Friday, December 25, 2009

That planets made you do it too... If you know what that is.

We are at least 70% water
We know that our bodies are effected by planetary movements

But very few people consider that
While they go through everyday life

But here's a few hints as to why we all may have been going through a bit more planetary manipulation than just chance

Tiny flares responsible for outsized heat of Sun's atmosphere

Nanoflares are sudden bursts of energy that are so small they cannot be resolved individually.
Provided by Goddard Space Center, Greenbelt, MD

August 17, 2009
Solar physicists at NASA have confirmed that small, sudden bursts of heat and energy — called nanoflares — cause temperatures in the thin, translucent gas of the Sun's atmosphere to reach millions of degrees.

The Sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, is made up of loops of hot gas that arch high above the surface. These loops are comprised of bundles of smaller, individual magnetic tubes or strands that can have temperatures reaching several million degrees Kelvin (K), even though the Sun's surface is only 5,700 degrees K.

Nanoflares are small, sudden bursts of energy that happen within these thin magnetic tubes in the corona. Unlike solar flares that can be viewed through satellites and ground-based telescopes, nanoflares are too small to be resolved individually. We only see the combined effect of many of them occurring at about the same time.

"Coronal loops are the fundamental building blocks of the corona," said James Klimchuk, an astrophysicist at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "Their shape is defined by the magnetic field, which guides the hot flowing gases called plasma. The magnetic field is also the source of the nanoflare energy. We believe that stresses in the field are released when thin sheets of electric current become unstable."

Klimchuk and colleagues have constructed a theoretical model to explain how nanoflares occur and how plasma within the tubes responds to the skyrocketing temperatures. "We simulate bursts of heating and predict what the loop should look like when observed with a variety of instruments," said Klimchuk.

To test their model, the team observed gas emissions in the solar corona using the NASA-funded X-Ray Telescope and Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer on Japan's Hinode spacecraft.

"The 10 million degree temperatures we detected in the corona can only be produced by the impulsive energy bursts," said Klimchuk. The ultra-hot plasma cools very quickly, however, which explains why it is so faint and has been so difficult to detect until now. The energy lost from the cooling conducts down to the relatively cold solar surface. The gas there is heated to about 1 million degrees K and expands upward to become the 1 million degree component of the corona that has been observed for many years.

NASA's upcoming mission to study the Sun, the Solar Dynamics Observatory, will help scientists answer the outstanding questions of coronal heating by observing the coronal plasma at different temperatures with an unprecedented combination of close-up detail and rapid sequences.

So here is another helpful hint of what is effecting us all

What are Biorhythms?

According to biorhythms theory, our lives are affected by three primary cycles: Physical, emotional and intellectual. The cycles start at a middle point at birth, and then go up and down from this point at different rates throughout our lifetimes. Some people report that they can improve the quality of their life by monitoring these highs and lows.

Generally, the more high or positive a given cycle is at any given time, the better one can interact in the related arena. The reverse is true during low or negative points of a cycle. If you are at a negative point, you can still perform well in the affected area, but it will just be more difficult. But with a biorhythms reading you will know this and can plan accordingly.

So if you're feeling ecstatic, sad, energized or unmotivated, but you don't know why--it could be your biorhythms!

So now we can better understand some outside influences

Like how the moon effects us all
Even if we don't know

These are mine for example

calculate your biorhythms

Remind yourself to check your biorhythms whenever you want!

Enter your birth date to see how you're feeling today.

Want to see how you might feel before a big meeting or dinner engagement next week or want to figure out the best time to have a party? Just type in a future date.

What does the chart mean?
The middle line represents your biorhythm values at birth--zero. Cycles above that midpoint are positive, and cycles below the midpoint are negative. A critical day occurs when your biorhythm cycles cross the zero line on the ascent or descent. On critical days, performance in the affected cycles might be particularly poor--so watch out!

Emotional Cycle: governs the nervous system, which is also called the "sensitivity rhythm". What are the symptoms of the Positive and Negative Emotional Stages? For the Positive Emotional Stage, you will feel great creativity, lovingness, and warmth. Also, you will probably be more open in your relationships. For the Negative Emotional Stage, you're inclined to feel withdrawn and less cooperative. You may also feel very irritated and negative about those things that occur in your daily life.

Physical Cycle: affects the physical aspect of the body, including your energy level, resistance, and overall physical strength and endurance. What are the symptoms of the Positive and Negative Physical Stages? For the Positive Physical Stage, you will feel at your best. You will feel physically fit to work on projects requiring physical strength and endurance. For the Negative Physical Stage, you are likely to have less energy and less vitality. Be sure to follow this cycle if you require physical endurance for either sports or work.

Intellectual Cycle: believed to originate in the brain. What are the symptoms of the Positive and Negative Intellectual Stages? For the Positive Intellectual Stage, you will be more intellectually responsive; you're open to accepting and understanding new ideas, theories and approaches. For the Negative Intellectual Stage, you're much more likely to have difficulty grasping new ideas and concepts.

Study this information if you dare.

But understand that this is just a start.

And it gets deeper.

But only if you can handle looking outside of your basic reality.

Just to consider that everything around you.
Including your own self
May be effected by more than just what may be in the water
Or your mind

Go back to My post on chakras too

Here is todays projections

Today's Chakra Energy Levels

The Chakras represent the seven primary energy hubs in the body. Life force energy is constantly flowing in and out of these centers. Just as the cosmos is constantly changing, so too are the levels of energy absorbed and radiated by our Chakra centers. The graph below is a representation of the quantities of Chakra energies available today.

Sahasrara - The Crown Chakra represents energies associated with cosmic consciousness, spirituality, knowledge, wisdom and inner peace.
Ajna - The Third Eye Chakra represents energies focused on both physical and spiritual vision. Psychic powers resonate from the Ajna Chakra, as well as your image of the Cosmos as a whole (the big picture) and the many nuances that make your journey unique.
Vishuddha - Throat Chakra is the energy center associated with communication and creativity. Your energy to express yourself verbally and creatively are derived from the Vishuddha Chakra.
Anahata - The Heart Chakra’s energy is concentrated on issues concerning your emotions. This energy fuels your power to love, feel compassion and maintain balance between disparate aspects of your being.
Manipura - The Power Chakra provides the energy that fuels our strength of will, individuality and sense of self-worth.
Svadhisthana - The Spleen or Sacral Chakra supplies the energy we use emotionally and sexually. This is the energy used to connect to others.
Muladhara - The Root or Base Chakra furnishes the energy used to create and maintain our foundation. This is the energy that keeps us on firm ground and provides us with the basic skills to uphold a place in the world.

Now all of this may be a bit over your head today

But just consider what you can

If you want to have more to work with in your reality


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