of their memory

Of the gifted part of Me
And my own personal reality

And how these lifestyles are important to Me
How they support my sanity
My need for conformity
My house
My family

I am gifted
Sometimes my gifts can be my curse

And before it become worse

I will end that connection first

Because I have no choice

Because as I lay awake
I can't fake
The feeling of your voice
As you enjoyed your choice
In your own privacy of your own mentality
Without the thought that you got me caught in your fantasy
And that is not where I wanted to be

Unless you desire to become more to Me


And you can give a fuck
About how we may have become connected
In each others reality

But I am gifted

And right now I'm about to get lifted
And take another visit
Into a peaceful state of my own
And I wish that the connected would leave me alone

"when they in need of giving a stray dog a bone"

*sadistic grin*

I just want to do my best to put my mind to rest

And not put my Universe to the test

Just because you have to get some shit off your chest

What if I was gifted to the point that not respecting my gifts and connections to you
Can cause you to call me
And not notice How I stood over you
And knew that you knew
I was connected to you

This is not about you

This is about how being gifted can become a threat to your connection to Me

Just because you are not aware of how connected and unprotected you have become to my sanity

And I have to no ability

To show you how you know you aint feeling Me

And I can respect that

But try not to ignore the fact
That I am gifted


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