Friday, December 25, 2009

Sex is a drug that is in need of more respect than a nutt! Know the difference?


But first you have to do more than ask questions and consider yourself doomed to what you may find around you to be failure and pain.

It's really a bit more basic. Just as the laws of attraction and the understandings who you are and what is within you to control. And until you better find ownership of your own inner being and a better control of said being? You will not be more able to defend your own self from what you FEEL to be...

Chakras are a great place to start as well as meditation.

Understanding that the energy that flows within all of us is absorbed and transmitted from 7 points in our body that are not physically seen. Chakras are where your hidden powers reside.

Find them.

Learn what they are and what they do.

Condition them by owning them first and then controlling the flow and transmission of them.

The mind is not the ONLY point that controls your emotions or desires.

But the mind is the sum of all 7 points and not the organ in your head.

Try this site and then find others to better explain these 7 points of your mind and where they are.

Chakra Seven: Sahasrara

Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge

This is the crown chakra that relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing. When developed, this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.

Chakra Six: Ajna

Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection

This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us “see the big picture.”

Chakra Five: Vishuddha

Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression

This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language.

Chakra Four: Anahata

Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance

This chakra is called the heart chakra and is the middle chakra in a system of seven. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centeredness.

Chakra Three: Manipura

Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition

This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power.

Chakra Two: Svadhisthana

Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification

The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.

Chakra One: Muladhara

Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation

Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence.


So now, think of how easy it is to better control them and keep them healthy by meditation, exorcise and respect.

Your emotions do NOT come from your brain or any other organ other than the 7 points within your spiritual body. But more directly from the first 3 lower chakras in your body. The others are just as connected but all have different uses and powers as well.

So what I'm saying here is...

No matter how fucked up you may feel. You are alive.

Others around you may never understand what I am speaking of.

But that is no excuse for you to allow them to be blamed for your emotions and your mental health.

Start there first.

And ease up on the desire to look for pleasure to sooth your boredom.

Sex is also a drug if you do not respect the power it creates within you and the others around you.

You can not protect yourself from negative energy if you don't know what it is or what it aint.

Everything around you has both polarities.

Learn to choose more wisely.

And to treat your mind and body better and you will feel better, even when the shit hits the fan. At least you will know how better to define your own worth.


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