Friday, December 25, 2009

Arguing is a red flag or a reality check. know the difference.

Conflict in communication is a red flag.

I will call that conflict arguing for the sake of the OP.

The MOST Important issue here is WHY there is a conflict in respect that is supported by a certain faith in whom you serve.

Arguing is allowed in certain circumstances.

Self preservation.

Deal breaking.

A break down in trust of judgement.

Consideration of becoming ignorant.

And confusion.

*blank stare*

If you admit yourself to a hospital?

The ONLY reason to argue with your Health Care Provider is all of the same so this is not about BDSM.

And the law allows you to get a second opinion.

But it's a crap shoot if you get a different result.

So if the same is proven from the 2nd and even 3rd opinion? Then the first should be given a apology out of respect. But that's not important because that involves personal ethics.

Arguing in of it's self is a red flag between each who finds enough conflict to protest.


Conflict resolution is a hard pill to swallow because the FIRST person who has hat duty is the Dominant in that dynamic.

Because something has become lost to such a extreme that the submissive has loss the ability to trust in your opinion.

What's all of this mean?

Arguing is a red flag that is ONLY respected when there is a sign of concern for the reason why the submissive felt the need to dispute and even disagree with your logic or Dominance.

And each person owe it to the other or not to consider the INSTINCT a red flag as soon as it becomes realized.

It's a important human instinct that is more of a red flag than a insult.

Until we know the difference?

We have no control over the emotional need to defend our emotions with conflict.

*blank stare*

Maybe THAT was too deep for yall?


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