Friday, December 25, 2009

How much old heritage can we apply to todays new reality out of respect for what it was?

The passing of the torch to a new generation.

How much of the past is relevant to what is available to us in the future?

Our history has been paved with good intentions.

But here's something that I have been entertaining in My head about this subject as of late...

My Brother spoke of a OATH and Promise of passing on what has been given to the Elders before us about these traditions and lessons of conditioning and respect for these styles of lifestyles that many of us now find more in open view for all to find and use for our cultural needs as who we have been in the past to be where we are right now.

But what I find to be a difficult twist to have to now reflect out of respect for our reality more than the expectations of a certain ORDER and PROTOCOL that our elders have been blessed with the duty of passing on to the next generations to come.

But THIS has been the FIRST year that I have found there is now a few twist that even our elders never foresaw.

First is membership and inclusion.

NOW, we are all faced with a conflict with the options offered by our past laws respected by our elders. That conflict first becomes as simple as our new realty.

I remember having several debates and conversations with many others including many of our respectable elders who boldly stated a reality that we as of this year are faced with a exception that was never offered. That option was the understand that as long as we are black or POCs in America. We will NEVER see in OUR LIFETIME a black or POC become elected to become the FIRST black and POC president of THIS country. And I remember hearing them honestly admit that this country is NOT ready to handle that kind of new found respect for their content of character and not the color of their creed.

They said humbly that we can not feel all is lost while we have to respect that NOT IN OUR LIFETIME will our people as well as America as a whole will NOT allow that image to exist without a severe revolt from the masses who have been conditioned to not allow such a reality to become our history.

And when I think back to many of the times I have had to respect My elders faith over their fantasies of a impossible prediction.

But look at us today.

We still have a Black or POC President of this country!

But we Never have been prepared for this amount of evolution into what we now are faced with as a country as a whole.

Not just black and POCs who have been defined as too unstable of a mentality as a people to not overly abuse our new found freedom and foundation from where we have come from our American past history.

And even non black and POC type Americans are suffering from a self imposed fear of the possibilities of a reality of others knowledge of the character of people they have been raised thus far to believe blacks and POCs are able to respectfully honor as NOW full members of this countries dynamic that was never expected to EVER become this multi racial and civil.

And this is the FIRST twist in a reality that non of our elders expected was in need of being more trained and prepared to not just respect but to honor without fear of being bamboozled by the "other man" who has grown to believe that our genetic structure as a race can not be trusted with such a responsibility when we have been persecuted so severe enough to expect a back lash because we may not receive reparations for past suffering of others who have now grown out of the need to be entitled as a oppressor.

And EVERYTHING right now is too extremely different from where our elders were conditioned to respect for the need of our own protocols and previsions custom made for what our race had been defined as.

But that slight reality and change of reality as we know it now has changed EVERYTHING that was made to not belittle our people as they have become.

So while I desire to honor My elders.

I am now stuck with a NEW reality. And I as well as everyone else in this country are also suffering from a unexpected twist in fate that has not fueled our fears that were once taught to be a need for caution as to how possible for blacks and POCs to become productive partners of the American way...

So that first reality is becoming a difficult twist in fate and reality to justify some of the customs that are put in place to better prepare our people to become more respectable citizens of a country that was formed under the reality of that time in history as a reason to consider the ability for blacks and POCs to become just as much of responsible and respectable partners in this countries importances.


The next image I wish to paint is something else that has not been considered as a need to be better prepared for being more free as a character of people as a whole from many others in our past who never saw the evolution of the blacks and POCs being able to not just mix or melt into one country undivided but the ability for us to genetically become considered equal.

But we are not just free. We are overly exposed to the same new reality and freedom that everyone has not found within the WORLD WIDE WEB.

So how do we now teach a tradition that was passed down from our elders when these new blacks and POCs are faced with a freedom that has just become not just a new reality but has become a contradiction to a rule that was shamefully taught to everyone at a point in American history.

So now comes the twist.

We as older adults who have had some education offered to us by our elders of our past generations and cultures.

How ready are we to be able to deal with being able to offer JUST WHAT the younger generation may desire to learn without having to deal with your conditioning of that past protocol of crawling before we walk when these new generations are faced with a reality that has never existed before in our genetic reality as a whole.


If you find yourself being questioned by a younger generation that wants to better learn how to respect the beauty of what these lifestyles have to offer all of us as responsible adults, because they want to also respect their heritage and add their own style to what they already have been told is the ugly truth about what black people and POCs are capable of dealing with after all the abuse they have recorded as such.

But what about generation X,Y, and Z as well as these newly free babyboomer adults that are now finding themselves back into the populace of adluts just because they have found them selves of sound mind and body at a older age than they have been taught was possible.

So what do you offer someone who May not want to respect the structure of OLD GUARD protocols and mentalities that are out of date as a reality of what we are and what we have a options as who we are now in reality compared to what have been understood as what we can be if we are offered a fair equality as American people and now un_evolved animals and natives.

So if a young adult wishes to learn more about these traditions and cultural protocols of a different breed of human than what they have learned they are, but they don't want to respect everything they feel does not apply to their character. So all they want is a few pointers as a structure and not a all or nothing clause of what they have to be in order to be respected today as they reinvent their new dynamic as they are blessed to freely explore.

Like sex, and non emotional sexual conduct between casual partners without being shun for disrespecting the morality we have been raised with from our elders. So trying to tell them in their dynamic that they CAN NOT reinvent their own style or path without following a set of rules that were never considered the possibilities of being more free as a people than we have ever been in our American history.

So while we have been given a certain structure of conduct and morality to be our guide as blacks and POCs? We are faced with considering some of our customs taught by our elders to be out dated if not redefined due to our drastic sift in reality of whom we all are and who we are not.

So can people who have been taught a certain format that now has changed by our new reality of todays freedoms as a people?

Or are we faced with a struggle of not being as stuck as our elders of the past had no insight enough to expect a new image of who we are today as a people compared to what we had no ability to predict this amount of change.

We are not just stuck with the options that have been basic laws of reality. But we are now a bit too free to explore the amount of options that were in the past told is too much for our people to respectfully respect.

So how do you assist someone from the hip hop generation who wants to custom make a respectable lifestyle that has never been open to exploration as a whole?

Can the old guard learn from a new generation how to better live a new freedom that was never allowed to entertain?

That depends on our ability to adjust our own laws of morality as it pertains to our races of people who now are not prevented from exploring new options of a new reality.

This is NOT our grandparents lifestyle anymore.

So how can we respect our heritage without feeling that we are not the same type people as many of the people in the past have grown to respect as the way it is and who we are rather we like it or not.

That is our issue today.

And that is no easy task.

Explaining to the newer generation what they have today as better options than we have ever had in our American history.

How do we PIMP our lifestyle without offending the older generation who have deep seated issues with the use of the word PIMP as well as honor our ability to honor these lifestyles that have been examples of a little of the old with new adjustments pending.

All of this is too new to risk being too new to share a honor worth being connected to our own past.

But it is now what it is now.

We got work to do. And we may be the ones who need to learn what today is that is not what we were or were not.


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