Friday, December 25, 2009

The miseducation of our own mentality. Taking back our humaity.

I was chatting with a old friend of Mine.

We were talking about the current issues.
Mostly our people and our children.
And what needs to be done.

And he said:
I Just look at our babies and our homes, and thats the bottom line.
and with that said i also feel we as brother's have to fine more time being king's, treating, and reminding our women that they are Queens and not so called Diva's

And I replied;

But being Kings and Queens in theory is great.

I think the problem with that theory is the conduct of many Kings and Queens are not very impressive too. It gives off a Elitist midset that most can't handle humbly.

Ladies and Gents is better. Because you can teach the difference between what they are and what they should do.

The ROYAL mentality is KILLING our people.

*blank stare*

We have to get back to Humanity.

Being better humans to each other.

Being better partners to our mates.
Being better friends to each other.

And being better at not just knowing our selves, but knowing our deeper selves and striving for a deeper knowledge of our greater selves to be.

I think we are teaching with the wrong images and causing our people to compete and not relate.

That's what we have competitions and not relationships.

They don't KNOW any better.

If it takes a village? Then we have to find a better reason to respect the need of community and get back to being better people to other people.

We as a people have lost sight of what's right for what we have been learning right now.

And our children are mutants and not little animals. We have to learn how to help them learn how to better MASTER their mutations and not try to mimmic(sp) our inferior images of the past.

I was a prodigy child. Gifted.
But nothing as gifted as many of todays children are becoming.

We have to stop trying to make robots.

And make better humans who are trained to respect all of humanity

We as a people have been mis-educated.

We have been taught to be elitist and not humble humans.
We have been taught to be Diva's and not Ladies.
We have been taught to be Players and not Gentlemen.
We have been taught to be Royals without responsibility to whom you serve.
We have been taught it's Us against Them and not that we all are communal people in need of building better bridges and support and not barriers and enemies.

We have been taught a warped sense of reality.

And it's less important to mention who and why more than what we should be NOW and HOW.

Because we as a world of people are becoming a new world of new people who are in need of learning from each other and not trying to dominate over each other.

We need to take back our humanity.

And learn to become better humans with each other.

Because that's all we have left.

Each other.


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