Friday, December 25, 2009

Have we come too far to forget where we came from today as a people?

This year has been more than just a image of extreme change.

For many of us in America.

We have witnessed a change in what this country has been fighting to become.

More equal for all people to feel we all belong too, in the title of an image of "We the People" that is stated in our constitution that our fore fathers proclaimed as all that is fair and holy as a country united.

And in the past 70 years our history has been reformed from a image of racial divide to the true melting pot that this country has become respectfully.

While many of us have varied views of the memory and the struggle and politics of the past 70 years of changes and the dedication and sacrifice of so many for a common goal that has only as of late shown some form of positive results or not depending on the individual.

The proof is in the reality we all are now living closer together as a country.

I am not saying that we have become a more perfect union of sorts as a country.

But we have grown to become more perfect than we all were more than 70 years ago as a nation united and not as divided as before.

And in the past 70 years or so many people have fought and died for a dream that has become more of a reality today than ever before.

But I wonder...

Have we forgotten about so many who sacrificed so much to get us thus far?

Have we forgotten how far we have come in so little time?

Have we lost hope in our own growth today by forgetting how long it has taken for us to have the amount of change we now live with as a people?

Have we lost respect for the consideration that so many generations before us wished we did much more with so much we have now that we seem to still feel powerless as to what we still need to be fighting for?

Have we lost the ability to feel like we belong to a struggle that is just as needed today as it was 70 years ago?

Have we become ungrateful and unthankful for what we have thus far that so many have struggled and died for us to continue a fight that now has become uninteresting?

Have we become inconsiderate of the sacrifices so many others have made for us to be who we have become today?

Have we considered there is no debt to be repaid to our fore fathers who gave and lost so much for a freedom we now share with others who are just as inconsiderate?

I wonder about these questions and so many more like them while I watch and read so many opinions from so many others whom would not have such a voice or freedom of choice that now seem to have become more complaints as to why they feel they should have more than what they have as of late.

Many of you who now spew political views as if your views are being ignored by many others who all had less of the ability to be considered important enough to be allowed to vote less than 70 years ago.

Many of you who scream foul at the sight of racism and bigotry that was once common place and more extreme.

Yet, you do very little other than complain as a mass of people who have yet taken a torch passed on from pass generations of people who gave more for a struggle that many of you are ungrateful in your actions and deeds thus far.

Many of you think that we have grown more worthy of a freedom we have yet to build into something worth being free for. As if it has become your right to complain more than continue to fight for equality for all of us as Americans and not just for your own personal comfort and concerns.

What can you point too as repayment for what so many others gave you thus far?

Have you given enough to earn as much of a rest that many seem to be taking as not your fight anymore?

Have you forgotten or even shun the power that has been given you for the fear of not being able to do anymore than what you have done thus far?

Have YOU come this far to forget why YOU are here now?

So what's your next move?

As I was reading a very interesting book about the struggle of My people. And how they organized and formed tactics and connections to combine forces for the greater goal of getting us this far in our history.

I started to wonder why are we now doing so little to improve on what we have thus far and why we seem to not be concerned as to why the need for us all to continue to struggle together for a greater good seems to not be as important.

Maybe some of you will better understand what I'm talking about if you too choose to read this book as well.

We Will Return In The Whirlwind: Black Radical Organizations 1960-1975

I seldom read anything from many of the people who post on a regular about so many of todays issues anything about the importance of us picking up the torch left by so many great people who gave their lives in the struggle for more of the freedoms we indulge in now.

So what's your excuse?

Why do you not question yourself and offer more of yourself to a greater good than what we still suffer from today together?

We all have the power and the duty to do more than what we have thus far.

What do you fear?

Are you free enough as you are today?


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