Friday, December 25, 2009

If Sigmund Freud lived today? I wonder what he would say?

Psychotherapy has been known to have a fine "divide in theory" between the others after his time who challenged his studies and the times that were not as exposed to a dark side that until the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's have never been considered as saturated with a certain cultural extremity of a substance that has come and gone in our recent history. But had Sigmonud Freud been reincarnated or at least had the chance to further his studies during a time that most of the world had become exposed more personally to the substance in question. Maybe his theories would have been more understood as to how many of todays dysfunctions that are now being considered more gender, sexual, energetically manipulated and polaric in nature as we now define many who now have been effected by direct or indirect contact with a reality of a substance that now is being noted as being genetically involved in the evolution of many of todays dysfunctional young adults and children.
ADDHD and many other energetically altered states of enhanced evolutions have cause many in the psychological field to question if Sigmund Freud had continued his studies in our recent past of social manipulations of psycho and Biological substances and their effects on not just the consumer by the survivors of such a mass amount of indulgences that have been questioned by many other scholars who disclaimed Sigmund Freud's work due to the actual substance and the sexual connection that seemed at that time and era to be hysterical dew to the lack of coverage of different cultural genetic beings. While NOW in todays reflection of the past few years of our history have found many of the substances in question to now be a shameful reality for many inner city inhabitants and their decendants, relations and offspring that are today being diagnosed with many mental and bio polaric dysfunctions that had Sigmund Freud been alive in the past 50 years while many of these substances that have been in question as to why Sigmund Freud considered many of these Just as connected to his theories as his sexual connection to a darker almost more clinical kinkiness and gender based correlation to the spiritual and even upper metaphysical effect that many of these substances caused many of his subjects and theories in his studies to have been worth a deeper look into. Meaning? What if it was possible to revisit many of the theories that Sigmund Freud and his colleagues were studying in their day and time, and was able to compare them if not even allow them to further their studies in the times we have now grown to respect in our recent past that has been overly saturated by many of these questionable substances that we KNOW became introduced to mass proportions of many of the worlds inner cities to the degree that they became epidemic abuses and a world wide concern as to how that era would effect a much larger population of the general public. And for defense sake of this theory we all have to respect the reality of a certain time frame in the worlds history where these questionable substances were being consumed in epidemic proportions to masses of active adults and even children that have now grown to the age of at least young adult age today. From "Crack Babies" to Mass amounts of drug induced abuse and social manipulations that have even been recorded as shifting the moral structure of mass populations of inner city inhabitants of much of the worlds cultural realities. From prohibition to Reefer Madness to the free Love sexual revolution and feminism to Hippies and the Psychedelic Experience to the 70's explosion into the Birth of the Disco Club scene and the era of Excess and then the evolution into the darker image of the Pop and Hip Hop as well as the Hard Rock evolution that soon became the even darker era of The drug scene and the crime and crack became a shameful reality though out the 90's and the awakening of the millenium and then the shock of the S&L Scandal and the Enron financial break down into what we now face as a health care dilemma of today that also includes the deeper reality of the Mental Health field being in need of re-evaluation so that it can better support the ability to reconstruct a more productive educational system. But while everything that has been mentioned thus far about how the image of the indulgence and manipulation of these substances becoming more of a possibility of mutating massive amounts of "New Generations" of individuals who have survived or become created from the residue of a tainted past of substances that had been considered in the era and time of Sigmund Freud's studies and research. But this is the point of this post where this theory rather makes sense enough to entertain this fantasy or consider the invitation senseless. If Sigmund Freud was able to further complete his study and research with all of the NEW Information that has NOW become available from the basic statistics of the REALITIES of the past 60 years of evolutions of social populations of the inner cities of the worlds major cities. Including the proof of an excessive amount of indulgences of controlled substances by more than a average amount of general populations of not just the area of Sigmund Freud's Life and times of the past but also a recreation of his continued study in THIS day and age if it is or could be possible. If Sigmund Freud was alive today. I wonder what he would say about the evolution of todays populations of recently altered and mentally manipulated dysfunctional people who have been effected to a greater degree by many of the questionable substances that had become a deterrent from considering many of Freud's observations and theories to be honorable enough to consider as important TODAY than the day that He existed in conflict of being able to define as sane by his peers. Because at least today we know that it is possible for today's populations to have been subjected to many of the darker indulgences that may in the past questioned as respectfully possible. Sex, drugs and rock and roll has become a true reality more so within today's reality than back in the days when Sigmund Freud first became inquisitive in deeply studying the human psyche and it's connection to our sexuality and dysfunctional mentalities due to outside manipulative substances and unstable biochemical alterations of the genetic structure of a new version of evolution of human kind in a more exposed reality. And that reality has become more real for more people on earth in masses who have now become more introduced to a theory that was only entertained as well as investigated by someone who was before his time. And out of everything that I would consider was a waste of gray matter and idle chatter from Sigmund Freud was his mind and all the time he tried to find some deeper understanding of a deeper psychotic trait that now have become a part of a greater possible mental state of too many people around the world that have found the substances that became questionable as to his own fate. What if Sigmund Freud was before his time? And why are so many people who today find the study of psychology and the effects of many of today's influences of the same substances that were also interesting enough for Freud to further investigate still entertaining the same manner of denial as his colleagues ridiculed him and his theories to be. But for some reason, if you were to study psychology as it is respected today. You would have to also learn of the journey that Freud took in discovering a deeper darker possibility of a reality that many today can only shamefully deny has no effect on the human mentality. The same substances that called Sigmund Freud into question for his theory and study has become lately a reality for too many who have had to deal with it's reality. This is your brain on drugs and sexuality. And I wonder why so many still find his theory more of a comedy than a possible reality. And I don't think many of you can consider that possibility. And that mentality is starting to feed a greater tragedy. Sigmund Freud may have been more on to a theory that today has become too shameful of a reality.
What is causing such a massive degree of dysfunctional mentalities if Freud was considered to be just a sex crazed kinky addict who made up such a theory of possibilities of how a mass amount of humans could end up not having any mental stability?
Denial or dope? What do you think?

And speaking of energy

And what gets Me about this whole theory is how far back they were consuming the SAME substances that have now become genetically part of some many peoples bio chemistry that NOBODY knows what kind of effect anything has on anyone.

But we do know that many people who are Bi Polar have triggers that happen from casual introductions of energy emitted from others who may not know they are effecting others by smell, taste, touch, feel, or transmission of energy from distances.

DENIAL is the perfect word.

Because there are more recovering addicts as well as mentally dysfunctional people who all have been overly exposed to the substances that Freud was explaining in his studies to have deeper effects on their mental and sexual nature.

And DENIAL has been the problem because todays people are still suffering from the shame of being able to admit that they have been effected and exposed to the substances that many in the Medical and Mental Health field consider not important.

And now many of the Medicines that are now being administered to masses of people include the ingredients of them same substances from Tylonol to Viagra as well as many of the Psycho stablizing drugs like Prozac, Zoloff and many others.

And here is something many people have not considered to be just as important in the mental Health field...


Like the Chakras.

Now in todays science it is respected to believe that we have Chakras.

We believe that there is energy that we absorb and emit or transmit that travel the same paths as the effects of pheromones.

And in the study of the Chakras it is a fact that the first 3 basic points of the Chakras are all sexually manipulated and driven but sexual knowledge and contact. Like how some state that you have to watch who you share your energy with and how someone can transmit certain energies that may be unhealthy for some others.

And THAT is what has been happening as of late, while the medical field has only been able to experiment with Pharmaceutical drugs to alter the brains mechanical triggers without knowing what or who is causing these triggers to exist.

So yeah...

Anyone I find who says they major in Psychology and thinks that Sigmund Freud was a Coked out sex freak?

I tend to consider them more of the problem that we are facing in trying to find the source of these dysfunctions and how to better control them without destroying the natural evolution of brain functions of todays overly evolved masses of people.

It seems that everyone knows how to spot a crack head today.

But nobody wants to know how and why they exist.

And they do too.

And Sigmund Freud was NOT a crack head!


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