Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lusting for a vanilla life?

Respecting the norm?
Respecting the norm? magnify

Working on a relationship of any kind can be hard

But when you are single and a provider
And not a mate

It can be a bit more stressful

But it can be done

If it is worth it

But with no direction or mutual plan
You can end up just spinning your wheels
And waisting a great deal of time

But that depends on what you want
And what you are willing to do to have it

But what about whoever you are dealing with?

Do they feel the same?

Do they have the same plan and direction with you?

Do they compliment you and you them?

Because you can have a lifestyle relationship and not be in a vanilla relationship
Or you can them both

But that takes more work

And we all have needs

But sometimes I really desire more than just being more to others than I have from anyone on a personal level


If you don't mutually stand for something together?

Then you will only have what is available

If you agree


Or not


But when there is no emotional bond

All you have is faith, trust, and whatever you agree to be to each other

Or not


Respecting D/s 24/7

It's always a bit more helpful to have more support
And when you find others who respect you
And each other
You can build a better foundation

Everybody wants to do many of the things some of us do on a 24/7 basis

Some want to have productive relationships
Some want to be poly

But many find it to be more of a dream than a possibility

But it is work

And the pay off for being productive is worth the effort

Because it's all about what works well for you
But many find it harder to try than to do
And even harder to keep doing it
And doing it better in time

Every relationship is unique

Each person has needs and desires to support what they respect

And for me and mines?

We respect the ability to provide each other with positive support through the D/s lifestyle

And it has been helpful to all of us in one way or the other
We support each other mentally, physically and spiritually

And that is a rare combination to find and work with

So I guess it is what you make it
Every day you work at being more to each other
And it is a day to day struggle to stay respectful of each other's devotion to the whole
(here's a interesting post)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jealousy, Envy, Compersion, A Mish Mash of Thought.

Jealousy, envy and compersion…

It is generally agreed that jealousy happens, much like shit hitting the fan. There are times you can see it coming and maybe you can get out of the way. Sometimes, sometimes is flys out of no where.
I think a long time ago I felt a lot of what I thought of as jealousy. I see now that it was envy that I was feeling most of the time. I’m no saint, I’ve been jealous before.

But I learned though that there is a huge difference between jealousy and envy.

Jealousy is something that has the potential to destroy. It’s when someone wants what someone else has. They covet that possession to a degree that emotionally sets it apart from envy. Perhaps they will stop at nothing to have it or they will create problems for the one in possession.
Envy is a little different. It’s wanting what someone else has, but not feeling it to the degree that they’d act upon it. They want something like it, but not the exact thing that another person has. It can burn just like jealousy, but it doesn’t eat away at the person. It just sits and eventually cools.

Well, such things are easy to understand when say, you like your friends girlfriend. You can see the obvious boundary. He doesn’t share. She’s not yours, etc.

In poly though, um, you are sharing. You have access to your friend’s girlfriend. That girlfriend is your girlfriend, too.

In the latter case, jealousy and envy can seem closely knitted together. I would say though that the gut of both still hasn’t changed. Jealousy can move one to destroy a relationship. Envy is just wanting what someone else has without the emotional pressure to do something about it other than to look for your own piece of that universal joy.

But you know how does that work when two people have the same piece of pie? Can you have the same relationship with someone that someone else has with that same someone? Hmmm, that’s a little confusing. ( At least to me and I’m writing this shit.) So let me create some peoples.


Albert, Becky and Carl are a threesome. Albert and Becky met first; they are married. Carl comes along and joins the family. ( For reals, not that fake “sure you’re apart of the family” that some people dole out.) They all live together.

Carl loves Becky a great deal. Sometimes he wishes he were the one married to her. He thinks it might be nice to have that with her, but he won’t push it because he walked into the relationship fully understanding that Becky leaving Albert was the ultimate limit to what the three could have. Yet, Carl still dreams of it...

I’d call that envy.

Now for jealousy. ( This should be fun!!!)

Albert likes Carl. Carl’s a bit younger, maybe a little more fit. Big Al’s not packing the muscle like Carl is. Maybe Albert thinks Carl is funnier, smarter, maybe Carl makes more money than Albert. Who knows? Jealousy is weird. It picks anything to freak over and sometimes it freaks over the silliest of things. Maybe Albert is intimated because Carl is blonde…
Anyway, Albert hates to leave Carl alone with Becky. He promises them time, but he always comes home early or has to break the date. He’s constantly manipulating the situation and using his power to get what he wants.
Becky is upset but she doesn’t know what to do. She just wants to have some quality time with Carl, that’s all. She loves Albert and she would never leave him. She’d like to love Carl the same way, but Albert won’t seem to let it.
Carl is at a loss. He cares for both Albert and Becky. He wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize their marriage, but then he wants to have some time with Becky. Albert is married to Becky, she sleeps in his bed every night, they have had 10 years together, what more does he want?

Albert has let his insecurities take over and he’s not playing nice. He’s tossing his weight around and holding Becky and Carl emotionally hostage. Neither Becky nor Carl want to upset Albert to the point he wants to back out on this, but they want to be happy, too.

Okay so this isn’t Danielle Steel material, but you know a lot of poly jealousy is like this. It’s very covert at times. In this scenario Albert is creating animosity and manipulating the situation. He is constantly forcing Becky to choose him over Carl. He is making both of them feel his “primary power”. In the end, this is going to build resentment. It’s going to harm the relationships, all of them, A to B, B to C, A to C.

And it’s going to prevent compersion.

Ah, compersion. That’s such a soft fluffy word.

If Albert and Carl hit it off, if the two of them give each other respect and space and the most precious of all things, time with their lovers they will build compersion. They will be happy to see the other happy with Becky. They won’t feel cheated of anything so they won’t mind seeing the other one cuddled up on the couch watching TV.

I mean, in the icky situation do you see Carl smiling happily while Albert cuddles up to Becky? He didn’t get his night with her. He hasn’t had any quality time. I doubt he will smile a wit that isn’t filled with “Albert you suck.”

Yeah, I made Albert the bad guy. This blog is for secondaries after all.. We can all go find a page written form the primary view that is full of fears of what Carl may do. I say fuck Albert he’s an ass. J

But you get what I’m touching on right?

Maybe not because I haven’t really made a point yet. Let’s see if I can sum it up.

Jealousy and envy are different.
Jealousy bad.
Envy good. ( Well, okay.)
If you allow jealousy to run you, you can destroy your relationships.
Actively acting on jealousy hampers compersion.
Compersion is the goal for happy poly.

If you don’t confront jealousy it will make things hard. Face it, communicate it, deal with it, move on.

Oh, if it were only that easy.

Oh shit!!! I forgot, Can you have the same relationship??? Can Albert have the same thing with Becky that Carl has and vice versa?

Hell no. Each combination has its own dynamic and personality. Each person brings their own experience, creativity, joy, and baggage to their relationships. I’ve got leopard print luggage. You have a mish mash of JC Penny discards. We carry our sets on the flight and we have our own unique parade of wheeled luggage. Albert has moss green luggage that looks like birds shit on it. Not the same, totally not the same.

And you should be proud of it, proud of what you can offer not upset about what you can’t.

Gosh, maybe I should think about outlines.


Topic: BDSM

Expert: awhitecloud
Date: 10/3/2007
Subject: Entering a poly relationship

What can i expect from a poly D/s relationship if i am the third? i am new to the lifestyle and have been reaserching about it, but i can't find any websites that caters to Poly D/s relationships. Could you please help me?

0){w('Get the answer below
here are some links that might help! this site is all about Poly and being a secondary This is a nice overview

I do not think that being third can be that much different then being the second or the fourth or so one. The only major differences I have found is at the top and the alpha and everyone needing to work together.

I have been in a few poly relationships it is a lot of work for all concerned, you most be able to give and take. Have you seen the show Big Love on HBO? Well it has some good concepts on poly I do not think it fits over all into what things really are like but it does touch on some good things. You can learn more about the show on and go to big love.

The biggest thing I have found is that you need to have communication and not to hold things inside of you that you may be feeling. You need to be able to deal with the feelings and to talk about them openly and to work through them.

I hope that this has helped you some and if you have more questions please contact me I will do my best to help you.

Thank you




A basic foundation of support for each other as a family
Lifestyle Friends

Imperfect human beings who found some comfort in the living together in some manner together in the D/s lifestyle 24/7

That's what we do

And as the top of the food chain in this D/s relationship
I am proud to say that we have been more blessed together
As we live and learn each other more
We grow

And that is what many of you fail to find
Because you seek a unfair reality as to what this lifestyle is about in general

D/s in some ways is like adult parenthood
Some ways it's like a group or gang
Family in kink
A crew

And I can honestly say that the road has not been easy
But it has it's rewards
Because the other moments we spend away from the Dungeons
The moments we live vanilla lives apart in some manner
We still support each other as grown adults of like minds

And many come and go in our lives and lifestyles
But our foundation is built on a lifetime commitment to respect each other as individuals
And then as friends
And then as family in a Poly D/s lifestyle

And there is room for growth
And we all support anyone who respects what we do together

In our own style
In our own lives


And even though I am the top of the food chain in this relationship
I am only as good as we all are to each other

And as long as we can support each other
As long as we provide positive energy to each of us as a family

Nothing is impossible together

And it takes more time than a few meet and greets
It takes more time than a few sessions
It takes more time than a few ups and downs
It takes time to learn each other more

It is what it is for us

Poly D/s
*wicked grin*

Not that any of you need to understand what we do or not
But we know that the most important objective
Is to be productively supportive to each other as a D/s Poly Family

All we ask is that you understand that we respect this lifestyle
That we do

And if you are about being more in these lifestyles than without them?

Then maybe we are at least on the same page

Maybe we can learn from each other as a BDSM lifestyle community

And maybe not

But for us

Open Sexual expression

Is what we respect

And for that we have been blessed
To have these lifestyles as a basic format
As to how to add more style to our lives
And respect each other
And the Pimpstyle House as a whole

And today I just want to thank everyone who has been productive
To us
To our way of life
To our lifestyle as adult POCs in a SSC manner

So for me
AMP Sir Ez

And all that my fall under consideration in the days to come

We wish you all a better chance in finding what works for you
And youres

At least in these sexual lifestyles


Sadist are funny... To some people.

Respecting the Sadistic mindset?
Respecting the Sadistic mindset? magnify
It's funny how different a Sadistic mind thinks


We all tend to see even humor in a different light

Here is how the convo went...

One day Little Johnny heard a noise and peeked into his parents room to check it out. He opened the door to see his mom bent over the dresser and dad going at it behind her. Johnny's dad saw him and gave him a little wink as Johnny closed the door. After business was finished Dad went to check on little Johnny. He opened his bedroom door to find Grandma bent over the dresser and little Johnny going at it behind her. Dad yelled, "Johnny, what the hell are you doing?!" Little Johnny replied, "It's not so funny when its your mom is it?!" HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!

Master Pimp Ez

i say yuck

Master Pimp Ez
I bet grand ma was the bomb


Master Pimp Ez
a joke?
Johnny was a sadist


Master Pimp Ez
it didn't have anything to do with the grandma

no he wanted his pops to suffer

Master Pimp Ez

he really didnt have an open mind on the matter
he could have talk it out with his poops

Master Pimp Ez
And your point?
What would a Sadist do?
He was talking it out
the same way

well to stop that young child from reaching that point... he should have minded his pops and just ask what they were doing... pops would have told him that , that is what mommy and daddy do
then johnny would not have gone there beccause granny wasnt his
how i get them to sshhhhhs

Master Pimp Ez
The grandma that Johnny was fuckin
Was his FATHERS mother
He was his step son

still a mommy and daddy thing

Master Pimp Ez
Can I use this convo for a blog?
With your permission?

lol noooooooooooo
i might sound stupid
most moms ands dads teach kids that that is what they do

Master Pimp Ez
Come on man...we can call it a joke of the
I'll take your name off of it

so because of that johnny had no reason to do granny if pops explained it to him

Master Pimp Ez
because it was a great convo
I think all of this is great!

are you going to just use the JOKE
and not our conversation

Master Pimp Ez
I am asking for your ok for me to p[ost your name as it is or take it off when I do this post
what say you?
*blank stare*

are you posting the joke
posting the joke is ok
thanks for asking
now i feel bad cause you were so polite about asking
so in the note you may post the whole thing
and you dont have to block my name out

And that is how this joke became funnier

But what is more funny?

The first joke?

Or the way the joke turned out?

(this post was reposted with the consent of said parties)


Session in kink

Respecting the flesh?
Respecting the flesh? magnify
She entered my door
And fell to the floor
She knew that she had no clue what was in store
But she new she wanted more

And she lay at my feet in defeat
In the position
Of submission

She noticed I have pretty feet.
I noticed that she had sexy hands and feet too.
And limber
That fine young tender
I could not wait to bend her
In every direction
As she worshiped my erection
She made the right selection in her submission
Her lust for a Dominant position

Her servitude was her own condition

I allowed her to explore my flesh with her hands and her feet
This kinky little freak was not weak
And she was to get more than she could seek

As I answered her last question
We started the session

Respecting your fresh flesh
I love your fetish of feet
With warm pudding

"Fresh meat, so sweet!"

I love your dexterity

Your limbs are so talented
So are mine
As I squeeze your nipples with my toes
You know where your mouth goes
And you have good taste and it shows

As my lust grows
It blows your mind
To know that it's mine
And I am greedy
Not needy
I just want to hear you plead with me to stop

Because I'm not!
Just because you are getting too hot?

"You better give it all you got!"

Because tonight we are gonna find a few new spots

To explore

Soil you worse than a whore
And make you beg for more
Of me

Because your fetish is to please me
And I'm nasty
I do not fear being damn near ghastly
Nothing to freaky to get past me

Because I am gonna make your ass see
My fetish is the wettest fantasy
This is more than just kinky

This is personally
Respecting your flesh
Respecting my flesh

And then the session ended the warm up stage

"Yes my pet, you will be my slave"

Now turn that ass around and try to behave

*wicked grin*

I strapped her to the work out bench
And began to pinch
Every inch

She was bound
And gaged to not make a sound
At least that would have the cops to come around

Because I am about to get down
And durty

"Lawd, this aint gonna be purty"

As I opened my kinky toy case
I could see the fear on her face

She came for pleasure and pain
And she did not complain

And I ravaged her senses
And her only defenses
Was the surprise with each sensation I gave her
Only made her

" I think I better get her a new box of wet wipes "


Because tonight
She might
Just fight
For her right
To find sub flight

From tickle to to terror
I would dare her to scream her safe word

And she suffered the most intense pleasure and pain
And did not complain

She just drifted off to her special place

With that silly spent look on her face

She had did her best
To find a better respect for her flesh
My flesh
My fetish
My freaky kink
That took her to the brink
Until she could not think
Just be

Because her flesh belonged to me


Nobody is sane, but why complain?

Respecting your imperfections?
Respecting your imperfections? magnify
The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7, “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

I'm not trying to preach to anyone
But this post is about power

The ability to overcome your weaknesses
Through a stronger faith in your blessed self

If you considered yourself a blessed person

And what does this post have to do with these sexual lifestyles?

Total Power Exchange

The ability to control your own personal energies
And then the ability to exchange and support others

"Play well together in a SSC manner"

All of these Adult Sexual Lifestyles require the ability to control your emotions and enjoy life to the fullest

But it's difficult to deal with everyday struggles of life in general

And in order for anyone to evolve into that degree of adulthood
We first have to respect our imperfections and learn how to adjust our dysfunctions to better suit a productive adulthood

And these lifestyles are not selfish sports

If you are not aware of your own personal actions and reactions
Even if they are learned traits due to conditioning before adulthood

You can not learn how to relate to others enough to enjoy a fruitful adult relationship with anyone
Because you are not aware of your own faults enough to instruct them of your own imperfections
Before they point them out to you and cause conflict

You can not communicate

And communication is the key to any relationship or friendship

Jimi Hendrix
Manic Depression


Manic depression is touching my soul
I know what I want but I just don't know
How to, go about gettin' it
Feeling sweet feeling,
Drops from my fingers, fingers
Manic depression is catchin' my soul

Woman so weary, the sweet cause in vain
You make love, you break love
It's all the same
When it's, when it's over, mama
Music, sweet music
I wish I could caress, caress, caress
Manic depression is a frustrating mess

Well, I think I'll go turn myself off,
And go on down
All the way down
Really ain't no use in me hanging around
In your kinda scene

Music, sweet music
I wish I could caress, caress, caress
Manic depression is a frustrating mess

They claim that almost every person in at least this country has some form of mental dysfunction or personality disorder

Most are caused by social and cultural dysfunctions and abuse from childhood that becomes learned traits and personality disorders

And as Americans
Our history as a nation divided culturally and spiritually
Has been the cause of a lack of understanding of the vastness of our own individual personal insecurities

So YOU are not able to consider YOURSELF a part of a
mental dysfunctional majority
Because nobody else wants to see themselves included in this theory

So the first act of self awareness is to admit that fear is only as great as you respect it

Fear of dysfunction can cause you to defend your weaknesses

Fear is a threat to your own reality
Because it is a emotion
And emotions are caused by learned traits
Conditioned by individual life experiences

Yet there is no bodily organ that creates emotion

The brain is a organ
The mind is the result of conditioning of the brain

Emotions effect the mental polarity of the mind
Causing a warped sense of reality

And over 78% of this countries population siffer from some form of Bi Polarism

Bipolar Disorder

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes extreme mood swings. This condition is also called manic-depressive illness. It may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Bipolar disorder sometimes runs in families. If you have a parent who has bipolar disorder, you have a greater chance of having it. Both men and women can have bipolar disorder. People of all ages can have it.

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What are some of the signs of bipolar disorder?

At times, a person who has bipolar disorder may feel very happy, full of energy and able to do anything. The person might not even want to rest when he or she feels this way. This feeling is called mania (say: "may-nee-ah"). At other times, a person who has bipolar disorder may feel very sad and depressed. The person may not want to do anything when he or she feels this way. This is called depression. People with bipolar disorder can quickly go from mania to depression and back again.

Other signs of mania may include the following:
  • Feeling very irritable or angry
  • Thinking and talking so fast that other people can't follow your thoughts
  • Not sleeping at all
  • Feeling very powerful and important
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Spending too much money
  • Abusing alcohol and drugs
  • Having sex without being careful to prevent pregnancy or disease
Other signs of depression may include the following:
  • No interest or pleasure in things you used to enjoy, including sex
  • Feeling sad or numb
  • Crying easily or for no reason
  • Feeling slowed down, or feeling restless and irritable
  • Feeling worthless or guilty
  • Change in appetite; unintended change in weight
  • Trouble recalling things, concentrating or making decisions
  • Headaches, backaches or digestive problems
  • Problems sleeping, or wanting to sleep all of the time
  • Feeling tired all of the time
  • Thoughts about death and suicide

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How is bipolar disorder treated?

Bipolar disorder can be treated by your family doctor. Your family doctor may want you to see a psychiatrist too. You and your doctors will work together to control your mood swings and make sure you stay well.

Bipolar disorder is treated with medicines to stop the mood swings. Mood stabilizers are used to even out highs and lows in your mood. Antidepressant medicine can help reduce the symptoms of depression. Your doctor may add other medicines as you need them. These medicines don't start to work right away, but you will start to notice a difference in your moods after a few weeks. Be sure to take your medicines just as your doctor tells you.

Counseling can help you with stress, family concerns and relationship problems. It's important to get counseling if you have bipolar disorder.

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What can I do to help myself get better?

  • Read about bipolar disorder and tell your family what you learn. Your doctor can suggest resources to help you learn more.
  • Have a regular routine. Go to bed and wake up at about the same time every day. Eat your meals and exercise at regular times.
  • Take your medicine every day, and don't stop taking it even if you start feeling better. Avoid caffeine and over-the-counter medicines for colds, allergies and pain. Ask your doctor before you drink alcohol or use any other medicines.
  • Try to avoid stress.
  • Learn the early warning signs of your illness. Tell your doctor when you notice changes in your mood or behavior.
  • Join a local support group. You and your family can share information and experiences with the support group.

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Other Organizations

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Written by editorial staff.

Management of Bipolar Disorder by KS Griswold, M.D., M.P.H. and LF Pessar, M.D. (American Family Physician September 15, 2000,


Alternative Names:

Blues; Discouragement; Gloom; Mood changes; Sadness; Melancholy


Depression is generally ranked in terms of severity -- mild, moderate, or severe. The degree of your depression, which your doctor can determine, influences how you are treated. Symptoms of depression include:

  • Trouble sleeping or excessive sleeping
  • A dramatic change in appetite, often with weight gain or loss
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, and inappropriate guilt
  • Extreme difficulty concentrating
  • Agitation, restlessness, and irritability
  • Inactivity and withdrawal from usual activities
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide

Low self esteem is common with depression. So are sudden bursts of anger and lack of pleasure from activities that normally make you happy, including sex.

Depressed children may not have the classic symptoms of adult depression. Watch especially for changes in school performance, sleep, and behavior. If you wonder whether your child might be depressed, it's worth bringing to a doctor's attention.

Other common forms of depression include:

  • Postpartum depression -- many women feel somewhat down after having a baby, but true postpartum depression is rare.
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) -- depressive symptoms occur one week prior to menstruation and disappear after you menstruate.
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) -- occurs during the fall-winter season and disappears during the spring-summer season. Likely to be due to lack of sunlight.

Depression may also occur with mania (known as manic-depression or bipolar disorder). In this condition, moods cycle between mania and depression.

Depression is more common in women than men and is especially common during the teen years. Men seem to seek help for feelings of depression less often than women. Therefore, women may only have more documented cases of depression.

Common Causes:

Depression often runs in families. This may due to your genes (inherited), learned behavior, or both. Even if your genes make you more likely to develop depression, a stressful or unhappy life event usually triggers the onset of a depressive episode.

Depression may be brought on by:

  • Alcohol or drug abuse
  • Childhood events like abuse or neglect
  • Chronic stress
  • Death of a friend or relative
  • Disappointment at home, work, or school (in teens, this may be breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, failing a class, or parents divorcing)
  • Drugs such as sedatives and high blood pressure medications
  • Medical conditions such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), cancer, or hepatitis
  • Nutritional deficiencies (such as a lack of folate and omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Overly negative thoughts about one's self and life, self blame, and ineffective social problem solving skills
  • Prolonged pain or having a major illness
  • Sleeping problems
  • Social isolation (common in the elderly)

Why is all this information important?

"There is nothing to fear but fear it's self"

Fear is an emotional response to tangible and realistic dangers. Fear should be distinguished from anxiety, an emotion that often arises out of proportion to the actual threat or danger involved, and can be subjectively experienced without any specific attention to the threatening object.

Most fear is usually connected to pain (e.g., some fear heights because if they fall, they may suffer severe injury or even die upon landing). Behavioral theorists, like Watson and Ekman, have suggested that fear is one of several very basic emotions (e.g., joy and anger). Fear is a survival mechanism, and usually occurs in response to a specific negative stimulus.


Serious fear is a response to some formidable impending peril, while trifling fear arises from confrontation with inconsequential danger.

Fear can be described by different terms in accordance with its relative degrees. Personal fear varies extremely in degree from mild caution to extreme phobia and paranoia. Fear is related to a number of emotional states including worry, anxiety, terror, fright, paranoia, horror, panic (social and personal), persecution complex and dread.

Fears may be a factor within a larger social network, wherein personal fears are synergetically compounded as mass hysteria.

  • Paranoia is a term used to describe a psychosis of fear, described as a heightened perception of being persecuted, false or otherwise. This degree of fear often indicates that one has changed their normal behavior in radical ways, and may have become extremely compulsive. Sometimes, the result of extreme paranoia is a phobia.
  • Distrust in the context of interpersonal fear, is sometimes explained as the inward feeling of caution, usually focused towards a person, representing an unwillingness to trust in someone else. Distrust is not a lack of faith or belief in someone, but a feeling of warning towards someone or something questionable or unknown. For example, one may "distrust" a stranger who acts in a way that is perceived as "odd." Likewise one may "distrust" the safety of a rusty old bridge across a 100 ft drop.
  • Terror refers to a pronounced state of fear - which usually occurs before the state of horror - when someone becomes overwhelmed with a sense of immediate danger. Also, it can be caused by perceiving the (possibly extreme) phobia. As a consequence, terror overwhelms the person to the point of making irrational choices and non-typical behavior.

Fear can also affect the subconscious and unconscious mind, most notably through nightmares.

Fear can also be imagined, and the side effects can also be imagined.

Fear is the flip side of anger in the inbuilt human 'fight or flight' response.

Many people feel the effects of fear on a day to day basis in the workplace through the stress of a modern working environment. This fear has a direct correlation to one's working efficiency and has been crystallised into a chart through an ongoing linear study in Bristol. The fear-o-meter shows the range of emotions caused by the latent fear that a significant workload and impending deadline can create. Whilst one's ability to work effectively diminishes as the level of fear increases, productivity on the other hand increases exponentially as the impending deadline approaches. For example, a student might fail to start an essay until the level of fear reaches 5 or above, choosing to either go out or perform menial tasks until the fear has increased to the required level.

  1. Satisfaction
  2. Ennui
  3. Despondency
  4. Anxiety
  5. Fear / Vexed
  6. Despair / Anger
  7. Apathy / Rage
  8. Terror / Apoplectic


As adults
We deserve more out of life than what many of us have right now

Many of us seek these sexual lifestyles
Many others seek a more simpler productive vanilla lifestyle

We all seek the ability to enjoy a fruitful relationship of some sort

But in America there are more single adults than ever before in the history of this country

More single adults fear commitment of some sort
And lack the ability to find more stable partners

More single adults fear being able to trust each other
And lack the ability to find more faith in their mates

More single adults fear being able to play well with others
And lack the ability to respect each other as single adults

More single adults fear living their lives single and alone
And lack the ability to offer each other more self respect

More single adults fear never being understood by others
And lack the ability to control their own reality

And many of you are unable to change
Because you fear being mentally dysfunctional

And you are not alone
Just too lonely to understand why you are the way you are now

And only the people on the outside of your own head can see who you really are
And they can not help you
Until you first help yourself

But you first have to ask yourself this question

"Are you a idiot?"
"uneducated or ignorant person."

"Idiot" was originally created to refer to "layman, person lacking professional skill", "person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning"

"Idiots" were seen as having bad judgment in public and political matters. Over time, the term "idiot" shifted away from its original connotation of selfishness and came to refer to individuals with overall bad judgment–individuals who are "stupid"

"Are you ignorant?"

Ignorance is the condition of being uninformed or uneducated, lacking knowledge or information.

willful ignorance

  1. (idiomatic), also called vincible ignorance is a bad faith decision to avoid becoming informed about something so as to avoid having to make undesirable decisions that such information might prompt.

Let's keep it real with each other

We can't keep it real with each other because we can not be more real about who and how we really are to ourselves

And if you fool yourself into believing that you are who and how you are?
Whoever you wish to relate too can only relate to who and whatever they learn you to really be like to them as well as yourself
From the outside of your own mental reality

And as Americans
We have had a hard time growing into whoever we are today

And we have come a long way in the history of this country
And it has not been as simple as many of you would wish to think

Even my favorite Domme said it best:

SECRETARY RICE: Good morning. I'm pleased today to join Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky and Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Barry Lowenkron as we announce the publication of the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2006.

These congressionally mandated annual reports speak to America's continued support for those fundamental freedoms embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our country was born in the belief that all people, regardless of race, creed, or culture are free by nature and equal in dignity; that when given a truly unfettered choice, human beings will choose liberty over oppression, the natural right to life over the constant fear of death, the right to own property over random search and seizure, and that they will choose to be ruled by the consent of the governed, not by the coercion of the state.

These basic rights should be the source of justice in every society and the basis for peace among states. Too often in the past year, we received painful reminders that human rights, though self-evident, are not self-enforcing and that mankind's desire to live in freedom, though universally deserved, is still not universally respected. Liberty and human rights require state institutions that function transparently and accountably, a vibrant civil society, an independent judiciary and legislature, a free media, and security forces that can uphold the rule of law and protect the population from violence and extremism.

Secretary Rice briefs on The State Department's 2006 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices.  State Department photo by Micahel GrossWith the release of this year's reports we are recommitting ourselves to help new democracies deliver on their people's aspirations for a better life. We are recommitting ourselves to stand with those courageous men and women who struggle for their freedom and their rights. And we are recommitting ourselves to call every government to account that still treats the basic rights of its citizens as options rather than, in President Bush's words, the non-negotiable demands of human dignity.

We do not issue these reports because we think ourselves perfect, but rather because we know ourselves to be deeply imperfect, like all human beings and the endeavors that they make. Our democratic system of governance is accountable, but it is not infallible. We are nonetheless guided by enduring ideals: the inalienable rights of humankind and the principles of democracy toward which all people and all governments must continue striving. And that includes us here in America.

We hope that these reports will be a source of information for governments and societies everywhere and a source of inspiration for all who are still working for peaceful democratic change around the globe.

We are all just imperfect human beings

We must first define and understand our imperfections
All of them

Keep it more real with ourselves first

And the truth is:

"We are worth nothing to anyone else until we are worth more to our own selves."

"The truth will set us free"

"We have to be more truthful as to who we are and are not as of yet"

If fear is the only thing that keeps us from being better people?

Then maybe we first have to stop fearing being more blessed than we give ourselves credit for being able to be right now

The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7, “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” "

Learn your imperfections
And then respect them
Change what you can
And do not excuse what you can/will not out of fear

Fear is dangerous to our spirit
Our soul

Never fear being more imperfect than you think you know you are right now

If you want more out of your blessed life

Without self-knowledge, we cannot go beyond the mind.
—J. Krishnamurti

I like my friends like good tissue. Soft to the touch, but strong enough to deal with some real shit


You have to know how to relate before a relationship

Respecting the Horse before the cart?
Respecting the Horse before the cart? magnify
As a child around 9 or 10
My Father took me to a drum circle with my drum
And I watched as the Drum Master lead the circle
And I wanted to learn from that Master how to better play my drum
But as the end of the day of playing drums came
The Drum Leader was ready to go home

And I never got a chance to ask him
But I asked others as I grew up playing My drum
And they told me
If you want to be a drummer?
Buy a drum and play it
The more you play, the more you become a drummer

And I did

And 35 years later
I moved back to DC
And I went back to that same park
And saw that same Drum Master
And I brought my drum
And I sat in with the other drummers
And played My drum with them

And I would show up every Sunday early just so I could catch him and ask him my request of him
And I would end up being one of the first drummers there
And while we waited others would try to play their drums
And I would try to at least show them how to stay on beat
And how to listen to others
And learn how to play well with them

And one day I watched him arrive at the park early enough to watch me play with these others who were just as eager as I was to learn from that Master

And he looked at me and smiled in a way that scared me to ask him anything while I was playing in that circle

And after a few years I finally got a chance to ask the Drum Master if he would teach me how to better play My drum on the last day of drum circle season

And he said to me
"I will teach you when we come back for the first day of the new season of the drum circle"
And he smiled at me with that same smile again!

And when winter broke and we had our first good weather day on Sunday enough for us all to start playing at the park again
I eagerly took my drum to the park to play

And I got a phone call from one of the other drummers on my way there

And he said to me
"Hey Ez, if your on your way to the park?"
"You are in charge while we play the funeral of our Drum Master!"

And I was in shock

Because that was who I was running to the park to learn from

And now I was on My way to that park with My drum
Being told that I had to lead the drum circle until the others showed up from the funeral of Our Drum Master of over 40 years

And I arrived at the park normally early
And the other newer drummers and children were there waiting
And I showed up and we played

And I have been that image of a Master Drummer every Sunday
And I am learning how to play MY DRUM better

Without My Master

"Or have I"


I digress...

So many people in these so called ADULT lifestyle communities tend to think that you can put
"the Horse before the Cart"
By try'n to perfect a position or title without first understanding that these lifestyles require that you first understand and respect your own personal RELATIONSHIP Skills first

No matter how Dominant or submissive you want to be
If you suck at forming and keeping a productive relationship in your life

Then YOU are the weakest link!

"I was told a while back that if I was to learn more about being a better Dominant?
I should find a mentor that is in a productive lifestyle relationship
And learn from them and their relationship
And the same went for friends of mine who wanted to be sub missive"

I have since learned how rare that truly is to find

And now I question anyone who teaches anyone something that they are not doing themselves in real time productively

I have learned more about relationships and personality dysfunctions
And how they are more important than much of the training many claim they need or have as a Dominant or sub missive

So let's first talk about relationships
And how they differ in these adult lifestyles

Interpersonal relationships"

In the contexts of
sociology and of popular culture, the concept of interpersonal relationships involves social associations, connections, or affiliations between two or more people. Such persons may interact overtly, covertly, face-to-face; or may remain effectively unknown to each other (as in a virtual community whose members maintain anonymity and do not socialize outside of a chat-room).

Too many people talk the talk
But they walk around acting like we should trust them with our own lives and lifestyles just because they claim to be something you wish to become

"But actions and reality speaks louder than words"

And most people are best at online relationships than they are at living the reality of a productive relationship in real time
Or they are just fantasizing about being something they have not become as of yet
If ever

Analysts of interpersonal relationships (namely, any functioning humans) may view a relationship as focused (such as the sales-oriented relationship between a sales assistant and a customer) or as unfocused (as between passengers on a bus). People traveling to a football-match share a relationship — whether they support the same team or opposing teams. The significance of the relationship may not become apparent until they cheer or boo. In each case culture will tend to define the forms of both accepted and unacceptable interactions.

Interpersonal relationships vary in their degree of self-disclosure, feedback, power and respect — to name but a few aspects. They vary in the extent to which culture and language define or construct them. They vary in the degree to which people can question, challenge or change relationships of relevance to themselves; and that degree of changeability itself can demonstrate power-differentials in a variety of interpersonal relationships and settings.

Relationships vary in the degree to which both intimacy and sharing occur — implying the discovery or establishment of common ground over time. They may or may not center around things shared in common.

So what are you missing in this definition?

Interpersonal relationships as a category may have escaped public attention until the late 20th century:

The term "relationship", as applied to personal life, came into general use only twenty or thirty years ago, as did the idea that there is a need for "intimacy" or "commitment" in personal life."

If valid, this view raises questions as to what has changed — and how — to bring about the result where interpersonal relationships receive so much attention — both in academia and in popular lore.

Teens and parents go through a stage where relationships are lost or broken up by the changes kids go through as they mature into adults.

Over 90% of all failed relationships result from a lack of honest communication and awareness

So how can anyone teach the masses about something they have not yet mastered themselves?

Intimate relationships?

An intimate relationship is a particularly close interpersonal relationship. It is a relationship in which the participants know or trust one another very well or are confidants of one another, or a relationship in which there is physical or emotional intimacy.

Physical intimacy is characterized by romantic or passionate love and attachment, or sexual activity.

Love is an important factor in physical and emotional intimate relationships. Though the term is notoriously difficult to define, any thoughtful inquiry into the subject will show it to be qualitatively, not only quantitatively, different than liking, and the difference is not merely in the presence or absence of sexual attraction. According to one analysis, love in relationships is divided into two types: passionate and companionate. Passionate love is intense longing, and is often accompanied by physiological arousal (shortness of breath, rapid heart rate). Companionate love is affection and a feeling of intimacy and is not necessarily accompanied by physiological arousal.

People that are in an intimate relationship with one another are often called a couple, especially if the members of that couple have ascribed some degree of permanency to their relationship. Such couples often provide the emotional security that is necessary for them to accomplish other tasks, particularly forms of labor/work. A popular American phrase states: "Couples that work together, lurk together."


If you lack the skills to become at least a productive couple?
Then nothing more will prosper
(ie: Poly, Swingers, or lifestyle couples)

A free union is a union between two persons that lacks any publicly recognized bond (either civil or religious).

The phrase "free union" is misleading, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church raises the question of what "union" can mean in the phrase "free union". The expression "free union" includes situations such as concubinage, rejection of marriage as such, or inability to make long-term commitments. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, being in a "free union" is a grave offense against the dignity of marriage.

So, for many people who claim they seek a lifestyle relationship
They don't have to get married to have one
They don't have to be that committed to each other
But they do have to have a common bond of respect and faith in what they seek together
And in this case it is these adult sexual lifestyles

*blank stare*

And no matter how much you think you can learn about these lifestyles
No matter how much training you get

If you can not relate enough with whom you claim you seek enough to provide a better foundation of a relationship together?

Your just acting like you are what you are not ready to become to whomever may seek your services

And I am not judging any of you
But I do know that few of you are in any kind of fruitful relationships with anyone
Not even yourselves

So much of what many are reading from others who claim they are mentoring as to how to become a better "whatever"

Are just as blind being led by others who are blind as to how to first form a productive union with anyone

And I wonder how can someone with deep seated issues with the other sex, can actually claim they are ready to offer themselves up to someone who is of the other sex?

If you don't trust Men or Women in general?
How can you act as if you are ready to trust them enough to form a relationship worth anything more than a play session and a booty call?

"Aint that like putting the horse before the cart?"

(real talk here)

So while some may see this post as a insult or bullshit?
At least a few of us do know how to at least keep a relationship with someone for a better amount of time than what others have had and lost, only to now feel the need to teach others how to do the same

*blank stare*

So let me offer you a article that I read by someone that had a better outlook than what I have read from a few others who claim they are about teaching a better view of what this lifestyle is really about

Shared Wisdom On Femininity
& Submission

By Master Obsidian's slave, namaste

Read more of namaste's writings here:

I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I don't mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated. I don't mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling, be all that I am capable of doing, but I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding.

— Anais Nin

Modern women have fought for and won what women prior to the 1950's never had before. The female presence is seen in the boardroom, in the military, in institutions of higher learning. We get equal pay, equal political rights and control over why are so many of us more stressed and less fulfilled than ever before?

I submit to you dear readers, that perhaps in the process of fighting for what we did not have, we have abandoned and lost what we had. We have lost the feminine mystique. In my desire to embrace the feminine mystique I sought to recall a knowledge, a secret if you will, that seemed to be lost. When I have looked at relationships that last and are truly happy, when I have met women who have that "inner glow" and seem to revel in being women, when I read The Christian Bible, The Jewish TaNaKh, the Muslim Quran, the Tao or The Kama Sutra, I have come away with certain truths that resonate for me, certain things that, though not popular, seemed to work. It is in my embracing of these truths and actually living them I have found that centeredness which seems so elusive to modern women. Today I'd like to share some truths that have been very beneficial to me and I believe had made me MORE of a woman and more in tune with my femininity.

Women do not need to compete with Men, to Be as Men are.

It is within the scope of our differences that we are made one. It is through the Union of our two equal but opposite energies that Wholeness is created. A unit composed of only one energy type will eventually destroy itself. However in the wholeness that comes from having BOTH types of energy you can find your sense of self expressed and understood most poignantly. I am not a man. I've no desire to be a man, to look like or conduct myself as a man. Furthermore, I have no need to compete with any man...more or less with my Master. To compete suggests wanting to occupy the Space He occupies, if I'm in the Space that is His, where will He be? And who will be in the space I have abandoned?

His strength requires my gentleness and softness.

Often as women we desire for Men to be strong, however we might want to consider that the strength of a Man will require the gentle softness of a woman. I have noticed I feel most loved and cherished by Master when I am soft and gentle. This is not to say it is always easy. At times my initial inclination was to respond to hurt or fear by becoming cold and distant. Master would not allow me to do this. He worked with me by not allowing my defenses. I found myself responding to Him in softness, and I found Him handling me differently. His strength REQUIRES me to be soft. I can not respond differently and expect a good outcome. If I respond to His strength with hardness like stones, we cut against each other and eventually one of us will break. Because I am the weaker, it will be me.

His Leadership requires my yielding.

I have always wanted a Man who would lead. Most women I know say they want this as well. However, the truth is often that we want a man who will lead the way we would lead. In reality, if I want Him to lead I need to be willing to follow, to yield. It seems an interesting phenomenon that women want a Leader and yet will become angry if a man does not do their bidding, and then if He DOES, most women will hold the man in contempt for doing so.

I read a quote some years ago by Marlene Dietrich which speaks to this: "To be completely woman you need a Master, and in him a compass for your life. You need a man you can look up to and respect. If you dethrone him it's no wonder that you are discontented, and discontented women are not loved for long."

When I yield to Master's leading by being encouraging and supportive I am laying the foundation for us to have a healthy and long lasting relationship. I am opening myself and providing fertile ground for intimacy and bonding, rather than being a chore and sufferance. Yeilding brings a state of being that provides for my contentment as well. A contented woman is more attractive and lovely to her Master, and has a greater sense of self.

His desire and passion requires my reckless abandon.

This is a difficult one. Most women are raised and taught that to be a lady and a woman of worth means displaying very little sexual desire. When we enter into a relationship we then maintain this view and snuff out our Master's desire. This applies to women out of the scene and often to women who embrace submission as well. Giving ourselves over to the storms of passion our Master's ignite within us, without concern for propriety or demeanor can be a scary prospect. However, if I want Master to display and unleash passion on me, I must overcome these old tapes and give myself over to the fires He fuels. Rather than perfectly coifed and demure, when I am in His bed He desires to see my hair mussed by passion, lips bruised from kissing, my cheeks streaked with tears from crying. He'd rather hear my voice husky and broken rather than cool and controlled. Restraint in the bedroom is not a virtue.

His Dominance requires my submission.

If I would have Him be Dominant I must submit. This is the total crux of the matter in living a life of submission. To prefer His will over my own. To relinquish my way for His. This is the price of fulfillment. That I would embrace His masculinity, His strength His power and meet it with my submission, my weakness and vulnerability. That I would feel my femaleness to my core without the brittle mantle of control so many of my sisters seem to need to carry. We are told that fulfillment is found in control. What if it isn't? What if the road to peace and joy in our relationships is not pulling, but yielding? No leading but following? Not standing but submitting?

Now I am not here to be anyone's role model

You can live as you see fit
But I could care less about anyone one of you who claim you are a part of a lifestyle that I too respect a bit more than I am respected by anyone I am not fucking or fucking with

So take this anyway you want

*wicked grin*

But I personally think that too many of you online lifestyle people debate more with each other than you show anyone why they should be a part of whatever YOU call a community in these lifestyles for so called POCs

And it shows


Without self-knowledge, we cannot go beyond the mind.
—J. Krishnamurti

I like my friends like good tissue. Soft to the touch, but strong enough to deal with some real shit!



Your not like others?

Maybe your not deep enough to be this blessed?
Maybe your not deep enough to be this blessed? magnify

As I sit in the kafe on my Burfday
I reflect on

All this time
People been buggin
And all the time

They just been a bit shallow
No offense

But yall just aint deep enough

The fire of devotion purifies the heart of the devotee and leads to
spiritual freedom.

Bowl of Saki,
by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

Overlooking the faults of others with politeness, tolerance,
forgiveness, and resignation is regarded as a moral virtue in the
East. Man's heart is visualized as the shrine of God, and even a
small injury in thought, word, and deed against it is considered as a
great sin against God, the Indwelling One. Gratitude is shown by the
loyalty of the Orient and by being true to the salt; the hospitality
of a day is remembered throughout all the years of life, while the
benefactor never forgets humility even in the midst of his good
deeds. There is an Eastern saying, 'Forget thy virtues and remember
thy sins.'

'Chained with gold chains about the feet of God.' - Tennyson

Thus the heart, developed by religion and morality, becomes first
capable of choosing and then of retaining the object of devotion
without wavering for a moment. Yet in the absence of these qualities
it remains incapable of either choice or retention.

There have been innumerable devotees in the East, Bhakta or Ashiq,
whose devotional powers are absolutely indescribable and ineffable.
To the ignorant the story of their lives may appear exaggerated, but
the joy of self-negation is greater than that of either spiritual or
material joy.

Devotion sweetens the personality, and is the light on the path of
the disciple. Those who study mysticism and philosophy while omitting
self-sacrifice and resignation grow egoistic and self-centered. Such
persons are apt to call themselves either God or a part of God, and
thus make an excuse for committing any sins they like. Regardless of
sin or virtue they misuse and malign others, being utterly fearless
of the hereafter. Yet they forget that 'strait is the gate, and
narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life', as the Bible says.

The fire of devotion purifies the heart of the devotee and leads to
spiritual freedom. Mysticism without devotion is like uncooked food
and can never be assimilated. 'I am the heart of my devotees,' says
Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita. And Hafiz says, 'O joyous day when I
depart from this abode of desolation, seeking the repose of my soul
and setting out in search of my Beloved.'

As I sit in the Kafe while the rain falls softly
I enjoy my coffee
And I reflect

About the reality of respect

And I respect reality over truth
Any day
As I watch so many of you try to find a better way
As many of you pass my way
As some try to say

How dare I speak often of that word
I have heard the whispers of ignorance
From some who had a chance
To advance
In my reality

But they still don't know me
No more than they owe me

And I do not fault thee
But you just aint deep enough to be around me
Not in the city we call Hell
And many of you know it as DC

You aint me

And I have to respect the simpleness you see
Because my life is a fantasy
To the others who try to be a part of me
And all the while they claim that my style
Is too wild for that child

I agree

They aint ready to stay steady on the course
Of respecting a spiritual force
With no remorse

Because there is nothing wrong with none of you
Your just not as deep as you seek too
To deep to be true

Because you at best
Will be like the rest
Of the mess that revolves around you

And the few who say they know me
Still do not know how deep my name is in reality

As the Universe smiles on me

And all that flows
And grows

Every day

The Pimpstyle way

And what I have learned to respect today
On my Earthday
Is how to say

I guess I have not been stressed
For being more blessed
To not lead my life with the weak
Because I do not seek
Because my life is too damn deep

There is no game for you to peep

I don't have to creep

Because I can't sneak up on shit that is too deep

But people do

So I just want to thank GOD that I am too deep
For you

I am Loki

*wicked grin*

Without self-knowledge, we cannot go beyond the mind.
—J. Krishnamurti

I like my friends like good tissue. Soft to the touch, but strong enough to deal with some real shit


Being anal about Scat or

Respecting skat? Awl funk that!
Respecting skat? Awl funk that! magnify
Anyone who says they are not into skat?

Don't no crap about that

In fact
They can be quite anal about it

They aint into shit

I mean not even the smell of it

"Fuck that shit!"

*wicked grin*

What Women Love & Hate About Anal

.. --> G: Author Email -->
By Jasmine Leigh
Relationship Correspondent - Every Saturday

Anal sex is just one of those things:

she either loves it, or she hates it.

There is very little in between. Most women have tried it at some point, and a fair few of them will never dare again despite their hankering to be one of the "lucky ones" who love anal sex.

The reason for this avoidance is clear:


If there was no pain, there was probably pleasure.

Hence, love or hate.

It is true, however, that while you're trying to "get it right" there are likely to be some painful moments, practice makes perfect and it's the ability to maneuver oneself and try different styles that allows anal sex to be pleasurable.

We've decided to let you in on what women love and hate about anal sex so you can enter the situation sufficiently informed and ready to rock her world.

the allure of anal sex

For men and women, anal sex is a different, tighter sensation, it's a little bit naughty and it provides some variety to normal sex. Anal sex has a tang of taboo attached to it, though this is falling away: The taboo status of anal sex gives it better credence among the adventuresome and timid alike, and this adds to its attraction. Once tried, however, anal sex can quickly lose its appeal for women (and some men). Here we will discuss some of the reasons why women love and hate anal sex.

why does she love anal sex?

Let's start with the positives:

Because anal sex feels good

Women love anal sex because it can feel absolutely incredible. It's different in sensation and it doesn't feel like anything else she may have felt before -- it's deep inside, it's not her clitoris and is not in her vagina, but feels strangely like both in a sort of mixed-up combination in another part of her body. The rectum, once it's ready, literally swallows the penis up and can't get enough. The back passage transforms itself into a sexual playground. If the clitoris and/or vagina are stimulated while you are inside of her, it can take her to another sexual realm. Anal orgasms are possible.

Because anal sex is naughty

People love to be a little bit naughty sometimes, and anal sex is one of those things you can do completely privately, and nobody will ever know you were naughty except you and your partner -- which is part of the fun. It is also often a "first time for everything" type of activity which can also be nice -- doing something you've never done before, ever.

why does she hate anal sex?

Now for what goes wrong:

Because anal sex hurts

Anal sex is not easy to master when you haven't done it before. For a man it may seem straight forward -- in, out -- but it isn't this simple. Women hate anal sex primarily because it hurts. It can cause cold sweats, shivers, extreme agony, and a massive chemical release into the blood stream that causes pain. This is highly unpleasant, but may be endured because A) She wants to like it; and B) She wants you to like it.

If you're not very careful, if you don't warm her up properly, if you don't go slowly enough, you will probably hurt her. This really minimizes your chances for trying anal sex again. Do your best every time and you have at least a fighting chance at having another go.

Because she's worried about a mess

Anal sex is obviously a hot spot for mess. The idea that you could penetrate her butt and come out in a sticky situation is hugely embarrassing for her before it's even happened, and for this reason she may avoid anal sex altogether. Women spend so much time making themselves look and smell beautiful that to have something ruin her hard work can be mildly devastating. Worrying about mess can be alleviated by using an anal douche before engaging in any anal play. Try taking a shower together too, and make sure her bowels are emptied at least an hour before starting.

There are a few more things women love & hate about anal sex..

important facts about anal sex

Lubricant is essential

The anal canal does not produce its own lubricant, so it is imperative that you use a good quality lubricant in all your anal adventures. It is advisable to use a silicon-based lubricant because they tend to last longer and don't dry up very quickly like some water-based lubricants do. Don't use sticky petroleum-based products like Vaseline, as they clog up the walls of the rectum and are much too sticky.

Tease her

It is very important that she is very turned .. you even go near her butt. When she's turned on, her body is much more open to you than if you she is only mildly turned on. She needs to be aching for you to touch her there. Then, when you start to touch her closer to her anus, she will respond with moans and groans instead of a tense grimace. Rub her body all over with oils, relax her, love her, adore her, and caress her. Get her to the point where she is begging you for it, and do this without putting a single thing in her -- tease, tease, tease. Anticipation is one of the greatest sexual tools we have -- use it to your advantage.

Condoms and hygiene

Disease can be passed through unprotected sex -- this includes anal sex. The wall of the rectum is very thin and permeable. However, using condoms can be better for both partners, for other reasons. Women may not like to have a bottom full of semen, which quite frankly is a fair call. After the disruptions of anal sex, the semen mixes with the contents of the rectum and it can get a little "upset" in there. Using a condom avoids this trouble.

Condoms may also protect the penis from any stray fecal matter, though this is generally not a problem, and if it does occur can be washed off easily with no harm done. Men may like to wear a condom so they last a bit longer -- the condom desensitizes the penis somewhat, and allows for longer lovemaking.

what not to do

Do not ever put your penis into a woman's body without her express permission. Do not treat her body like a scoring device. She is not an object for you to ejaculate in or on, and if she is kind enough to share her beautiful butt with you, treat it with respect and be happy you were allowed close enough to breathe her in at all. Don't ejaculate inside of her if requested not to. Don't slam, jackhammer or be forceful either.

what to always do

Always use lube. Always wear a condom if requested to without acting like a baby. Do as you are asked at all times -- anal sex is a delicate situation and she needs to be able to trust you.

Gender presumptions and anal sex

When a heterosexual couple thinks of anal sex, it is generally man-in-woman anal sex. To get a good understanding of what it's like -- and how to improve your performance -- it is necessary and helpful for you to open your mind to the possibility that anal sex is not something that only you do to your female lover, but something that you could do to each other.

Scared yet? Don't be. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. Anal sex takes a lot of practice to perfect, and experimenting with one another is a fantastic way to deepen your connection and enhance your sex life and relationship. It does not have to involve sex toys. You can use fingers, tongues, oils, lubes, and any number of other things. Experiment, and let your own body be loved. It will pay off.

backdoor shenanigans

Anal sex is many things to many people. Do it right, and you'll get to do it again. Do it wrong, and you may be doomed forever. Well, probably not forever but until she forgets how bad it was the first time around.

There are hundreds of anal sex guides online -- explicit instructions on how to do it right. If you read at least a dozen of them, you'll probably have a good idea about how to start off. The best piece of advice we can give you is to make sure she is hot for it before you start.

Then you really can't lose.

But anal sex is not what this post is about

Or is it?

Getting the shit fuck out of your ass
Is kinda sexy until the clean up

Or is it?

So when you consider your hard limits
And you want to state what your kink is

Take a moment
And wonder

If your not into water sports
Or golden showers

You love to make it rain?
*sly grin*

While having anal sex
You should expect
A speck
Of skat
To cum from the back

And the fact
Is that I am a Ass Man

I am not a amature
I am the Ass Man
Let it be known
That I have shown
How easy your mind was blown
Just for not believe'n me
As you screamed
"...Is my ass decieve'n me!"
"Because you are sooooo deep in me!"
You are leave'n me no option but to want to cry
And I don't know why
"Your dick in my ass is so beautifull!"
Oh my
How can you be so skillful?
To make my little hole take all of you so willful
Bring such a feeling
As you are dealing my ass such a beat down
I love it!
"So shove it harder and deeper baby"
Because you have made me the happiest woman on the planet
Got me
Like Janet!
How did you do what you have done to me?
How can this shit be so fun to me?
And the degree of pleasure
I will treasure
For longer than you will ever know
Because my lust for this shit your doing to me
has opened a new door
Now I will lust for more
Have Dicked open a new door
And I am afriad that I want to be your whore
Your slut!
And you have put your name
on my butt!
I mean not just my whole ass
My ass hole
And now I have 3 places to worship you in
My new backdoor friend
Where can I find the words to begin
To thank you
For doin my ass in
Because you are no amature
Now I know
And good lawd!
I can feel you beautiful dick grow
In my ass
And I will stand and tell the whole class
"Let the whole world know"
How I have never felt this way before
And you made that shit happen with ease
Didn't even tease me
You just did it
Just to please me
If there was a
Golden Ass Award
You can have it!
Because you are so smooth with it
And you made my ass fit it
Like that dick was made for that hole too
And you are bold boo
To just be hide'n what you know how to do
And that's why I'm
Love'n you
In my ass
damn nigga
You got my pussy mad at my ass
I'm a virgin no more
in my last hole
thanx to you boo
And I want to thank you
For all the freaky things you do
to me
You have set my ass free
And I want to thank you
For fuckin me
In the ass!
The Ass Man Cummith
He is no amature!
This I know now.
Fa show!

So what do you really know about kink?

What do you really know about what you know?

Sex is as nasty as your ass can take it

But what is more important

Is knowing how kinky you are willing to respect
How kinky kink can get

And what you have not learned yet

Soft and Wet - Prince
