Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Ghetto is my Dungeon, I shall not want!

The Ghetto is my Dungeon, I shall not want! magnify

It was a dark funky night in the corners of Hell

Some call it the inner city ghetto
Land of Thugs, Pimps, pushers and crackhead alcoholics providing the sounds of poverty, pain and pleasure to the beat of sirens blowing to the next emergency.

She was not your regular hoodrat!
She was a classy Nigga.
A bad bitch in a boardroom suit that paid her own way into the condo that reeked gentrification as it towered over the street trash below.
She was not insecure in her gangsta. She was just alone in it.
Hiding a little dark image of something she thirst for even more than front row tickets to sold out rap show.

She had almost everything she ever wanted. Now that she had got everything she needed to stand on her own two high heeled designer clad feet.
The image of the inner city strong black educated young woman from Generation X.
And the X didn't stand for Malcolm, it stood for all the "ex's" she survived in her past.
The scars of the wars fought in her personal growth on the hard streets of the same urban ghettos that so many other ran from during her birth.

Now she bask in the words of ignorance as a creed of her Hip Hop culture and her drum filled beats of her blackness.
She was a down for whatever type broad who was down for her niggas. And the word NIGGA was her membership card to a darker culture that she dressed so eloquently in the busy streets of the corprate world. As she drove to work listening to hard core lyrics with a deeper respect for the understandings of the insults that rode over some freash beats. Hiding behind the lenses of real designer shades she had swagger in her saddness.

Saddness I said.
Because she had a hardcore hunger for the need to submit her lust to a image of her own respect. A image so dark to others that it could grace a Hip Hop Grunge Album cover and sell twice as much just because of the art work.
A Alpha Master Pimpstyle Sadist with OG in front of the pride for is Niggas.
No ordinary mixture of darkness would do.
No broke dreamed thug with a fear of living in the outer world.
No abusive alcoholic gentelman who could afford her pleasures.
No cyber geek with a yearning for dominance on the streets and in the sheets.
This image was so rare that she suffered trying to paste His image on mid night booty calls and frustrating moments of masterbation.

She knew what she was yearning for could not be found as easy as it could be fooled into making wrong choices too soon, too fast to get out of.
And she knew that if she ever found Him, there would be no turning back.
She was stuck. Silently searching for months in every possible direction of like minds and bullshit. Knowing that finding one as such in public was just as difficult.
She read hundreds of words from thousands of post. Enjoyed being entertained by fellow surfers and freaks who just want to have fun. She met a few. Nothing expected, nothing gained. And then one become more interesting. And as she studied closer she noticed that He was even closer of a choice of just meeting someone who may know where she may start her journey in finding something she was still not sure exist.

She was still a newly single woman living alone. So safty was also a issue. Who could she ask? What should she say? Why should she think about reaching out to a stranger like this? The questions never let her rest. And she knew she was a runner. She was chicken shit at heart. And this could be the start of a very scary movie she may not be able to run from. That alone continued to plague her as she pondered her next move.
As she studied his profile she noticed things that were not comfortable for her. Like He was a swinger, at least that is what it read in His information. And He was also Poly and owned other women, sexually. And she knew that ws a "No no" because she don't trust no bitches when it comes to dick! And bitches keep up too much trouble. And aint no grown man gonna have that kinda control that they gonna let her in. Shit, how many bitches can a nigga fuck anyway? Naw, that shit was gonna be a damn speed bump that will turn into a road black for her. She knew herself.
But something made her send Him a message first. And then a few more. Each time it seemed that she had so much to say or so much she wanted to write, but her fingers and her mind was stuck! And it got worse as she got the nerve to call him. And she almost broke down after talking with him for putting herself in that kind of danger for not blocking her number. And she waited to see if he would call her back. And He didn't. So she got the energy up to send him another message. Asking why He had not called. And He replied, "you did not ask me to save your number, call me again..." And she did.

And that is how it started.
She didn't want to think too much about it. But somehow felt herself thinking more about all the things that could go wrong with what she had done. And yet, she became adjusted to his voice. She struggled not to call to listen to Him. She could hear in His voice that He had a attraction to her. He was more of her type than most of the safer people in her life so far. But all of this was still growing in her head and between her legs. Yes, she began to remember some of the images of the dark lust she longed for. She wanted to be taken, chocked, ravaged, and trained to be owned. And even though she knew that takes a lifetime, she had already spent a lifestime in her past life. This was not something to play with to her. And just thinking how fast things had started to make her feel made her fearful enough to run even if her feet would not move. She so wanted to run! She wanted to run away! She wanted to run hard and fast. She wanted to run into the last arms she would even need. And that was scary enough to run. Even for a tough bitch like herself.

As time grew they met and talked for a short while and before things got heated one evening she ran again. And this time she tried to take control of the feelings that seemed to make her want to through caution to the wind. But the more constructive things in her life like her job and her family and friends helped her hide from loosing control if she saw Him just one more time. She hated how she started to feel everytime she had a image of Him in her head, or when she would hear his voice or read his words. As long as she stayed away from Him and safely behind the profiles and the security of not being seen? She felt it possible to somehow try to shake these feelings she was starting to loose control over. At one point she desicided to tell Him to let her step back and try to forget hw far they had gone already in her mind. And he stated "as you wish". And with seing that reply she felt something she was not expecting. She started missing him. And so she replied back to one of his messages after a few days had gone by. She even felt a bit ashamed to write that she had become to miss Him. Even though she had only met Him a few times, and had only remembered his voice that now became distinct, and she had missed his smell that seemed to lay faint on her memory and her lust.

"I will never call you unless I find it important to go through the trouble of calling.
What I will do is allow you to call me when you feel you are ready. And if one day we do become more connected you will learn how to listen for Me when I call you with my mind, and you will learn how to reply or not. "
She agreed not understanding what He meant about not calling and at least smilled knowing that she had not lost him.
But she also know she was stuck! Stuck between change and chance. Stuck between old friends or new dudes. Stuck between her fears and His will. And she knew that whatever she was going to do? She had to trust again. And THAT was a big challange!

She found the guts enough to just reach out one night. Just for a casual call to hear His voice and hope that things were still "aight" between them.
He answered "are you ready?" And she froze in thought of what He was asking. She answered "you know me..." And he laughed. and then he stated "what are you doing tonight?" and she answered " nothing really Sir, I am alone now and laying in your favorite place." she replied "yes Sir, i am, and wearing Your favorite outfit too..." with a sly grin. He said "I have a idea. Meet me in the playground about a quarter to 12..." She asked where. He said "look out your window" and she did. As she looked out to the playgrounds and ball fields that covered a city block view of her back window. She replied, "You mean the one right out there? In a few hours Sir?" and He replied "yes, and this is what I want you to wear. Wear your good high heel boots and old long T shirt and a thong over a trench coat. Do you understand?" she said "yes Sir, where should I meet you out there around 12 Sir?" and He replied,"meet me in the middle of the field at quarter of 12 sharp. If you are late, you will be punished. Do you understand?" she said"yes Sir, I will be there on time Sir, but how will I know how to find you Sir?" and He replied, "bitch, I'm black, it's gonna be the black of night, and My ass will be wearing all black. Just be there." and hangs up the phone.

She does as asked and get's up and dressed as he ask. Thinking of everyway to try to get out of whatever she was about to get into. As she looked at the clock she noticed that it was only 8:30 and it had not got real dark yet. And wondering what was she getting herself into. Everything in her head kept screaming don't go! But something in her knew she was past the point of going back. And so she waited. She though about calling Him back and telling him to not come all the way up to her hood, not because she worried for His safety but because she worried about her own. And time almost stood still as she waited for Him to call her knowing that He would not call her unless he called on a pay phone.

As she looked at the clock that seemed to drag the time away. It soon became 11 o'clock. And she pulled out her trench coat while all the while looking out her window for any kind of figure that may look like him or anyone else. She was going to be going outside to meet this almost stranger in the middle of the night, in the middle of a School Field that covered a whole block around. There were no light on and you could still hear the sounds of the city in all of it's darkness of the ghetto streets.

She was not afraid of going out dressed as she was, but she was afraid of being out in the middle of that field unprotected so she took some protection with her in her pocket of her coat as she walked out of her building and out into the openness of this vast play field to the location she thought he sooke of in his instructions.

She could not see anyone around, but it was dark. Not dark enough to see anything because there were houses and schools that surounded the fields. But dark enough to almost not be seen. And she looked back at her window of her condo accross the field, still with the window open to the view of her standing where she last viewed out of.

It was exactly 11:45 and she looked at every image around in her view. She was turning around trying to catch a glimps of Him when and if He was out there. She wanted to scream out His name just so she would know he was there at any image that seemed to pass in that direction but she feared it not being Him so she stood silently spinning around looking for Him. She stood there for what now seemed like a hour. And at one point she was about to leave when her cell phone rang. and she stumbled to reach for it before it stopped out of her coat pocket and answered it, "Hello? Sir? is that you?" And the voice on the other end sounded like him but He spoke real low. He said, " don't turn around. Just listen." And she stood there in the middle of the field with the phone pressed to her ear, "Yes Sir..." She said quietly. And he replied. "open your coat slowly and turn around slowly." And she did as He asked. It was difficult doing with the phone in her ear but the coolness of the night air made her get goose bumbs as she exposed her scantly dressed body to the darkness in the middle of the field. And then He said" very good, now turn to your right until I tell you to stop." and she did until he said "ok, stop, now walk towards the jungle gym by the bushes and place your hands on the bars on the right side of the jungle gym." and she walked over to a darker side of the field still looking for Him but only seeing a small towel on the right side of the jungle gym in the dark. It was hard walking in heels on dirt and there was a small puddle in her way that she almost fell into as she was walking towards the jungle gym. He replied as she almost fell "ummm, that aint Lake Minny Ta Ha" and she laughed at the joke as you could hear the sound of her voice almst echo in the stale ghetto air. She asked "where are you Sir?" and He replied," I'm in your head bitch, now put your hands on the towel and reach up to the first bar above you and hold onto it. The towel will take the cill off the bar below. And don't move after you put down the phone and take possition."

She did as asked and leaned against the cold jungle gym and reached for the first bar at the top and held on. He coat was open and the cold air seem to whip around her as she held onto the bar waiting and listening for the sound of Him. It was almost quiet around here other than the other night people walking around doing some ghetto shit. A few dogs barking and someone on their back pourch smoking a cig in the far way distance of the other side of the big field. But quiet enough to notice anyone close. But dark enough that she could not see.
After a while her hands got cold from trying to hold the tall bar abover her as she stood on the bottom bar to reach the top on on the inside of the jungle gym. And as she was about to take her hands down she heard a whisper."don't take your hands down from there..." She was kinda shocked hearing him and she was about to speak when he said,"shut up bitch, you try'n to get a Nigga locked up doing some kinky shit..." And she giggled under her breath that now she could almost see hot air coming out of her mouth in the cool stale ghetto mist.
She could smell some stanky ass smoke burning and thought to herself, that smells like some good shit! but she didn't make a sound. She could almost see a figure covered in black, but she could see the smoke from His cig or joint, she wasn't sure. But she knew it was Him. He walked behind her and put a blind fold on her and then she felt him tie a cloth belt around her wrist that was holding the top bar. He had climed up from the back so she could almost feel his body lean over her to tie her wrist more sturdy to the bar she was holding. But now she really couldn't see. But she knew it was Him. And she knew that she would never be able to go back after this...

He secured her hands to the top bar. She could feel them holding her to that bar even if she let go, but noticed that if she did she would be hanging by her wrist. So she held onto the cold bar as He the spread her legs and secured them to the sides of the jungle gym. the heels of her boots now secured her from swinging away and she could lean back just enough to feel the towel on the bar behind her ass. He pulled her coat behind her exposing her ass peeking out the bottom of her T shirt she wore. He tied the coat in a pony tail and tossed it above her landing on her hands on the top bar. She could feel the cold air and His warm breath over her back as he grabbed a handfull of each cheak of her ass. And she moaned silently. And He released his grip, and walked to the front of her now hanging from the inside of this jungle gym, blindfolded and tied to a cold jungle gym in the middle of a open field in the ghetto.

She feels His hands carresss her entire body. His hands are warm. She smells that good smoke in the air and he blows her some and she tries to enhale it. Taking it to the head. Ahhhhhh.... After a few puffs she feels the effect. Listening to the sounds of the ghetto at midnight passing by as she is being inspected by Him. she can feel him reach up to feel her breast and He notices she is wearing a bra. he says, "what's this? Did I say wear a bra?" She replys back shyly, "Sir you know how I feel about my breast?" And then she feels a sharp object between her skin of her chest and the bra. Tugging at it as if to cut it. She speaks, "Sir you don't have to cut it, it comes off in the front..." Just then he does cut it but she can still feel the cold steel of the knife on her breast as he speaks, "Ummm look here shawtay, when I say wear just this? That all. And these are not your breast anymore. they are mine. You say it!" and she replies "These breast are youres Sir.." He replys "good, and your gonna buy a new one for loosing this one to me for being stupid. And you know my ass is just crazy enough to ask for what I want and nothing more without permission. Shit, your bad. So... Do want another pull of this good shit?, she replies "yes Sir" sheeplishly. And she waits for him to blow the smoke. But does not smell it or him. So she speaks, "Sir are you there?" And all she hears is silence. She can't take the blind fold off and she can't untie herself. But she feels that He has left her there. And she starts to "bug out a bit". Being alone out in the middle of a fied all exposed to anyone in the ghetto is not a good feeling to have she thinks. Still she tries to listen to see if she can notice if he is still closse. She can't smell him and she can't hear him. All she can hear is the street noise in the middle of the night, and feel the cold wind aganst her slightly exposed fleash.

Suddenly she hears gun shots and people screaming near by, and she jumps from the shock and then struggles with her ties and her boots have her stick and she can't lift her legs to free them without trying to distroy a damn good pair of boots, but something is going on. At this point she tries to whisper, "Sir... Sir..hello..." She wants to scream his name hoping nothing happened to Him in that shootout too. And wondering who is watching as she is tied helplessly in this feild. So in fear she listens.

She hears someone close but fears screaming and them finding her and not letting her loose and "lawd knows what else"... So she waits and wonders. And then all seems to grow quiet. And the silence becomes more fearful than being able to hear the normal street sounds. She hears the police ride by but she is too far to scream.

So she is stuck.
As she can feel her hands going numb from holding that cold bar and feeling her feet starting to buckle from standing on that bottom bar. And she begins to shiver a bit.
And then she smells that scent. His scent. And that good weed smell is with him. And she feels him touching her and then hugging her. And in a way she feels glad that He is ok and asks,"what was going on Sir, can you please take me down from here? Are you ok?" and he replies, "no, I'm not done yet.." And he takes off her blindfold and looks her in the eyes. She is glad to be able to see and the first thing she see's is him. And then she notices that He's sweaty like He had been running. And He said "kiss Me" and she did. As he untied her from the jungle gym. she embraced him for support as He untied her coat from behind her back and huged her as she was lowered down from the cold jungle gym. As she got back on her feet she almost fell from the numb feeling in her hands and her feet. And she embraces him and notices that He looks shook up a bit. And for someone like Him that is scary to he so she asked, "what happened, are You aright Daddy?" and He smiled and said, "That is the FIRST time you have ever called me Daddy!" and she smiled and said, "You are my Daddy now... I got you Daddy." and He said ," I got you too bitch, like I said I got you..." grinning. And as they were getting there selves together they huged and He asked..." So you do know that I am not done with you yet..." As He reached between her legs and found her dripping wet. She huged him closer and whispered in His ear, "This pussy has been wet for you from the first moment I heard your voice" And with that said she dropped to her knees in the middle of the field and sucked Him dry.

As she stood slightly muddy in the middle of the ghetto field with her new Daddy, they hugged and kissed. And ran back to the condo and got into some freaky ass ghetto shit, together for the first time.

To be continued...


Obamaism in kink? (what you say about my Mama?)

Obamaism in kink? (what you say about my Mama?) magnify
We all have been blessed to be living in a new day in this world
A new reality
A new lifestyle
A new freedom
A new openness of our sexualities
A new ability to reach further than ever before globally
As a vast amount of people of the world
And communicate and relate to others

And as a American
In this country
OUR People of ALL races and Creeds of the world
Have melted into new and very different genetic mutations
Of human beings of other races of people
From every other location of this earth

From the many we have become one

And it shows!

Obamaism I call it
*wicked grin*

The reality of the impossible

We are different than every other race of people
Who right now
Are living somewhere else
In another place in this world
And they wish they could be where we are
But everyday we prove the impossible
We live together
As one united country
In theory

But just as the world is going though culture shock
We too are suffering from culture shock
But our suffering comes from times spent on this dirt
What we have grown out of having to be a part of due to the culture and race we are a part of in this land

Through the freedom of the WWW and mobile communication
We have freedoms that open up a new world to each of us
From the freedom of our own homes
As Americans

That in it's self is more than a small thing
That's culture shock!

Nothing like today has ever been this free for so many to indulge in freely by a mass amount of people in one country
We are very unique people as individuals of this country
No matter what race, creed, color, or kink we claim to be
We really are more free than we respect the responsibility
As a mass of users of these new sources of enlightenment

And I don't think we consider how deeply that can effect each others personal realities
And we should step back every now and then and reflect

Just how have these new changes in the history of our past?
Changed our realities of our own selves?
And why should we keep that in mind when we turn on these sources?

Maybe because if we take a moment to step back and prepare your mind for the responsibility of being a part of the World Wide Web with every key stroke we make.

And that is more important of a responsibility than just being bored and looking for trouble and entertainment.

*blank stare*

Obamaism in kink?

For the first time in the realities of OTHER people in kink
Of the world
POCs have become new members of many of these word wide sexual lifestyles in mass numbers
In some cases they have become bombarded with a rash of new POCs joining many sites and communities that normally was considered private to a few others of kink in the world.
Anyone can make a profile and join these groups of secretly kinky people who are used to seeing others who look like themselves

Many of them too suffer from culture shock

Just for signing on line and noticing a overwhelming amount of POCs who have not just joined their site
But have connected to a vast amount of other who they consider friends in kink

That is a deep understanding of what we all are dealing with right now

Just like wondering how Obama showed up in our reality
And changed the possibilities of the image of our country as a whole

We are living a new day right now

But many of us are suffering from culture shock.
Finding it hard to adjust to the sudden changes.
Not being comfortable with not being in control over their own image of what these lifestyles are about personally.
Watching these lifestyles grow.
And wishing they could control the direction of it's growth.

Culture shock!

  • The "Honeymoon Phase" - During this period the differences between the old and new culture are seen in a romantic light, wonderful and new. For example, in moving to a new country, an individual might love the new foods, the pace of the life, the people's habits, the buildings and so on.
  • The "Negotiation Phase" - After a few days, weeks, or months, minor differences between the old and new culture are resolved. One may long for food the way it is prepared in one's native country, may find the pace of life too fast or slow, may find the people's habits annoying, etc.
  • The "Everything is OK" phase - Again, after a few days, weeks, or months, one grows accustomed to the new culture's differences and develops routines. By this point, one no longer reacts to the new culture positively or negatively, because it no longer feels like a new culture. One becomes concerned with basic living again, as one was in their original culture.
  • Reverse Culture Shock - Returning to one's home culture after growing accustomed to a new one can produce the same effects as described above.

In some cases, it may be impossible to deal with culture shock. Some people will give up on assimilating into the newer culture and return to their own culture, and some become so magnetized to the foreign culture that feel they must permanently move there to relieve the stress.

We are living a new reality
It belongs to too many others you are not aware of.

That is scary!

Having no power to control how you define what you do.

Deep huh?

And we are suffering from subtle differences unknown by others who look and act just like us.
But they are so different that we bump head more than normal.

Culture shock.

How do we cope with so much change?
We don't in theory.
But they say:

Experienced travelers tend to cope much better with the difficulties of travel. Some common strategies used to make the transition easier are:[2]:

  • Reading about the country and its culture before departing. This way, the country and its people are more familiar upon arrival. They then become aware of differences in the new country and are thus better prepared to deal with them when possible (e.g., differences in hygiene, culture, the water).
  • Avoiding being offended, offending locals, or being engaged in any more general cultural misunderstanding; they familiarize themselves with local customs and language.
  • Being open-minded about the culture they visit.
  • Taking a 'time out' or rest apart from cultural exchange in order to reduce the 'shock' of adjustment.

Religions play an important part in this case. The culture shock feeling, in many circumstances, grows because of the different religions.

Some intercultural communication researchers claim that culture shock has many positive effects on intercultural sojourners, like increasing self-efficacy[3] and helping improve self-motivation.

Culture shock refers to the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, disorientation, uncertainty, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within an entirely different cultural or social environment, such as a foreign country. It grows out of the difficulties in assimilating the new culture, causing difficulty in knowing what is appropriate and what is not. This is often combined a dislike for or even disgust (moral or aesthetical) with certain aspects of the new or different culture. The term was introduced for the first time in 1954 by Kalervo Oberg

But I don't buy that.
That's too simple.

We are talking about a privately sexual lifestyle.
Publicly displayed.
Respected by others of like minds as to how they respect the whole realm of the BDSM lifestyle to some degree.

But we are talking about simple humans, right?

We all are just regular people with kinky desires, right?

So what's the problem?


Should a community have just one culture?

So why should we have one way that we see these lifestyles should be or not be?

Are we really down for real change?

What if that change is not what you expect?

How much do you really respect as being a part of something you really respect?

Culture shock!


Learning how to learn your Dominant deeper?

Learning how to learn your Dominant deeper? magnify

The number one cause for the failure of any type relationship is:

Lack of knowledge of each other enough to wish to care for them better than the need for selfish indulgence

But in a D/s, BDSM type relationship

It is the submissive that is most important

The submissive has the most important duty
Knowledge and concern for their Dominants health and welfare
First and foremost

The more the submissive is aware of the mental and physical condition and how to support the needs of said Dominant
The more possible it is to care and protect your Dominants health and welfare as the top and head of said house

I read and hear so many people claim that they are a submissive
And they may be submissive by nature or desire

But in real time?
The true tell of their abilities is how well they take care of the said Dominant that they have chosen to serve
Service to your ONE is a responsibility
The desire to honor and respect their importance and their need to be cared for too

Knowing how to better show compassion and concern for the value of your Provider is not just a good idea
But your most important duty
If you are concerned about whom provides for you
*blank stare*

I made a comment on a topic of why there are very few known POC Poly relationships

These lifestyles are still NEW to Black American people and others of color who deal with others of color.

They were still lynching Black Men for even THINKING of being with a white woman in the early 60s.

Polyamory was a secret in the black community.

But it was communal living with a certain respect for the community social structure.

We all remember someone who had another wife in another state or city.

But todays People Of Color have been raised to "stay out of grown folks business" or "keep it in the dark" or "do as I say and not as I do". And in many cases, People of color were NEVER told the true histories of their genetic evolution or their secret lives and loves and how they lasted longer than most would believe.

People of color in these lifestyles were never told about the deeper struggles and realities of the sexualities and kinks that was respected for it's need to stay private but respected when done with respect for the social respect for the culture they were bound by.

So today we lack the ability to learn the shameful truths of many before us who lived their secret lives in kink and sexual differences.

We have been Straight, Gay, Bi, DL, Freaky, and Kinky just like every other human on this earth from almost the beginning of time in theory. But the proof could set us a bit more free. IF we could see how. But pride and shame caused our heritage to be loss in fear of being wrong and even sinful.

The only sin we have suffered from is the silence of a culturally rich race(s) of people of color that has evolved into a openly free race of people who NOW are sexually free to become more open and blessed to be blessed adults.

So how does the POLY issue seem to be as difficult for many POCs who now have the freedom to explore more openly their freedoms?

yet, for some reason, mostly cultural and religious conditioning and teachings, POCs have feared the ability to respect the advantages of a Poly Dynamic. And the few who have found some form of structure in this style of life seldom record what works for them and publicize it for others to reflect upon.

Thank GOD for the Net, huh?

Well, for Me and Mines...

I have found more peace in being Poly in My journey with others who have found this attractive to them as well.

The support of each others everyday issues and the support given to and for each other emotionally as well as physically...ect.

This is adult parenthood and everyone is considered important like a child is to the parent.

Sex, is and has always been a the most powerful action of the body. Likened only to extreme drugs as to how it can effect the emotional and mental stability and control over realities and truth.

Now when you are dealing with more than your primary mate in a sexual nature? EACH person will suffer from NORMAL human emotional reactions to everything.

FAITH in the direction and purpose of your union is helpful, but all parties have to be on the same page.

It's not what emotion can occur when your faith and insecurities effect your mentality.

It's what you do to alter the outcome and reaction to your emotional lack of control of your realities.

Poly is not easy, but can become a supportive force in your direction as a family or even a gang!

But for POCs?

We have become so emotionally neglected that many of us suffer from our own fear of abandonment. We feel a need to become the object of importance. And we fear competition for attention. Socially we are timid about being used and abused.

So the reason why so many others have found this style of life more interesting is because for many NON POC cultures. Is because they have a greater ability to conceal their sexual freedom to explore within their own cultures.

You hear us say in public, "White folks is some freaky people", and your right!

So why are we less freaky and even kinky?

Because we live our lives in discomfort of being TOO FREE, just due to past conditioning and fear of being titled Sinful and even dangerous POCs. We live for the exceptance(sp) from the general public. And for "white folks", they ARE the general public.

So being poly for POCs is the biggest obstacle to Master.

Just because we have to work harder to get it right.

And there are too many people who watching and waiting to ridicule you for being greedy and thinking you could get others to support your greed.

And POCs really do care what others may think about them.

So POCs are the LAST group of people to find these lifestyles in the masses.

They are the last people to indulge in these lifestyles.

And many of them have to learn how to invent their lifestyles to suit their culture and conditions they live by.

And it is harder for many POCs because with this amount of exposure to just finding so many people who are open to be sexually free. And THAT is a first for many POCs in general and in history.

And many fear never being able to experience new things and new people when all they have known for so long as been the few around them.

It's a big world out here.

And POCs are just finding more of it to learn more about.

A relationship is hard enough getting, let alone getting right together for any amount of time. With all the advertising and temptations we now have for the first time in history. POCs are stuck between wanting everything they can get. And wanting someone to love, respect and belong to who is down for being with them for life.

You CAN have it all and a few others to share with you in a committed relationship and partnership.

But a Poly relationship is a partnership that you learn how to relate to each other as a team.

And a team is only as strong as it's members and how EACH member supports the whole.

A Poly relationship for POCs with other POCs are built on faith that each other can assist each other in building more faith in each other.

Sex is a dynamic that brings the need to better control your faith that there is more importance in communal partnership and TPE than who's getting more sexual attention.

Communication and openness are task that we all need to master.

Emotions and selfish desires are learned traits we have to defend our minds from preventing us from ourselves.

Time and devotion are utilities driven by a better faith in a unified goal.

Being Poly is not about who and how many you can have sex with.

Being poly is being able to have more emotional support for dealing with everything that comes from sexual manipulation and mental instability and knowing that you have help from others who feel your pain and respect your company.

Playing well with others.

POCs have never been around this many others in their lives. POCs have never known so many different cultures and lifestyles of others. POCs have never been this free to explore and invent their own life's path. POCs have never known the respect of being a individual because they are just now being able to call themselves People of Color.

And none of us are alike. But we are communal by nature.

And for American POCs.

We lack the positive images of how to better add style in our lives in these lifestyles because we have never lived this free to have as much company as we can respect.

And that is the bottom line to this lifestyle...


The importance of DUTY and DEVOTION to each other is a key to getting any relationship right

And as a submissive
Are just as important as obedience

Earning a pride and appreciation for your submission to your ONE
Is your reward
If you are driven for that respect for your submission

The act of submission is the most powerful act preformed when mastered for a purpose other than your self

The ability to convince a Dominant that they are valuable
The ability to support a Dominants goals and needs
The ability to uplift a Dominants ego and self worth
The ability to command a role of support and protection
From the bottom
Without subtracting the need for a Dominants place in your life

Our issues as POCs are no different than many others
There are subtle cultural differences
But other than that?

The only thing that shows the value of your submission
Is how well it looks on the image and stature of whom you serve
And how well you are supported as a valuable submissive to your ONE

We all know that submissives have needs and desires

But seldom do we see why the needs and desires of a Provider are more important in a D/s relationship

If it was not?

It would be a S/d relationship
A dysfunctional vanilla relationship
With no direction

The choice is yours

No duty to serve and support for a Dominant?
No support and service for a submissive

Know your duty to serve and support a Dominant?
Know support and service for a submissive

We all have a job to do in this life

It's how well you respect your ability to respect the need to master your own skills and talents
And how well you support the goal of the whole

If all you want is some attention and service?

It's better to pay for what you want

At least you can demand your money's worth
For the service you desire

But if you want more?

You have to earn your worth to whom you seek

That is fair

If you claim to be submissive by nature?

Then know that nature
Respect what that nature is
And be true to that nature

To submit is to give and support give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively). subject to some kind of treatment or influence. present for the approval, consideration, or decision of another or others: to submit a plan; to submit an application. state or urge with deference; suggest or propose (usually fol. by a clause): I submit that full proof should be required. yield oneself to the power or authority of another: to submit to a conqueror. allow oneself to be subjected to some kind of treatment: to submit to chemotherapy. defer to another's judgment, opinion, decision, etc.: I submit to your superior judgment.

The goal?

To complete a partnership between others who seek to become more complete with the assistance of others who respect their importance and needs to become more complete


As a productive partnership

Submission is not about sex
Sex can happen
But it's more fun when you know your place
And respect why you have a place
In others lives
With you

And how they can not live as productive without you too

Submission is a gift
When given for more reasons than your own

But you have to work for everything you seek
And whom you seek

If you feel up to the task
You know nothing comes for free

So who are you really?
And why do you want something you don't have?
And what would you do to have more?
Are you sure what you offer is worth what you seek?

What if it aint?


A Sufi study Sunday...

A Sufi study Sunday... magnify

In my studies I found a few words that I found helpful today

There are those who are like a lighted candle: they can light other
candles, but the other candles must be of wax - if they are of steel,
they cannot be lighted.

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

The voice of God is speaking all the time, but no one listens;
therefore God has manifested as man, that He might speak with a yet
louder voice. But even then man does not listen. In the time of
Christ the inspiration was there, the voice was there and the divine
power; but how few were those who listened and understood! ...
Whenever the spirit of God has come forth in its true form, the world
has been against it. Why has this been so? It is because man has two
sides to his nature, one false and the other real; and before the
true messenger can penetrate to the reality of a man's being, he
first touches the false or unreal part, and that revolts. And in the
case of a man who does not revolt, even though the light reaches him
his heart is covered, and it only touches the cover. Such a man is
attracted, yet he doubts.

There are egos who are not willing and ready to accept all that
attracts them. The more something attracts them, the more they rebel
against it, suspecting it of being a temptation. Even if they see the
reality of something that attracts them they consider the tendency of
being attracted to be a weakness. There are egos who refuse to accept
what their friend has accepted, and refuse to admire fully what that
friend has admired. And even if they really wish to accept something
that their friend has accepted, they will refuse to do so. For the
tendency of that ego is to swim against the tide ... building a
fortified wall between the messenger and the souls who long for
guidance. There are, however, those who are like lighted candles:
they can light other candles and they can inspire others. But the
other candles must be of wax; if they are of steel they cannot be
lighted. The heart must be like wax; it must melt; if it is like
steel, it cannot be illumined. ...

A person who, alone, has seen something beautiful, who has heard
something harmonious, who has tasted something delicious, who has
smelt something fragrant, may have enjoyed it, but not completely.
The complete joy is in sharing one's joy with others. For the selfish
one who enjoys himself and does not care for others, whether he
enjoys things of the earth or things of heaven, his enjoyment is not
complete. So it is only in this third stage that the following of the
message is fulfilled, when a soul has heard and has pondered upon it,
and has passed the same blessing on to others.

This was a busy weekend in my mind

The net acting up
The energy all over the place
The phone acting up

And just general life

The funny thing about dealing with others who have other lives

It's not about you


So when they effect your life?

You have to regroup and reflect
And recharge

This is my day to do so

Have a great week

The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.


Without self-knowledge, we cannot go beyond the mind.
—J. Krishnamurti

I like my friends like good tissue. Soft to the touch, but strong enough to deal with some real crap


The ups and downs of being Gifted

Do you believe in Extra Sensory Perception?

Do you believe that SOME people have certain mental gifts?

Do you believe that some people may be psychic?

Do you believe that we all may have some form of mental gifts?
Well, maybe not everybody wants to tap into that power?

What about energy?

Do you believe that people make emotional connections that cause them to become more mentally connected?

First lets dig deeper

Psychic Consulting and Healing

A person gifted with psychic powers can explain, understand or feel a force using the ESP which is also called the extra sensory perception or the sixth sense. This power is used to raise the levels of energy to comprehend and interpret things. Every person possesses such powers to a certain extent.

The people are referred to as mediums and psychics. The Psychics use aura reading, channeling, spirit guides, clairvoyance, intuition, numerology and astrology. Others can feel clairaudience which is the ability to hear sounds that cannot be heard normally or clairsentience which is the practice of knowing the future through an extrasensory perception which is something of intuition and not perceived by the common senses.

The psychic acquires a divination in which he develops the power of foretelling, prediction, prophesying with the help of occult arts. Precognition is a practice that helps a psychic to look beyond in the future under the Divine Guidance. Psychometrics is the theory of gathering power from knowledge of someone who is connected with an activity of moving objects with the mind.

There is also another Psychic theory referred to as remote viewing which is the power of describing a person thing or place without being present there. Telepathy is a psychic condition which is a communication between minds. These conditions are also psychic in nature and they go forward to bring about the work of psychic healing which follows many techniques like Pranic healing, Reiki or spiritual healing, intuitive healing, necromancy, mesmerism, distance healing, energy balancing, faith healing and so on. The Pranic Healers channelise their energies from within to reenergize a person with the illness. This can be done by the replacement of energies. The Chakras in the body are realigned with the help of Centering meditation and also by calming the body down and filling it with energy.

Psychic healing may or may not entirely cure a person but it speeds up the process of healing and takes the process through the right path. Psychic healing is based on the fact that anyone is capable of curing himself if he has the desire from within. An internal energy and will power is responsible for that.

Psychic healing process helps in treating phobias, disorders, depression, anxiety, cancer, and other disorders. This sort of healing and consultation can be done even from a distance. Animals can also be healed through the process of psychic healing. The psychic healers are available from consultation on the internet.

Although psychic healing is quite a controversial topic of discussion, it has been into practice since ancient times. The most common forms of psychic healing came through the Shamanistic Healers. These are a specially trained group of people who perform psychic healing though the intervention of spirits. In modern times, this healing theory can be traced back to the days of Antoine Mesmer who propagated the theory of hypnosis.

There have been numerous theories that establish the fact that Psychic healing happens and cures people. It is only the faith and the inherent strength of spirit of the patient as well as the Psychic that is of utmost importance. Psychic help is round the corner. If you have a will to get cured, here is the way.


Do anyone remember a elder in your family that always seemed to read your mind or know when your up to something?
For some parents, especially mothers, the connection to their children and even their mate is very real and even powerful.
Even if they can not explain how or why
They are aware of your mindset and mentality to some degree

Even if they do not want to consider that they feel something in the "force" that is not right

The force has alot of power
And for many
When you except and respect your intuition
The only protection you have over fear is faith

But what if you met someone who told you that they have a gift to connect with someone enough to kinda read their minds?
Or feel their energy?

We all to some degree have the ability to connect mentally with another that you are attracted too

But how long does that take?

How does it occur?
From what I have been learning?
As soon as you make a emotional, physical, spiritual connection

These connections are a simple as being connected to a friend, family, or anyone our directly focus your energies towards

For some of you who are into a more "Universal" spiritual mindset
You first learn to respect the power of the Human Mind
And the spiritual powers of the Earth, Planets, and the beyond

You few know by way of the chakras and even Light/Dark forces
Planetary positions
Some even know that right now in the history of this planet
These moments in these days are powerful and unstable to even the mystics
So anything is more possible than impossible

So lets get to why this is important to Me

I keep telling people what I know

I am gifted
In a spooky enough manner
That my life's journey and struggle
Has been more in devotion of identifying and defining my evolving powers
And at least attempting to respect the fact that I am not normal
And I have references

"When I say I got you bitch, I got you..."

I have no choice when that is respected enough to become my creed

But My biggest dysfunction is the lack of understanding and control of my evolution
And the discomforts of others not being able to respect these gifts I am dealing with
Because I have no choice

Thus the reason why all of these structured techniques are not just interesting to Me
But important to Me
Because respecting a open sexual understanding
And constructing more trust and respect in each other
In hopes that I may find a few who are able to not only witness my talents
But learn as I have to even fear the Universe that I am sponsored by

"yeah, sounds deep right?"

Thus the reason why I am a Ghetto Sufi Master
In advanced training
In Hell
Our Nations Capitol
Dark City

And if Big Brother has a reason why I reside here?
Most of you who read these words are not allowed to even find out why and who
*wicked grin*


What I do know?

I know that if you interact with others
You make certain connections
Sometimes it's just a feeling of chance or luck
Sometimes you feel a deeper connection from the start

But I don't know how to turn it off either
Or how to control

Thus the reason why I seek advanced knowledge
Because what I do know is
I am a bit more advanced
Maybe even special

But when you interact with general minded people?
You have no control over their lack of faith in your image of being more than just another normal person

But what if your best friend told you they were psychic?

What if your Dominant/Domme Mistress/Master was psychic?
What if your slave/submissive was psychic?


What if they were able to see your thoughts?
Your mentality
Your mindset
Your fears
Your dreams

What if you made a connection with someone before you considered them worth becoming more committed to investing in a closer relationship?

What if they became connect to you to such a degree
That they could see and feel your thoughts and emotions
Just by you not knowing that you are sending signals to them
And they not being able to help you know they are feeling you
For some reason

Not actual visions
But more like a instinct that is not needed as of yet
Not actual feelings
But more like a unstable energy pulling Me into your head
And maybe even your bed

*blank stare*

For me
I have to demand a certain openness from others I become connected to
I have to prevent unstable energies from others I am connected to even if I have yet Mastered that ability to define what or who and even why

Because I am gifted
More deeper than I can explain to others I interact with
So I tend to find some discomfort in preventing negative energy
And not being able to prevent others in my realm from unknowingly effecting Me with their energy

And most times the people I meet don't have a clue what energy I speak of and how they can effect Me or anyone else
Just by not knowing what kind of energy they put in the universe

Thus the reason why I have no choice but to seek knowledge
And why I enforce a devotion to assisting me in learning a deeper understanding of a deeper power than just TPE

Because if you have no idea or even respect to the powers of the energies that we as advanced humans ever evolving have yet to learn a deeper respect for the need to control your own energies
Even if you may never be able to define them
You have to respect that there is a greater power we all can posses if we first respect that life is driven by more than chance or luck

But for Me?

I know that I need to learn how to control how I let others effect my energies and how I can better assist others in knowing at least as much as I know, respect and even fear

So what if you knew that you were sending energy unconsciously?
What if you were sending off energy to directions that do not wish to be effected by their intuitions of a unknown force that is coming from a unimportant direction?

What if someone can be called spiritually by your insecurities?
At the wrong time
And you have no control of letting them go
Or preventing them from seeing and feeling your fears or frustrations

What if you were gifted too

And your lack of knowledge of being gifted or even connected to others you don't feel have the ability to be that connected with you like that

But what if maybe some of this can be more true?

What if you have no idea or concern for the possibilities?
What if you feel this subject is not that serious to you?

What if I don't want to be in your head?
What if I had no control over ignoring unstable energies that you are not aware of

What if I told you

"I stood over you in the dark"
In spirit
And watched you
What if I was stuck watching you?
What if you felt me for a moment?
What if I didn't want to be there?
What if I felt used as a reason for not being there?
What if I know your thoughts more than you respect them?
What if I was more gifted than you understand?

What if all I want to do is tell you how gifted I have become to you?

What if I never wanted to care about what you do in your life away from my importance?

What if the images I only saw flashes of are real?
What if I don't want to be connected to anyone that is not able to consider how gifted I really am?

What if I know more about you than you know I can see in your own mind?
What if I wish I could turn a blind eye to whatever I feel coming from your insecurities and actions?

What if just ignoring the possibility that anyone can be that connected to you somehow to be able to connected to a power in your mind that can effect Me by being drawn into your darker realities?

Would you consider my feelings and need to explain something unknown to even Myself
But I know that I am gifted

And once I become connected to people
Even in casual friendships
I become connected to their mind and mentalities
Even their fears

And the ONLY thing I wish I could do?

Is prevent a discomfort between each other
Just because if I am more gifted and connected to someone
And anything in their mindset and mentality causes me to be drawn into their insecurities

The only thing I wish I could do

Is stop you from mentally taking Me with you
Even when you do whatever you want to do
And I am not a part of what you do

And I am not committed to you

But I can be so connected to you
Just as a friend

That even if you tried to pretend that there is nothing that could be coming from you
That even if I was gifted

I would not be getting anything from you
Of a conflictive or masochistic/Sadistic mindset

Because I am not a part of you
And what you are into
In your own head
And life

And My biggest complaint
Is neither one of us all is a saint

But I am gifted

And I wish I could learn how to better protect
How others respect

How my gifts are also my curse
Because to not know why admitting my feelings can make a connection worse

Because I told told you first

I suffer from not being respected
For not being protective
Of my gifts
And how we are connected

Psychic ability is related to intuition and the 6th sense. Since Psychic abilities cannot be proved scientifically for the lack of evidence, it is up to the discretion of the client whether to use psychic readings for controlling crime or not. Prior to this the genuineness of the psychic readings are questioned. Some may say that psychic readings are useful to control crime while some will opine negatively and there are still some who would like to make the best of the situation trying to take the maximum publicity out of it. Believe it or not, majority of the cases fall in this third category. Opinion 1: Psychic readings are useful to control crime. People with this opinion firmly believe that the extraordinary powers possessed by the psychics could be useful to control crime. Some may know a crime to be committed in the future with the help of the tarot cards, astrology, dream, crystal ball or even through the belongings of the culprit. Some of the psychics may reveal the facts about the victim which till then have remained a secret. Some of the psychics are very accurate while some very vague. The psychic readings of Nostradamus are famous not only in France but worldwide. Sometimes psychics help to unravel murder mysteries especially when the criminal is at large or the body of the victim is not available at all. Sometimes they help to find and release a child or a person who has been kidnapped. Opinion 2: Psychic readings are not useful to control crime. Most of the police officers consider the psychics to be imposters trying to gain publicity or make money from the situation. Some people believe that if a crime or any other act is destined to take place it will and no one can stop it because it is in the hand of God. In short they believe that destiny cannot be changed. They consider psychic readings to be just another way of earning money by fooling people with predictions of actions or things that are going to take place in the future or have occurred in the past. Some people say that the psychic readings are just a waste of time, money and energy. Opinion 3: Publicity Factor In most of the cases it is seen that the person with psychic ability puts forth so much information with so much permutations and combinations that one piece of information comes out to be exactly as what is revealed by the criminal investigators. The psychics then claim to be right but at the same time never reveal the other alternatives that they had mentioned. The usage of psychic readings to control crime is solely at the discretion of the police and investigating authorities who have to solve the case and backup their claims with concrete proofs.

The reason why I feel being able to better control how your connections to others and your intuitions of others and the unknown reason why some form of energy has the ability to be killing me

Just because when I am feeling others in a psychic manner

The natural trait of human nature causes others to defend their ability to not be feeling me
Like I try to explain about my pain that causes Me
To wish I can control how to become more free
From the dark shit I get from others who are connected to Me
Or wish they could be
If they could better see
How gifted I am twisted into my reality

Because once you become a part of Me
Even as a friend
I can't pretend
That if you know how into you I am
That you could understand
Why I have to demand
That everyone who seeks to know Me
Needs to show me

Enough concern
To respect my need to learn

How to control how others energy
And how it effects Me
When we connect in some form of unity
As long as it is friendly


And try to have enough empathy
For what their lack of concern for my gifts that are a part of Me
And how my gifts fit in every part of Me
They control he very heart of Me

And I hate when this conflict of their memory

Of the gifted part of Me
And my own personal reality

And how these lifestyles are important to Me
How they support my sanity
My need for conformity
My house
My family

I am gifted
Sometimes my gifts can be my curse

And before it become worse

I will end that connection first

Because I have no choice

Because as I lay awake
I can't fake
The feeling of your voice
As you enjoyed your choice
In your own privacy of your own mentality
Without the thought that you got me caught in your fantasy
And that is not where I wanted to be

Unless you desire to become more to Me


And you can give a fuck
About how we may have become connected
In each others reality

But I am gifted

And right now I'm about to get lifted
And take another visit
Into a peaceful state of my own
And I wish that the connected would leave me alone

"when they in need of giving a stray dog a bone"

*sadistic grin*

I just want to do my best to put my mind to rest

And not put my Universe to the test

Just because you have to get some shit off your chest

What if I was gifted to the point that not respecting my gifts and connections to you
Can cause you to call me
And not notice How I stood over you
And knew that you knew
I was connected to you

This is not about you

This is about how being gifted can become a threat to your connection to Me

Just because you are not aware of how connected and unprotected you have become to my sanity

And I have to no ability

To show you how you know you aint feeling Me

And I can respect that

But try not to ignore the fact
That I am gifted


Buiding a supportive partnership is work too

Buiding a supportive partnership is work too magnify
The D/s lifestyle is more than just kinky acts
For some people

And even in your vanilla lives
The more productive you are as a partnership in a relationship
The more productive you all can be as a partnership

"A couple who make moves together as a force, can only reap the results of their actions together "

(assist, your sis, to a "T", and watch it be, more than you wist to see)

An assistant is a person or electronic tool who or that assists another person accomplish his or her goals. Some assistants are strictly based at one's place of employment, while others assist with personal, sometimes home-related tasks. In cases where the assistant is heavily relied upon, the assistant may be known as a right-hand man or yes-man.

(Yes Sir or Ma'am, Master or Mistress)

The term yes man is typically used for an employee who agrees with every statement of his or her employer. Some synonyms of yes man are flunky, stooge, butt-boy, suck-up, kiss-ass, and sycophant; all of which have pejorative connotations.

Such a person may also be referred to as a lapdog.
(lap dog, ie: a pet)

Unlike yes man, the term right hand man has positive connotations. Some[who?] assert that the term is based on the fact that most people are right-handed. Understood this way, the term refers to one who has the responsibility, knowledge and understanding, authority and ability to implement a plan articulated by one in a position of authority.

The term right hand man may also be based on the idea of a king having his adviser sit at his right side. Understood this way, the term refers to one who informs and advises a person in a position of authority, instead of one who implements the plans of authority.

In Ancient Greece, soldiers typically fought in a formation called a phalanx, where co-operation between soldiers was vital. Each soldier carried his shield on his left side, while his right side was protected by the man standing to his right. Understood this way, the term refers to one who is indisposable; a protector.

A biblical explanation also exists; in the King James Version of the Bible, Jesus is said to be "at the right hand of the Father(God). see Mark 16:19. Luke 22:69. Acts 2:33. Acts 5:31. Acts 7:55. Acts 7:56. This reference, in light of the whole of the biblical narrative, casts Jesus as either or both an implementor of a plan and/or one who is indisposable.
(and some of you already know about the biblical "help-mate")

People with the Helper personality, at their best, are compassionate, attentive, generous and caring but they can also be particularly prone to clinginess, neediness and manipulation. Helpers want, above all, to be loved and needed and fear being unworthy of love.

*blank sadistic stare*

As a sub missive or just someone who wants to learn how to be more supportive to their mate and family

It's helpful for you to also learn many of the techniques of a supportive assistant in more than the bedroom

y/you are the the back bone of a D/s relationship
And that compounds it's strength when you add others as a house or partnership

And one book I feel can also be helpful to any supportive submissive is a Administrative Assistant's and Secretary's Handbook

Here is a overview of one of them kinds of books

The most thorough career guide for administrative professionals addresses the latest issues in a new third edition.

Between coordinating meetings, making travel arrangements, and running the phone lines, being a professional administrative assistant requires an astonishing and varied range of skills involving interpersonal communication, written presentations, and organizational ability.

Written in a down-to-earth style, Administrative Assistant's and Secretary's Handbook provides readers with information on subjects including record keeping, telephone usage, office machines, mail, business letters, and computer software skills. Now in its third edition, the book has been completely revised with expanded coverage of topics including electronic records management, interpersonal and communication skills, troubleshooting computer problems, time and stress management, customer service, event planning, web conferencing, math for office professionals, office management and supervision, transcription, and much more.

Comprehensive and completely up-to-date, this is the book every administrative professional should own.
About the Authors

James Stroman (Dallas, TX) has worked as an executive assistant to an army general, a governor, and the owner of an NFL football team.

Kevin Wilson (Acworth, GA) is Vice President of Videologies, Inc., a company that specializes in training administrative professionals in Fortune 500 companies.

Jennifer Wauson (Atlanta, GA) is President of Videologies, Inc.

Most of the books like this should look like this:

A dictionary

A factual handbook of helpful hints out of the bedroom

This is the reason why I advise some who wish to build a better support base in your partnerships

Here's some of the qualifications:

* This occupation is expected to be among those with the largest number of new jobs.
* Opportunities should be best for applicants with extensive knowledge of software applications.
* Secretaries and administrative assistants today perform fewer clerical tasks and are increasingly taking on the roles of information and communication managers.

Nature of the Work

As the reliance on technology continues to expand in offices, the role of the office professional has greatly evolved. Office automation and organizational restructuring have led secretaries and administrative assistants to assume responsibilities once reserved for managerial and professional staff. In spite of these changes, however, the core responsibilities for secretaries and administrative assistants have remained much the same: Performing and coordinating an office's administrative activities and storing, retrieving, and integrating information for dissemination to staff and clients.

Secretaries and administrative assistants perform a variety of administrative and clerical duties necessary to run an organization efficiently. They serve as information and communication managers for an office; plan and schedule meetings and appointments; organize and maintain paper and electronic files; manage projects; conduct research; and disseminate information by using the telephone, mail services, Web sites, and e-mail. They also may handle travel and guest arrangements.

Secretaries and administrative assistants use a variety of office equipment, such as fax machines, photocopiers, scanners, and videoconferencing and telephone systems. In addition, secretaries and administrative assistants often use computers to do tasks previously handled by managers and professionals, such as: create spreadsheets; compose correspondence; manage databases; and create presentations, reports, and documents using desktop publishing software and digital graphics. They also may negotiate with vendors, maintain and examine leased equipment, purchase supplies, manage areas such as stockrooms or corporate libraries, and retrieve data from various sources. At the same time, managers and professionals have assumed many tasks traditionally assigned to secretaries and administrative assistants, such as keyboarding and answering the telephone. Because secretaries and administrative assistants do less dictation and word processing, they now have time to support more members of the executive staff. In a number of organizations, secretaries and administrative assistants work in teams to work flexibly and share their expertise.

Many secretaries and administrative assistants now provide training and orientation for new staff, conduct research on the Internet, and operate and troubleshoot new office technologies.

Specific job duties vary with experience and titles. Executive secretaries and administrative assistants provide high-level administrative support for an office and for top executives of an organization. Generally, they perform fewer clerical tasks than do secretaries and more information management. In addition to arranging conference calls and supervising other clerical staff, they may handle more complex responsibilities such as reviewing incoming memos, submissions, and reports in order to determine their significance and to plan for their distribution. They also prepare agendas and make arrangements for meetings of committees and executive boards. They also may conduct research and prepare statistical reports.

Some secretaries and administrative assistants, such as legal and medical secretaries, perform highly specialized work requiring knowledge of technical terminology and procedures. For instance, legal secretaries prepare correspondence and legal papers such as summonses, complaints, motions, responses, and subpoenas under the supervision of an attorney or a paralegal. They also may review legal journals and assist with legal research—for example, by verifying quotes and citations in legal briefs. Additionally, legal secretaries often teach newly minted lawyers how to prepare documents for submission to the courts. Medical secretaries transcribe dictation, prepare correspondence, and assist physicians or medical scientists with reports, speeches, articles, and conference proceedings. They also record simple medical histories, arrange for patients to be hospitalized, and order supplies. Most medical secretaries need to be familiar with insurance rules, billing practices, and hospital or laboratory procedures. Other technical secretaries who assist engineers or scientists may prepare correspondence, maintain their organization's technical library, and gather and edit materials for scientific papers.

Secretaries employed in elementary schools and high schools perform important administrative functions for the school. They are responsible for handling most of the communications between parents, the community, and teachers and administrators who work at the school. As such, they are required to know details about registering students, immunizations, and bus schedules, for example. They schedule appointments, keep track of students' academic records, and make room assignments for classes. Those who work directly for principals screen inquiries from parents and handle those matters not needing a principal's attention. They also may set a principal's calendar to help set her or his priorities for the day.

Work environment. Secretaries and administrative assistants usually work in schools, hospitals, corporate settings, government agencies, or legal and medical offices. Their jobs often involve sitting for long periods. If they spend a lot of time keyboarding, particularly at a computer monitor, they may encounter problems of eyestrain, stress, and repetitive motion ailments such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Almost one-fifth of secretaries work part time and many others work in temporary positions. A few participate in job-sharing arrangements, in which two people divide responsibility for a single job. The majority of secretaries and administrative assistants, however, are full-time employees who work a standard 40-hour week.
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

Word processing, writing, and communication skills are essential for all secretaries and administrative assistants. However, employers increasingly require extensive knowledge of software applications, such as desktop publishing, project management, spreadsheets, and database management.

Education and training. High school graduates who have basic office skills may qualify for entry-level secretarial positions. They can acquire these skills in various ways. Training ranges from high school vocational education programs that teach office skills and typing to 1- and 2-year programs in office administration offered by business and vocational-technical schools, and community colleges. Many temporary placement agencies also provide formal training in computer and office skills. Most medical and legal secretaries must go through specialized training programs that teach them the language of the industry.

Employers of executive secretaries increasingly are seeking candidates with a college degree, as these secretaries work closely with top executives. A degree related to the business or industry in which a person is seeking employment may provide the job seeker with an advantage in the application process.

Most secretaries and administrative assistants, once hired, tend to acquire more advanced skills through on-the-job instruction by other employees or by equipment and software vendors. Others may attend classes or participate in online education to learn how to operate new office technologies, such as information storage systems, scanners, or new updated software packages. As office automation continues to evolve, retraining and continuing education will remain integral parts of secretarial jobs.

Other qualifications. Secretaries and administrative assistants should be proficient in typing and good at spelling, punctuation, grammar, and oral communication. Employers also look for good customer service and interpersonal skills because secretaries and administrative assistants must be tactful in their dealings with people. Discretion, good judgment, organizational or management ability, initiative, and the ability to work independently are especially important for higher-level administrative positions. Changes in the office environment have increased the demand for secretaries and administrative assistants who are adaptable and versatile.

Certification and advancement. Testing and certification for proficiency in office skills are available through organizations such as the International Association of Administrative Professionals; National Association of Legal Secretaries (NALS), Inc.; and Legal Secretaries International, Inc. As secretaries and administrative assistants gain experience, they can earn several different designations. Prominent designations include the Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) and the Certified Administrative Professional (CAP), which can be earned by meeting certain experience or educational requirements and passing an examination. Similarly, those with 1 year of experience in the legal field, or who have concluded an approved training course and who want to be certified as a legal support professional, can acquire the Accredited Legal Secretary (ALS) designation through a testing process administered by NALS.

NALS offers two additional designations: Professional Legal Secretary (PLS), considered an advanced certification for legal support professionals, and a designation for proficiency as a paralegal. Legal Secretaries International confers the Certified Legal Secretary Specialist (CLSS) designation in areas such as intellectual property, criminal law, civil litigation, probate, and business law to those who have 5 years of legal experience and pass an examination. In some instances, certain requirements may be waived.

Secretaries and administrative assistants generally advance by being promoted to other administrative positions with more responsibilities. Qualified administrative assistants who broaden their knowledge of a company's operations and enhance their skills may be promoted to senior or executive secretary or administrative assistant, clerical supervisor, or office manager. Secretaries with word processing or data entry experience can advance to jobs as word processing or data entry trainers, supervisors, or managers within their own firms or in a secretarial, word processing, or data entry service bureau. Secretarial and administrative support experience also can lead to jobs such as instructor or sales representative with manufacturers of software or computer equipment. With additional training, many legal secretaries become paralegals.
Job prospects. In addition to jobs created from growth, numerous job opportunities will arise from the need to replace secretaries and administrative assistants who transfer to other occupations, especially exceptionally skilled executive secretaries and administrative assistants who often move into professional occupations. Job opportunities should be best for applicants with extensive knowledge of software applications and for experienced secretaries and administrative assistants. Opportunities also should be very good for those with advanced communication and computer skills. Applicants with a bachelor's degree will be in great demand to act more as managerial assistants and to perform more complex tasks.

Now how this knowledge connects to this lifestyle is in many ways

In human sexuality, Service-oriented is a term used in the BDSM community to refer relationship dynamic.

In a service-oriented relationship, the focus is on how the submissive can contribute resources to the dominant partner, provide for some of their needs or advance their goals. These relationships may or may not also include romantic feelings.

A common example of such a relationship would be one in which the submissive and dominant were romantically attracted and the submissive is collared to the dominant, indicating that they are "in service" to that dominant. The collar may well be predicated on certain performance levels or the usefulness of that submissive in specific areas. If those things were to change or dissipate the couple may remain romantically linked but often the collar will be removed.

For the submissive in such a relationship, the collar is seen as a status symbol signifying the approval and acknowledgement of a person they wish to serve. They often take great pleasure and pride in their status and relationship.

For the dominant, the benefits are practical as well as emotional. Many take great pleasure in being 'served' in this manner, and of course having the additional resources available is of immense utility.
When you decide to live in a real time D/s,SM, BDSM, or just plain old vanilla relationship

It is up to each person to not only enhance each other's lives
But it is helpful to also be supportive in the direction of each other's life's journey

And just like at work
When you make the Boss look good and become a productive force in a company, group, family or partnership?

And there is no bigger pride in a employee
Than the respect from your Boss for a job well done

And when we are dealing with our everyday lives
Between the kinky moments
A few more well done jobs can free up more kinky time
With your favorite toys

*wicked grin*

Like making Daddy the proudest Daddy in the whole wide world
Just because
Daddy knows you will be at his feet
No matter how big or small they are
There is always room for the person who knows they have made them shoes more comfortable for Daddy to wear

Kinda like bragging about the little things your kids do
That brings out the pride and the joy of being you too
Because they are not just a part of you
They are your life's work
In progress

*an actual emotional grin*

Even Dominants fear tears of joy

The most powerful gift a submissive can ever give
The freedom to be more free to be more free together

And you don't have to role play the part of
The Secretary

But when you really look deeper into the mindsets of a well made kinky connection

Fewer words need to be spoken

For the reward of more respect

I'm not sure what you are in these lifestyles for

But when done with style
A better style
A inventive style
A passionate style
A lifestyle

Can be more than your wildest dreams

And you really love your job
And your Boss

And even all of the employees that support each other
