Friday, December 25, 2009

Even Smokie Robinson aint feeling the race we been dealing with.

The NAACP tried to bury the "N" word. And the masses tried to support a group of uppidy people who have little support for their own people as of late.

[But to here Smokie Robinson say it?](
Even Smokie Robinson aint feeling the race we been dealing with.
Even Smokie Robinson aint feeling the race we been dealing with.

__*"Who comes up with this shit, anyway?
was it one/or a group'a niggas sittin' around one day?...
And if you think that being called 'African American'/
sets all Black people's mind at ease,
since we affectionately call each other 'nigga'
I affectionately say to you 'nigga please'..."*__

*"I love being a American, and I love being black. I love being called black. Yeah, I said it and I don't take it back."*

Now I aint one to gossip, but I was NEVER born with a silver spoon in My mouth. But I have never be ashamed of My slave history of the past down south. But I have read the words of a few of our elder leather kinky folks that reeked of classism and bigotry like holding a brown paper bag up against Me or even trying to compare their upbringing from singing "say it loud...I'm black and I'm proud" because too many of you have a history that is so shameful to you that you want to call yourself a POC.

But nobody noticed that oe of the reasons why some of our respected elders don't like Me is because I'm on some "Nigga shit" and call My style some shit from a Pimp. But if there was ever a Pimp on the Pulpit? I'll be damn if your gonna try to Make Me it. Just because too many people fear being near someone who's shit stinks. But all of the shit we eat, make our shit stink. So why do you think that we are on the brink of destruction and a dysfunctional community including Me if somebody wants to judge My history and they don't even have a clearance high enough to trust they can bust My legacy.

And this aint just about Me. It's about the you in Me or should I say the Me in you.

Yeah some of you that can relate to some of the words that come from Me to. When I wonder if any of you wonder about why we are having such a hard time just trying to be a community of blacks and POCs that are at least kinky.

But everyone wants to be civil.

But civil to who?

How many others have I been a bitch too?

How many of you have I befriended too without asking anything more from you than the ability to try to be to Me whan you claimed you wanted to be to Me and mines too.

But look at you.

Yes you.

Why do you have to hide behind these groups of others who don't even know you or what your into too. But you have a need to plead without greed to belong to something bigger than you been into.

But is this the lifestyle you live as you give so many other attention as they try to mention how humanly loved they have a need to be from most of you. And for what?

Knowing that your gut says this conflict is some silly shit.

But your need to belong fears being wrong if you find you don't fit into the popular crowd.

But even the popular crowd aint saying nothing loud but that we should stop all this drama while each party has their hearty heads in a cloud of popularity.

But are you proud of your black and POC community as it seems to be right now on this site?

Yeah, nobody has been treating each other right.

But who do you choose to abuse for being wrong?

When it aint been that long that black people as we know it have not been allowed to be kinky and show it.

Because we have to pick sides and shun the other.

Because someone you want to respect is as old as your father or your mother. But that don't make their reason for demanding treason from your only season to be not just some elite family but a community in unity.

And too many of you have been sold some old guard black constitution of lies that never was open to your eyes had you been older when these black cultures of lifestyles started.

And right now there are new people struggling to ot feel so broken hearted from the image that us black and POCs look like to the others on this site watching us grow.

Because there is too much history that would change the power of authority if there was more of Me than more of them.

And so I try once again, to let the healing begin.

But this time.

This struggle for revolution is YOURs more than it is Mines.

And if your afraid to state your piece at lease and start the peace then there will be no piece of this lifestyle that you will own.

Because I would rather be happy and black and kinky alone than be too new to be able to get into the shit you can't admit you need more help with keeping as your own lifestyle.

And this is not there lifestyle.

Most of your hero's will be dead in 10 years or more.

So what are you trying to be into these lifestyles for?


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