Friday, December 25, 2009

You better THANK what you try'n to do for Me. I didn't say THINK!

Now see Mr.&Miss "whoever"

That's the damn problem here.

I aint got to have a light side I have to come back home to for safety.


I got a Lifetime PASS to the Dark Side with no doors closed to Me.

And I aint got no curfew or no collar.

Some of yall have to be good boys and good gurls, because yall was raised to be THAT way first.

Now, most of yall are just SNEAKING over to The Dark Side and getting back home in time enough to go to Church!

evil stare

And hating on Me because every time yall try to cross that fine line into some Dark Shit?

My Black Ass is up in here, getting in your way!


So how many other people on My friends list consider Me Something Lower than The Devil outside of a few POCs who don't like My title of The Devil's Dominant!

And some of yall think I got jokes, and I do.

But what else I got, is no need to tuck tail and go to the light!

And some of yall don't like not being able to party in hell, not because they MAKE you be around some evil shit. But because THEY should NOT have to worry about and of you being able to be fine with THAT too!

And the people around Me who claim to be from DC are scared to BE in DC like We Be. 24/7 aint heaven, but aint none of us here worth being called trash. and none of Us Evil little people in Hell have to explain to you people why we aint talking about visiting the Dark Side.

I mean being a Fuckin Owner of the Dark Side to which I live and Dwell in Hell.

And if your ass ever get stuck in Hell, and we are on speaking terms. You may not know where to find and Angel to save you.

blank stare

And you wonder why the few people who LOOK like Me seems to be feuding with Me?

That's because THEY aint like Me.

And I don't want to digress to express My sympathies for some of you.

Noooooooooo, My brother.

You aint reading what I said correctly.


If you aint a card holding Member and Owner and investor of the District?

Then your a tourist = "a Dark Side"

And I'm the Devil's Dominant!


And the Devil likes Me fucking with most of more than your asses know what being Devilish is about!

I aint Fake'n Da Funk!

I'm Funkier than most of these other loud Mouthed haters want to tell you they AINT ALLOWED to be but they want to look like they are more than Me. And They aint Met Me and survived quite well in Hell either.

So what You think?

That's right!

You don't have to think on the dark Side!


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