Friday, December 25, 2009

Has the internet changed our faith or our failure to be content?

I don't think we can blame the internet. That's too easy!

I think we give the internet too much credit for what WE DO. Or should I say what people on the internet are doing that is causing a unfair social condition in people who now are using the internet.

People are blaming the internet for their own abuse of such a powerful tool. Where in fact it is masses of people who are changing their own fate by the misuse of this powerful tool.

At one point these lifestyles were more private and not available to everyone to just explore out of boredom and lust for something new and exciting. People had to make physical contact and then communicate with each other before entering these many acts of these lifestyles. And that took trust and planning and respect in whom invites them into their realm of life and lifestyle. So learning of these lifestyles were not descriptive and instructional as they have become now on the internet.

Also, the internet created the ability to abuse basic reality. So people could be whoever they choose to be and gave people the ability to hide behind images and words that in person may not reflect the reality of truth as to who and how they really are. So people on the internet changed their basic morality as to fairness and responsibility to be open and truthful as to who they are and what they are about.

And internet sites and communities became open for corruption of intent. And people started to change the way they related to others and the amount of choices they have available. And the Bootycall was invented and the dating scene changed people and the way they treated others. And people became more blinded by a reality that had too many choices and too many options to devote to any chance acquaintance they made. And greed and confusion became more of a temptation as the internet became more available to masses of new people who found it easier to chat and search for anything and anyone they stumbled upon. And drama became a new word for unstable realities and a lack of the ability to communicate and be honest.

Thus, these lifestyles began to also suffer from mass abuse of honor and trust. And THAT is what so many claim they are lacking in being able to respect these relationship based lifestyles.

And people who NOW treat the internet as a means of communication have lost the ability to communicate and relate to others all because so many people abuse this realm of communication and exploration. And it has become too easy to loose sight of what they are searching for and why.

So now we try to blame the internet for causing the corruption of masses of people who now are not able to form stable friendships and fruitful relationships when in fact each person has no idea how so many people have changed the way they live and relate to each other respectfully.

So we can't out of all fairness blame the internet because it is just a means of communication and exploration.

We have to blame ourselves for loosing our own ability to respect each other as people who deserve the same. And we have all become addicted to not just choices that the internet offers everyone, but our addiction to finding better choices at a click of a mouse. Thus we now have lost our faith in our own reality. And it has become too easy to make the wrong choices of what we desire over the possibilities that something else or someone else is just advertising a better product or promise of being just what we need. So we have now become unstable people with too many choices and too many options that are possible.

And nobody wants to take the blame for having lost their faith to the internet. Because we are just simple people with too many choices to make just ONE and stick with it long enough to respect it.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the screen.

And these lifestyles are not unstable temptations caused by too many people being able to indulge in whatever they find interesting.

We just don't want to respect that other people are addicted to the internet and what it offers. Just as we are addicted to false advertisement for the need for something we can't have.

And that is a life that is not based on what we do online but what we have truthfully offline that is worth more than a better advertisement.

That's why we have more people in the history of this country that are single and looking for someone as a life partner or people who are just looking for something better to do with their lives that they see advertised.

These lifestyles are relationship based sexual lifestyles that were made to enhance what we choose to respect. And the only thing we respect is our connection speed and greed.


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