Friday, December 25, 2009

Someone asked Me about sub mission in theory...

I have been noticing a great deal of different types of submissives actually.

So it's kinda hard to describe because I really don't have any in My


sub mission...

It says to yield to the will of others.

I see some who are naturally submissive and get off on following or being lead. But not like their dumb or nothing, but like they really like to follow. Kinda like the OLD SONG before most of you guys time Little Peggy March - I Will Follow Him That image of a love for someone that is complete at the point of sub mitting to their mate.

And then there are the kind that want someone to lean on more or less. And the difference is that they don't want to be under them 24/7 like the first description but want to have a partner who is more of a head of a household they reside in. So they do the Manly things and they can submit to them in comfort.

I know them two are alike...

Then there are the service types that kinda like doing things for people.

One type is like they love to serve. They like seeing the result of their service on the face of others.

Another is more of a giver. They just want to give. Whatever it is they want the feeling of willfully giving away as much as they can bare. That actually is emotional.

And then there is the sympathizer. The bleeding heart type that wants to comfort or care for somebody. And this type can be divided into two types. I'll use the nursing field as a example for them.

1 is ok with working in a hospital and even doing blood work but nothing too messy or mushy.

The other is a hard core care giver type that wants to make your last days comfortable. Even changing bed pans or sitting with you until you take your last breath.

Both of these types are driven by a act of nurturing or acting out of sympathy for someone as a reward.

And then there are the sexual types.

1 just wonts to be used. And while this use may reach the point of door mat, they are fine with that image. Sometimes they have deeper issues of feeling the need to be treated as less than human.

Another is the kind who wants attention. And I mean they want to be the center of that attention. And they are willing to do whatever to be the center of their attraction and attention.

Another is someone who wants a fair trade. They look for someone who treat them with a fair exchange of TPE. Most times they tend to get more than normal but that is only because the Dominate type likes to give.

And then there are the types who just want something.

They really are not submissive more than they are lonely. And whatever they have to do to not be bored or alone is coo with them within reason.

That type tends to switch when bored. Or just feeling the need to switch things up.

Now ALL of these types are NOT set in stone.

Each example can include a little of another or a lot of one.

But sub mission as a act is really the most powerful act to be mastered when mastered.

The ability to complete someone or even support everything from the rear is powerful and important.

While that act is often abused or ignored at the wrong times. When you find a connection worth working with? Anything is possible within that kind of dynamic.

But, there is no ONE TRUE way about it because as individuals we all are unique.

A really good sub missive is one who not only is driven to find out what kind of sub missive they are, but also wants to improve their craft to be better supportive to whom ever they find worthy of their time and efforts.

Everyone has some submissive and Dominance within them.

The degree and the attraction to either polarity is up to the individual.

So all of this is just My opinion in My observation of these lifestyles and many people within them.

But a healthy PARTNERSHIP demands a equal balance of each polarity at all times within a relationship of some sort.

I will say this...

NOBODY will ever find out how well they are at being any of these polarities in minutes or days and even years.

Life is a journey.

We all have to learn to give t all we got for as long as we can take it.

And learn how to take more and give more.

Living is a Art.

Loving is a Craft.

Life is a Job.

It's hard work if your doing something right!

There is no off switch in being a Dominant or a sub missive.

So ya might as well find out how much you have to work with before, during and after you find yourself headed into these type dynamics.

BDSM is not a selfish sport unless it's a fetish.

sub mission is NOT a fetish.


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